Truth has stumbled in the streets – the loss of freedom of speech and religious expression
Those who refuse to engage in civil discourse have perfected the art of name-calling and labelling to discredit their political opponents before a view can even be expressed.
So justice is driven back,
and righteousness stands at a distance;
truth has stumbled in the streets,
honesty cannot enter.
— Isaiah 59:14
Name-calling and labelling to discredit and dismiss: Racist, homophobe, transphobe, intolerant, bigoted, flat-earther, climate change denier, even Christian: “Oh, but you’re Christian, aren’t you”.
For example, following a submission to the Senate in 2012 by Doctors for the Family, the signatories were “investigated” as to whether they were church-goers or had other Christian connections. Most of them were, because that is where the signatories had been sought, and so the critics said – even though the case made was a medical/social one and not Christian at all – that the submission should be completely dismissed. Further, that the names of doctors should be made known, so that people could avoid attending these doctors’ premises.
In 1941 CS Lewis touched on this in an essay “Bulverism: The Foundation of Twentieth Century Thought“:
The modern method is to assume without discussion that he is wrong and then distract his attention from this (the only real issue) by busily explaining how he became to be so silly. In the course of the last fifteen years I have found this vice so common that I have had to invent a name for it. I call it “Bulverism.” Some day I am going the write the biography of its imaginary inventor, Ezekiel Bulver, whose destiny was determined at the age of five when he heard his mother say to his father – who had been maintaining that two sides of a triangle were together greater than the third – “Oh, you say that because you are a man.” “At that moment,” E. Bulver assures us, “there flashed across my opening mind the great truth that refutation is no necessary part of argument. Assume your opponent is wrong, and then explain his error, and the world will be at your feet. That is how Bulver became one of the makers of the Twentieth Century.
Following the resignation of one of the Senate submission signatories from the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission, it was stated in an editorial in The Age 15 May 2012:
However strongly people in power might resent the right, citizens should not be denied free expression. Democracy is healthiest when contending views are exposed to debate and rebuttal. A politically constrained and uninformed ”debate” is a step towards authoritarian rule.
We have seen this denial of expression at work over the last few years, in the shutting down of meeting places where renowned speakers have been known to disagree with the prevailing thought on sexuality. In August 2018, at the University of Western Australia, a meeting was scheduled to hear visiting paediatric endocrinologist Professor of Child Health Quentin van Meter, and the venue had to be changed a day before due to student activism.
As we know, following the legalisation of “same-sex marriage”, Labor and Greens tried to further increase the teeth of anti-discrimination legislation by the removal of existing exemptions for religious schools and charities from the Sex Discrimination Act, and have promised to do this if elected.
The past year has seen the amazingly rapid advance (!) of the transsexual agenda and the label of “transphobe” to discredit presentation of the obvious binary nature of sex.
Sometime the transsexual bubble will burst. In the meantime children are being damaged emotionally by failure of simple, loving affirmation of who they really are and ultimately scarred hormonally and – horrifyingly – physically.
And we are seeing clusters of children caught up in this madness.
The most extraordinary thing is that this propagation of madness on our small children is by state indoctrination through our education system by legislation, including the threatened criminalisation of professionals who do not affirm the transition of gender in counselling.
Also, compulsion of faith-based schools to employ teachers who do not share the same values, effectively preventing the schools from requiring teachers to model the faith that is taught and embodied by the school community (policy platform pg181 para236, 239).
Parents are accused of abuse unless they also affirm transition, so home-schooling would not be an option to escape this indoctrination.
Thankfully there are an increasing number of voices from “ex-transsexuals” and feminists and sports people – particularly sportswomen! – but even they are being silenced. Yet Labor policy is to withhold funding from sports organisations that fail to include transsexuals (policy platform pg195 para347).
Even the LGBTQI movement is starting to fragment with the feminist part of the “LGB” realising the “T” threat to the place of women in society – sport, change facilities, career advancement, place in business and politics, everything they have worked for over decades – by the transgender movement and male-to-female incursion into their personal space and realm.
Thankfully the incongruence of transition to a “fixed” male/female sex by hormones and surgery, in total opposition to “gender fluidity”, is being recognised.
But to then classify these differences as being fluid or dynamic “genders” along a spectrum using such terms as masculine and feminine (how weird is that when they are trying to neuter those terms) and then to reinforce (always) these artificial constructs by “treating” with hormones or the amputation of sexual organs into – wait for it – the newly fixed (not fluid) pseudo-biological polar opposites of male and female is a mind-boggling twist.
To argue on the one-hand that there is no polarity, no heteronormativity, and then to amputate sexual organs in order to achieve what they have been trying to eliminate, is a travesty with irremediable consequences to the individual concerned.
Enough of the name-calling and silencing.
But if you, at the ballot box, vote for Labor, then you are voting for evil to be brought upon our children.
The Fear-of-God
builds up
and makes a world
safe for your children.
Proverbs 14:26 The Message
Postscript regarding the future if Labor achieves a working government and introduces its policies:
Eventually the transsexual bubble must burst, but in the meantime the twin evils of institutional indoctrination and compulsion to go along with this – and criminalisation of those who will not – will have been written into the law of our country, and it will require a catastrophic acknowledgement of wrong to reverse it.
When the enormity of the harm to our children is fully realised, Labor policy will have suffered a humiliating defeat.
Cultural Marxism through education will be discredited.
Will Labor’s previous leaders who still believe in the honourable ideals that Labor used to hold, speak out against the self-destruction of their party?
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Good article. Labour/Greens have abhorrent policies in the name of “human rights, equality and tolerance” that favour certain groups in the society and persecute and silence others. What hypocrisy!
The supposed voices of tolerance and progress, Labour and Green are intolerant of any voice opposed to their ideology. Love is preached but hatred is sown and freedom of expression and faith is trampled upon.
A very sensible article. You state the truth in saying it will all self destruct, it is inevitable, but what price for the innocent children caught up in it. thank you for your God inspired word.
Thanks for this. I just hope that enough people wake up to the damage being done to our children and vote against any parties pushing these destructive policies.
Hope that more people will read through this good article
Wow, C.S. Lewis really nailed it with his term ‘Bulverism’. I had not heard this before.
Now I just have an even deeper love and respect for C.S Lewis… he completely unmasked the truth in his explanation of ‘Bulverism’…. there will be no freedom for anyone just total authoritarian rule.
C.S Lewis is brilliant and in his explanation of ‘Bulverism’…. there will be no freedom for anyone just total authoritarian rule.
Our nation, built on a Judeao-Christian foundation, is being hijacked by a secular-humanist ideology championed by sophisticated academics and political parties, and very well funded by selected sympathetic business houses. Oh Zion Haste to intercession and action.