Towards Healing the Land
“The Earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof; the world and all they that dwell therein.”
~ Psalm 24:1
In late September 2020, Australian believers met together in Solemn Assembly, to place themselves at God’s disposal in His project of healing the land (2 Chronicles 7:14).
Now we look for guidance from the Holy Spirit to bring that project to a satisfactory conclusion. Graham McClennan (Oct.15th 2020) is right: we have prayed, now we must act.
But first of all, we need to come to unity with some common understandings of what we are being called to do. And that starts with agreeing on some basic facts and objectives.
What I have been led to understand under the guidance of the Holy Spirit over the past forty-five years, confirmed by scripture, is as follows. It was pure grace that opened my eye to these matters, so I offer them with humility and am open to correction if the reader thinks such is required:
- God created the cosmos for His own pleasure (Revelations 4:11) — everything belongs to Him. Everything means us, the land, and what is in the land — the treasures of darkness (Psalm 24:1; Isaiah 45:3; Haggai 2:8). [NB: The reason God sent His Son to the planet was because He loves the cosmos (John 3:16)].
- God created humans to till and keep the land (production and conservation hand in hand) in partnership with Him (Genesis 1:28, 2:15; Ephesians 2:10).
- God has distributed the land to each ethnos (tribe) and has instructed them to allot a portion of land to each household, for them to steward and meet their own needs for food and shelter (Numbers 33:54).
- God has ordained that households in local communities should operate as a Temple for the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 2:19-22; Haggai 1:3-15, I Peter 2:4-5). The Lord’s strong desire is to take up residence in such a temple so that the community lives in His manifest presence (Exodus 40:34; I Kings 8:1-11).
- The household elders (overseers) in each community are expected to assemble regularly so that Jesus, the head of the ecclesia, can share the name (character) of the Father with His brothers and sisters (Psalm 22:22, Hebrews 2:12), bringing encouragements and key instructions leading to God’s benevolent governance over His land (Matthew 16:18-20).
Land management in Australia is currently not under God’s governance. Territorial demons are sitting on the land and persuasive demonic voices (the Amorite Kings — Joshua 10) are directing our land management operations.
There are some encouraging signs that not all of God’s original instructions have been forgotten, but these exist as “tribal memories”, not as deliberate choices for our day-to-day operation. Most people in Australia (including Christians) are “living in Egypt”, operating in the principles of a corrupt money system.
Problems with Western Understandings
Modern Australia is very multicultural, but the prevailing laws and land management system derive from Western understandings — English Common Law in particular.
Common law arose from the King’s Moot under Alfred, which derives, in turn, from the local moot which is a tribal memory of the local ecclesia ordained by God. The local moot is still practiced where men live in “the contented moderation of the ancient manners”, as in the Pacific Islands and Africa (the indaba).
Sadly, in Australia, we have been enticed to move away from strong local government by the advocates of centralised government. The result is that:
- The welfare of local communities is dictated by distant politicians and bureaucrats who have little or no understanding of local conditions and needs.
- In times past, much of the law was dispensed by local Justices of the Peace. The legal profession has reduced the job of Justices of the Peace to certifying documents.
- Land distribution in Australia is controlled by a corrupt money system, not distributed to each household according to their need as God intended.
- Landholders have become fiercely individualistic; the concept of community has been lost in many places.
- We have embraced an economic model in which offshore multinational entities control the supply of goods.
- Some 85% of indigenous folk have left their tribal homelands and are living out their lives in the Western culture with varying degree of success; putting their money in “a bag full of holes”, like the rest of us (Haggai 1:6).
Problems with Indigenous Understandings
Correcting the Western disorders makes the indigenous problems look very slight indeed!
The indigenous population in Australia holds to the traditional belief that the land was created by the Great Spirit and that humans were created to care for the land. Well done!
But that they lost touch with the Spirit of the Creator and were deceived into receiving their instructions from the snake, dancing the corroboree to the Rainbow Serpent.
The result has been the neglect of two important principles:
- We are called to till the land as well as keep it. If we abandon tillage, we greatly limit our food supplies, existing only on what we can scavenge and never developing an economy. (We rejoice to see some aboriginal communities are now running successful cattle stations — more of this please!).
- God ordained that land should be distributed and held by individual households with secure tenure. The people living in the Tribal Trust Lands in Australia suffer greatly because this principle has been abandoned.
The task at hand is to bring the land and people of Australia under God’s benevolent government. This is possible because we are in the time of the “Restitution of All Things” (Acts 3:21) and God has been preparing us for this job in Australia for some time, as follows:
- In the nineteenth century He sent persecuted believers from Europe to Australia (Revelations 12:6). These people began the evangelisation of the indigenous peoples.
- From 1870 onwards He sent pioneer messengers to Australian to prepare the way for a spiritual awakening — beginning with John Alexander Dowie.
- In the 1970s, following Vatican II and the declaration of the Apostolate of the Laity, the Lord sent the Holy Spirit to Australia in a time of refreshing (Acts 3:19) to equip the saints (not just ordained men and women) for the work of the ministry.
- On the 18th of February 1985, forty Jubilees from the commencement of the ministry of Jesus, God announced the end of the Times of the Gentiles (Luke 21:24; Ezra 6:15). A new dispensation had come.
- In 2001, at the Praise Corroboree meeting in Canberra, the Lord announced that He was setting up His government over Australia.
- In 2002, He announced that He had his army in place across Australia. That army began the work of eliminating the influence of the territorial demons (the stoicheon, Col. 2:8) that have sat on God’s land of Australia since time in memorial.
- On the eight day of the Feast of Tabernacles 2014, a new wave of the Holy Spirit was released on the east coast of the Americas. This wave reached Israel in Tabernacles 2017. The glory now covers the world, including Australia, like “the waters cover the sea”, and is available to bring healing to the land if and when we are ready to embrace it.
- My calling has been to the Fleurieu Peninsula in South Australia, the land of the Ngarrindjeri people. From 2001 to 2015, three of us have worked under the guidance of the Holy Spirit to cast two major demons off God’s land. A third demon, a Rainbow Serpent demon, was ordered underground.
- In June 2017, we were instructed by the Lord to hold a meeting at Cape Jervis in South Australia to “Welcome the Bridegroom” to the Fleurieu Peninsula. We did so, and since that time, food production in the Fleurieu has been phenomenal in the midst of a nationwide drought.
- Local believers on the Fleurieu Peninsula are in the early stages of setting up associations (‘temples’ — Eph. 2:22) which will meet regularly to seek the Lord’s wisdom for the management of His land. This is God’s key objective (Haggai 1).
- Restitution is at hand! In strategic locations, from central ecclesia (‘temples’), apostolic streams of information (keys) will flow into surrounding areas, bringing the Kingdom of God to the land. [The blueprint was in the Garden of Eden, from the beginning!]
I am encouraged by John Blacket’s August Newsletter, The PREPARE Journey.
Unity is the first thing that is necessary on this journey — we are ‘one in heart’, now we need to be one in mind.”
Like my small group of co-workers and me, John and his team recognise that “there are territorial tribal spirits, python/water spirits, idols and much more that must be eliminated” from the land.
Progress has been made towards unity by the National Solemn Assembly. Now we must start dealing with the enemy.
Our Indigenous brothers and sisters know where territorial tribal spirits are located. Let’s join hands and get them off the planet.
It is one thing to talk about unity and brotherhood. It is another thing to work together to get the job done!
We are equipped to do this.
Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world!
~ 1 John 4:4
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