Days of Holiness ~ Day 6: Union with the Spirit of Holiness

6 January 2021

3.2 MINS

Those who repent I baptise with water,
but there is coming a Man after me Who is more powerful than I am. In fact, I’m not even worthy enough to pick up His sandals.
He will submerge you into union with the Spirit of Holiness and with a raging fire!
He comes with a winnowing fork in His hands and comes to His threshing floor to sift what is worthless from what is pure. And He is ready to sweep out His threshing floor and gather His wheat into His granary, but the straw He will burn up with a fire that can’t be extinguished!
~ Matthew 3:11-12 (TPT)

John the Baptist denounced the religious and cultural ways of his day, and spoke of Jesus bringing those who repent into union with the Spirit of Holiness. Even today, there is a sifting happening on the Earth from what is worthless and what is pure — there is a greater divide between those who love Jesus and follow Him and those who don’t.

Romans 1 describes the decline of moral and ethical standards, all because they traded the truth of God for a lie. As we intercede for the unborn and take action to see deliverance for the unborn — for those who have no voice, let us proclaim the injustice of their lives being taken before they take their first breath, with no hope of fulfilling the days allotted to them.

We recognise this is a holy war over the seed of humanity made in the image of God, and it has gone on throughout time. We have, through our own decision to follow Christ, been submerged into union with the Spirit of Holiness, Who now abides in us and is the guarantee of our salvation. This is good news, so we share this same Gospel, so that many may be snatched out of the fire!

Let’s Pray:
Heavenly Father, thank You for our union with the Spirit of Holiness, Who is the guarantee of our salvation. Lord, we ask that Your grace be extended to those caught up in the spirit of this world — that spirit that brings only death and destruction to humanity.

Lord, we ask for Your deliverance for those who see abortion as our cultural norm. Lord, thank You for sweeping the threshing floor in our days. We ask that You help us share the good news and rescue many from the fires of destruction. Most of all, the babies in the womb, and those being born alive and left to die.

Lord, in Your mercy turn back the devastating legislation that has systematically corrupted our nation. Lord, bring a resounding no through the Parliament in South Australia as they resume next month — bring defeat to the Termination of Pregnancy Bill 2020. Spirit of Holiness, bring Your truth and light to reveal the very real and tragic outcomes of this horrendous bill.

Lord of the armies of Heaven, release Your weapons of war against the witchcraft and demonic entities behind this covenant-with-death agenda. Bring more influential people in to fight for the unborn and to rescue the next generation from infanticide. Let them be passionate for the cause of the unborn. Thank You Lord, that it is not by power or by might, but by Your Spirit we overcome, so we keep looking to You. We pray in the most powerful name of all, Jesus Christ, Yeshua, Amen.

To send the intended influential message to our politicians
that South Australians DO NOT want legalised abortion up to birth,
we need thousands of people on the WALK for LIFE!

It will take each of us to SPREAD THE WORD through all our networks!

Go to our website & our Facebook page Love Adelaide — make sure you ‘like’ the page and share the event.


The team at the Canberra Declaration are partnering with Love Adelaide’s call for 37 Days of Prayer & Fasting in asking God for the defeat of this horrific SA abortion to birth legislation that will be voted on in February 2021. We are doing this by calling for 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting from 1 – 21 January 2021. (Feel free to join them for the full 37 Days should you so wish.)

We are also adding some very specific prayer requests over and above the defeat of this horrific anti-LIFE legislation in SA. Join with us as we believe for breakthrough for these key prayer points. Feel free to add your own prayer requests for friends and family, your church and your local community as you feel led. Join us each night of the 21 days at 8pm (AEDT, NSW, Vic, Tas time) in Zoom Room 776881184.


  1. A revelation for Australians of Jesus Christ and Him crucified
  2. The defeat of South Australia’s Abortion Legalisation Bill
  3. The defeat of Victoria’s “Change or Suppression” Bill
  4. Integrity and justice in the U.S. election process
[Photo by Tamara Menzi on Unsplash]

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