Conservatives, Christians and the Coming Election
This new book on Scott Morrison is a must-read, especially ahead of the imminent federal election. Despite high hopes at the start of his term, our Prime Minister has proven a disappointment to his conservative Christian base.
Now that Australians know when the next federal election is taking place (May 21), the more seasoned political observers among us may not be all that excited — certainly if they are Christians who are also conservatives. Picking between Tweedledum and Tweedledee is not a very exciting prospect.
Those of us who have been around for a while know that a change of government can often result in little change in actual substance and policy. Australia increasing has only centre-left major parties now, with few real conservative options available. Thus one can become a bit cynical.
A Rock and a Hard Place
Indeed, many will be all rather jaded at the moment. As Alexandra Marshall recently tweeted:
“Labor and Liberal political campaigns be like: ‘We locked you in your home for months. Ruined your businesses. Destroyed the economy. Created a new system of medical discrimination and segregation. Traumatised your children. Now, we will go head-to-head offering “free stuff!”’.”
Of interest, both leaders — ScoMo and Albo — are now trying to convince people they actually are conservatives. Morrison says he knows what a woman is. Well, that is a good start. And Labor is trying to reinvent Albanese, claiming he is a ‘fiscally conservative moderate’. But given that the other day he could not even tell us what the jobless rate and cash rate were, this is not very reassuring.
Lackadaisical Leader
A new book also takes a dim few of the options — at least one of the two main parties. A political party tends to be only as good as its current leader. If the leader is not up to speed, the party suffers.
That is how Perth law professors Augusto Zimmermann and Rocco Loiacono see Scott Morrison in their new book, Deconstructing ScoMo (Locke Press, 2022). Australians will find the book here.
As is mentioned in the Preface:
This book is a collection of articles and essays published over the course of Scott Morrison’s prime ministership, with the majority focussing on the years 2020 and 2021. These pieces, written in the main by Professor Augusto Zimmermann and published in various online and print outlets and edited for this book, deal not only with Scott Morrison’s handling of Covid-19, but with many issues that are critically important to those who would traditionally consider themselves Liberal voters, namely: freedom of speech, religious freedom, individual liberty, fiscal discipline, the rise of China, wokeism, the climate change cult, and so on.
Chapter One begins this way:
“The Australian Labor Party hasn’t been the party for blue-collar battlers for a very, very long time. Instead, this is the party for group interests pushing such things as state-sanctioned abortion on demand, assisted suicide, the LGBTIQPAX+ agenda, radical environmentalism, etc. However, in many ways the Liberal Party is not so different.”
Most of the book’s 20 chapters deal with freedom and how it has taken a hammering over recent years. Morrison is not alone in weakening our liberties — be they religious freedom or free speech or even the rule of law — but he has done little to strengthen them, argue the authors.
Pandemic Pitfalls
The handling — or mishandling — of Covid has been a major case in point. Chapters 16-20 deal directly with this issue. The authors say that the National Cabinet set up to deal with this has done far more harm than good, and the states were able to get away with murder (sometimes literally) in their incompetence and deplorable and heavy-handed lockdowns. And ScoMo basically was unable or unwilling to reign in these despotic state premiers.
An entire chapter is devoted to one of the worst premiers in the country when it comes to all this: Dan Andrews of Victoria. Yes, other premiers have also been quite shocking, but Dan may take the cake here. My own website has featured many dozens of articles on the hell-hole that Victoria has become under his reign of terror.
The case of pastor Paul Furlong being imprisoned for daring to keep his church open is mentioned. Says Zimmermann:
But while the men and women of the cloth disappoint in shrinking from defying the state and its VicPol enforcers, my disappointment is more pronounced in the case of one prominent Christian leader in particular. I speak of Prime Minister Scott Morrison. While his fellow believers in Victoria see their most basic rights violated, Mr Morrison simply refuses to criticise the Andrews government in the name of supporting “national leadership unity”.
And then we had the pregnant mother arrested in her own home in her pyjamas in front of her little children by Andrews’ henchmen:
“How can our system of representative government be reconciled with police bursting into private homes to arrest a mother in front of her children because of a Facebook message? Under the Victorian government, writes Greg Sheridan, ‘all the mechanisms of democratic accountability have virtually disappeared… Victoria has become a dysfunctional one-party state with a mostly compliant local media’.”
The chapter finishes this way:
“Premier Andrews is an authoritarian ruler, no doubt about it, and the Prime Minister is effectively empowering and facilitating his arbitrary government. Indeed, the Morrison Government is actively financing and assisting these draconian lockdown measures that have inflicted great pain and suffering to the people of Victoria.”
Yes quite right. As a Victorian resident, I have had to live through all this hellishness. Voters should not forget how complicit ScoMo was in all of this. Instead of standing up to these state dictators, he simply aided and abetted them. So much for strong and decisive Liberal leadership.
Paucity of Principles
In the book’s Conclusion we read:
Contrast Morrison with Liberal leaders like John Howard and Tony Abbott, who stood out for their conviction. For most of his public life, Howard affirmed how he was inspired by Reagan and Thatcher’s conservatism. Their success in government centred on the implementation of core conservative ideals: lower taxes, smaller government, reward for individual effort, defence of the family and the importance of: national sovereignty, the rule of law and, above all, individual liberty.
The book’s final paragraph sums things up:
“When you look at its record, the Morrison government is like Seinfeld, a show about nothing (but without the laughs). It hasn’t achieved anything of significance in three terms that you would expect a centre-right government worthy of the term to achieve. Why would it achieve anything in a fourth?”
One complaint that can be offered here is that while these chapters make for a good demolition job of ScoMo, and a good summary of his many failures and shortcomings as a ‘conservative and Christian’ leader, we have nothing offered by way of replacement — especially in light of the upcoming election.
Zimmermann did quit his membership of the Liberal Party a while ago, and he would certainly not encourage us to vote for Albo and the Greens. But which way forward? The reader is left all rather discouraged in this regard. Elsewhere, Zimmermann has highlighted the importance of smaller conservative parties and conservative independents as the way to go. A chapter on this would have been useful.
Of course, to be fair, a book on Albanese could also have been penned to help round out the picture. But a book like Deconstructing ScoMo is certainly necessary. Voters — especially conservative and Christian voters — have a right to know that a politician who claims to be conservative and Christian will in fact deliver in this regard. As this book carefully demonstrates, for the most part, ScoMo has not.
My take on this election is that both major parties are bad news, in good measure because both are moving leftwards and both are trying to out-woke each other. About the only ‘positive’ thing we can say about the election to be held next month is this: a Labor/Greens win would be even worse than a Liberal/National win.
(Locke Press is a sponsor of CultureWatch. If you use this unique code when you order a book — “culturewatch” — you will get 10% off the RRP.)
Originally published at CultureWatch. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
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I can only go on your review, but there is a juggernaut known as the LGBTIQ+Queer who hold both political parties at fear of opposing their mantra. There is also the power brokers in each party who put judgement on any party decision as does most of the media. A case in point is the religious freedom legislation – with the threat of 5 liberals that they would cross the floor to stop the bill being passed at the final hurdle. Labor would not support it because of the LGBTIQ+ threats and internal support for gay rights etc. Who is running this country? Fear. Fear of the consequences of exposing self-interested groups who lack integrity and honesty.
Has anyone prepared to challenge the mantra of the LGBTIQ+ mantra? It seems they have neatly stepped away from putting up candidates for the coming election. Maybe parliament has to pass legislation that identifies once and for all that we have two sexes – male and female – acquired at conception. Yes, there are a minuscule number of babies born without this being immediately obvious, but what God established science has not been able to contradict. As humans, we can use feelings to contradict the truth, and artificially adjust one’s biology to claim transition from one sex to another. But this is only a facade – it is not real.
Maybe this is the way to establish the truth, yet maintain empathy for those caught up in their feelings. I am a Christian but I do not hate anyone, including gays and trans people. We are all commanded to love our neighbour.
I can’t understand how everyone (and every employer whose employees) who received Job Keeper payments isn’t grateful to Scott Morrison (ScoMo) for helping avoid financial and mental ruin.
Job Keeper is the reason that Australia avoided a major recession and more people are not taking their lives.
I hope that the Liberal Coalition forms a minority government with Pauline Hanson’s Please Explain (who has always fought against the vaccine-mandates) holding the balance of power.