
Peak Climate Change Catastrophism

14 April 2022

2.2 MINS

Now the WEF wants us to worry that we’ll end up like the planet Venus. What kind of junk science is this? Is climate change man-made, or not?

An article posted on the World Economic Forum website warns: “Venus was once Earth-like, but climate change made it uninhabitable.

Wait. What?

Damn those aliens driving around in their SUVs.

If only the Venusians had given up their plastic straws and listened to alien-Greta. They could have been saved!Venus Greta?

It’s too bad Venus didn’t have humans to plant trees and drive Teslas. The crisis could have been averted.

Which reminds me, my family recently rented an Airbnb on a Venus lake, only realising when we arrived that it is now a subzero deoxygenated wasteland. I’m giving it a bad review.

Pure Speculation

According to the article, “we can learn a lot about climate change from Venus, our sister planet”.

It speculates that Venus may have once had earth-like temperatures. But then climate change hit.

And now …

Venus currently has a surface temperature of 450℃ and an atmosphere dominated by carbon dioxide (96 per cent) with a density 90 times that of Earth’s,” the article says.

Whoa? You don’t want Earth to end up like Venus, do you?


It follows then that we need to fight climate change by giving control of our lives to globalists lest, like the Venusians, we are confronted by oven-like temperatures and suffocating levels of carbon dioxide.

Hang on a minute. I might now be Spock, but I’m not stupid. Isn’t the World Economic Forum’s whole schtick that humanity caused climate change? How long were humans living on Venus?

The article speculates that a series of volcanic eruptions may have changed conditions on Venus. In other words, uninhabited Venus experienced climate change naturally, just as Earth is experiencing it now.

Carbon credits and a Paris Agreement would have done zero to stop climate change on Venus, just as they will do nothing to change the weather here on Earth.

It’s an excellent comparison that rather defeats the ‘man-made climate change’ theory. Own goal, WEF!


It’s a classic example of the World Economic Forum — the organisation pushing for a Great Reset based on urgent action to combat climate change — trying to scare people with phony comparisons between Earth and Venus, plucked from someone’s Uranus.

Once upon a time, those involved in a scam feared being exposed. But these days, globalists like Charles Schwab — boasting that they control the media, corporations, national governments, and an education system which is used to dumb down citizens — feel no need to disguise what they are doing.

They don’t expect anyone to bring facts to a feelings fight, and so they brazenly manipulate news without fear of consequences.

Moreover, that they feel the need to make such ludicrous comparisons in order to convince people of the reality of climate change seems to me to be proof that their case is weak and that they know it.

Anyway, if Venus needs a New Green Deal, I’ve got some suggestions about a team we could send to get them started. It could be headed by Charles Schwab, of course, with help from special advisors Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, our very own climate catastrophist Adam Bandt …


Originally published at The James Macpherson Report.
Subscribe to his Substack here for daily witty commentary.
Image: Wikimedia Commons

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