When Australia debated same-sex marriage in 2017, those arguing that the sexualisation of children would soon follow were called bigots. A child-themed drag show in Texas is only the latest evidence that the “bigots” were right.
During Australia’s heated same-sex marriage debate in 2017, one argument we were not allowed to make was the so-called “slippery slope fallacy”.
If anyone dared suggest that a love-is-love morality would open the door to practices like transgenderism or pedophilia going mainstream, they were shouted down in the media as bigots. How evil of you to liken same-sex couples to pedophiles and perverts! (Never mind that that was not the argument being made).
Well five years later, it appears that honest conservatives were right, and that the “slippery slope” is very real indeed.
This week, in celebration of pride month — under the same rainbow banner as was waved in that 2017 debate — a gay bar in Texas held a drag show for children. Yes, you read that correctly. The Daily Wire reports:
A Dallas gay bar is under fire for hosting an afternoon drag show for children Saturday where kids were invited onstage and tipped performers in front of a neon sign bearing an obscene message.
The “Drag the Kids to Pride” show at the Mr. Misster bar was billed as a “family-friendly” version of the bar’s regular “Champagne Drag Brunch.” During Saturday’s event, drag performers danced with and took dollar bills from some of the children, according to ABC affiliate WFAA.
“Do you want to hit the stage with the queens?” read a promotion for the event. “We have FIVE limited spots for young performers to take the stage solo, or with a queen of their choosing!”
Images from inside the club went viral and showed performers and children in front of a neon sign that read “It’s not gonna lick itself!”
When Perpetrators Pretend to Be Victims
Protesters had soon gathered outside the club to complain that the event was facilitating the grooming of children.
One organisation called ‘Protect Texas Kids’ said their aim “was to raise awareness that an event like this, a drag show for children, was happening right [here] in Dallas”.
“We also hoped that if we raised awareness, the event might be canceled or modified so that children couldn’t be present,” the group added.
Police were seen removing children and families from the venue, though police officials made a statement explaining that they were “on hand only for crowd control,” according to The Daily Wire.
What makes the “Drag the Kids to Pride” event particularly troubling is how those defending it use exactly the same logic seen in the same-sex marriage debates.
“We are more than happy to open our doors to celebrate Pride in a family friendly, safe environment, separate from our normal operations of 2pm – 2am on Saturdays because we believe that everyone should have a space to be able to celebrate who they are,” the bar said in a statement following the rush of negative media attention. “Mr. Misster is a place where everyone is welcome to feel accepted, safe and included.”
Dancing semi-naked in front of children is all about acceptance, inclusion, and self-expression, you see.
Having victimised kids by subjecting them to a highly sexualised burlesque performance, those running the event then framed those opposing it as the bad guys, and themselves as the victims.
“We had a group of protestors outside yelling homophobic threats, transphobic remarks and vile accusations at these children and parents,” they wrote.
Sexual Degeneracy Has No Limiting Principle
While there are plenty of pro-LGBT voices who have denounced the “Drag the Kids to Pride” show, many continue to openly defend it online.
Conservative commentator Allie Beth Stuckey aptly summed up the logical continuum between the “pride” battlefronts of yesteryear and those of today.
“All the sexual revolution stuff was fine until they started going after kids,” she tweeted, paraphrasing a common argument being made in the wake of the drag event.
“Nope. Wrong. From pagan Greece and Rome to Alfred Kinsey and John Money, sexual ‘liberation’ movements have ALWAYS included child predation,” Stuckey countered. “Understand that one form of degeneracy always leads to another. It has no moral foundation and therefore no limiting principle.”
Stuckey is correct.
I gave a similar caution in 2017, in an article that went viral at the time:
If feelings of love and attraction are the overriding rationale for same-sex marriage, then at best, in the future we will be guilty of unfair discrimination towards other “marriage” configurations [i.e. polyamory, pederasty] where those same feelings are present. At worst, we will have convinced ourselves that this, too, is progress.
It seems so unlikely. But as we’ve seen with the current debate, social moods change quickly, even on a global scale.
I Was Wrong About the Slippery Slope
Social moods have changed quickly — far more quickly than even I had anticipated.
I must confess that in 2017, I was one of those carefully avoiding the “slippery slope” argument, believing the charge that it was a fallacy. To my shame, in the same article I wrote the following words:
I’m not trying to incite fear; I’m not suggesting same-sex marriage will lead to pederastic or polyamorous marriage; I’m not drawing moral equivalence between any of these camps; I’m not assuming any overlap in their agendas.
My rationale?
What concerns me more in the present is being the kind of voice and hands and feet that society will miss — and wish they hadn’t suppressed — if it ever comes to that.
There’s no point in winning the battle but losing the war. I don’t want to go down fighting. I want to go down loving. In that too, I want to be like Jesus.
In hindsight, and with a little more insight, the most loving thing I could have done is to warn that within five years, mainstream culture in the West would be defending the widespread sexualisation of children. That is precisely what is happening now, whether in public school curricula, through “drag queen story times” in public libraries, or at gay bars open to children during pride month.
I can now say without any fear of being wrong, or any care of the labels that will be applied to me, that things will only get worse unless enough of us push back against this onslaught of degeneracy.
Legislation should be introduced everywhere that outlaws children from being subjected to drag shows, as one Texan legislator now plans to do. Why? It will force those hosting, attending and promoting these vile events to defend them. Cultural vandals and child predators must be put on the back foot.
If we don’t take positive steps in this direction, we will soon see the legalisation of polyamorous “marriage”, pedophilia, and worse. Good luck convincing me otherwise.
Exposing the Marxist Dialectic and Proclaiming Truth
The philosophy driving radical sexual politics since the 1960s is cultural Marxism. The way that neo-Marxists have advanced their cause at every turn is with the following dialectic:
1. X is not happening.
2. Okay, X is happening but it’s not so bad.
3. X is happening and it’s good.
4. You must be punished for disagreeing.
In the case of the same-sex marriage debate, X is the sexualisation of children.
Too many of us believed the dishonest neo-Marxist dialectic, and that’s how we have ended up with young children tucking money into the underwear of gay men dressed as burlesque dancers — and half the internet defending this filth.
It’s time we expose this dialectic everywhere it is used and never be manipulated by it again.
The Christian sexual ethic is true, safe and beautiful. God designed sex to take place between one man and one woman inside of the lifelong, exclusive covenant of marriage. He designed childhood to be innocent, with parents holding the primary responsibility to provide healthy, age-appropriate teaching about sexuality.
Society runs well when we follow God’s design. It degenerates quickly when we don’t. Christians don’t do society any favours when we hide this light under a bushel in the misguided belief that all sexual ethics are of equal value.
Like any other group in a representative democracy, Christians should use their voice. We must unashamedly stand for what we know is God’s best for our neighbours. Children deserve our protection. Of all people, followers of Jesus should be the first to step up and lead this conversation, regardless of what it costs us.
Otherwise we will soon see much worse than what just happened in Texas.
Texas Gay Bar Hosts Drag Show For Kids: Yes, the Slippery Slope is Real
Kurt Mahlburg
8 June 2022
5.4 MINS
When Australia debated same-sex marriage in 2017, those arguing that the sexualisation of children would soon follow were called bigots. A child-themed drag show in Texas is only the latest evidence that the “bigots” were right.
During Australia’s heated same-sex marriage debate in 2017, one argument we were not allowed to make was the so-called “slippery slope fallacy”.
If anyone dared suggest that a love-is-love morality would open the door to practices like transgenderism or pedophilia going mainstream, they were shouted down in the media as bigots. How evil of you to liken same-sex couples to pedophiles and perverts! (Never mind that that was not the argument being made).
Well five years later, it appears that honest conservatives were right, and that the “slippery slope” is very real indeed.
This week, in celebration of pride month — under the same rainbow banner as was waved in that 2017 debate — a gay bar in Texas held a drag show for children. Yes, you read that correctly. The Daily Wire reports:
When Perpetrators Pretend to Be Victims
Protesters had soon gathered outside the club to complain that the event was facilitating the grooming of children.
One organisation called ‘Protect Texas Kids’ said their aim “was to raise awareness that an event like this, a drag show for children, was happening right [here] in Dallas”.
“We also hoped that if we raised awareness, the event might be canceled or modified so that children couldn’t be present,” the group added.
Police were seen removing children and families from the venue, though police officials made a statement explaining that they were “on hand only for crowd control,” according to The Daily Wire.
What makes the “Drag the Kids to Pride” event particularly troubling is how those defending it use exactly the same logic seen in the same-sex marriage debates.
“We are more than happy to open our doors to celebrate Pride in a family friendly, safe environment, separate from our normal operations of 2pm – 2am on Saturdays because we believe that everyone should have a space to be able to celebrate who they are,” the bar said in a statement following the rush of negative media attention. “Mr. Misster is a place where everyone is welcome to feel accepted, safe and included.”
Dancing semi-naked in front of children is all about acceptance, inclusion, and self-expression, you see.
Having victimised kids by subjecting them to a highly sexualised burlesque performance, those running the event then framed those opposing it as the bad guys, and themselves as the victims.
“We had a group of protestors outside yelling homophobic threats, transphobic remarks and vile accusations at these children and parents,” they wrote.
Sexual Degeneracy Has No Limiting Principle
While there are plenty of pro-LGBT voices who have denounced the “Drag the Kids to Pride” show, many continue to openly defend it online.
Conservative commentator Allie Beth Stuckey aptly summed up the logical continuum between the “pride” battlefronts of yesteryear and those of today.
“All the sexual revolution stuff was fine until they started going after kids,” she tweeted, paraphrasing a common argument being made in the wake of the drag event.
“Nope. Wrong. From pagan Greece and Rome to Alfred Kinsey and John Money, sexual ‘liberation’ movements have ALWAYS included child predation,” Stuckey countered. “Understand that one form of degeneracy always leads to another. It has no moral foundation and therefore no limiting principle.”
Stuckey is correct.
I gave a similar caution in 2017, in an article that went viral at the time:
I Was Wrong About the Slippery Slope
Social moods have changed quickly — far more quickly than even I had anticipated.
I must confess that in 2017, I was one of those carefully avoiding the “slippery slope” argument, believing the charge that it was a fallacy. To my shame, in the same article I wrote the following words:
My rationale?
In hindsight, and with a little more insight, the most loving thing I could have done is to warn that within five years, mainstream culture in the West would be defending the widespread sexualisation of children. That is precisely what is happening now, whether in public school curricula, through “drag queen story times” in public libraries, or at gay bars open to children during pride month.
I can now say without any fear of being wrong, or any care of the labels that will be applied to me, that things will only get worse unless enough of us push back against this onslaught of degeneracy.
Legislation should be introduced everywhere that outlaws children from being subjected to drag shows, as one Texan legislator now plans to do. Why? It will force those hosting, attending and promoting these vile events to defend them. Cultural vandals and child predators must be put on the back foot.
If we don’t take positive steps in this direction, we will soon see the legalisation of polyamorous “marriage”, pedophilia, and worse. Good luck convincing me otherwise.
Exposing the Marxist Dialectic and Proclaiming Truth
The philosophy driving radical sexual politics since the 1960s is cultural Marxism. The way that neo-Marxists have advanced their cause at every turn is with the following dialectic:
In the case of the same-sex marriage debate, X is the sexualisation of children.
Too many of us believed the dishonest neo-Marxist dialectic, and that’s how we have ended up with young children tucking money into the underwear of gay men dressed as burlesque dancers — and half the internet defending this filth.
It’s time we expose this dialectic everywhere it is used and never be manipulated by it again.
The Christian sexual ethic is true, safe and beautiful. God designed sex to take place between one man and one woman inside of the lifelong, exclusive covenant of marriage. He designed childhood to be innocent, with parents holding the primary responsibility to provide healthy, age-appropriate teaching about sexuality.
Society runs well when we follow God’s design. It degenerates quickly when we don’t. Christians don’t do society any favours when we hide this light under a bushel in the misguided belief that all sexual ethics are of equal value.
Like any other group in a representative democracy, Christians should use their voice. We must unashamedly stand for what we know is God’s best for our neighbours. Children deserve our protection. Of all people, followers of Jesus should be the first to step up and lead this conversation, regardless of what it costs us.
Otherwise we will soon see much worse than what just happened in Texas.
About the Author: Kurt Mahlburg
Children / COMMENTARY / Gender / Sexual Integrity
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