
Day 3: We All Bow Down

3 October 2022

3.2 MINS


Let us decide to whom we will bow.


“So, fear the Lord and serve Him wholeheartedly.
Put away forever the idols your ancestors worshipped… serve the Lord alone.
But if you refuse to serve the Lord, then choose today whom you will serve…
But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.”
Joshua 24:14-15


Remember the song “You’re Gonna Serve Somebody”? We are living in an age where lines are being drawn in the sand… like it or not. While we yearn for simpler times, this is our time. The question posed fresh to us today is: “Whom are you going to serve?”

Back in the 80s, we had three small sons. I was harried and hassled — worn out. We struggled financially and had no family support. When we came to Jesus, we not only accepted Him as our Saviour… He was also my friend. Some of the simplest conversations I had with Him were whispered while hanging out washing. A few precious moments of peace and quiet in a very noisy household. Nowadays, I can sit with a pen and paper — worship music playing — in an empty house (if Ivan is at golf), a house full of memories. Tears roll down my cheeks in humble thanks to my God, Who has never given up on me. He knows me: authentically, uniquely me.

My prayers back then often focused on our needs, and they were many. Now, my supplications are deeper. It’s not about us; it’s about Him and others. Salvation for our family, the prodigals, protection, prayers for the widows we know, the sick, our country and her leaders. We have a valid concern for the degradation of so much we hold dear.

In songwriting, reading, and study, there’s more depth and a sense of spiritual urgency. Perhaps you can identify with this? I sense a call to “come up higher” — a call to worship, prayer and commitment to Him and the Gospel message.

We live in a highly materialistic world. Our wardrobes are full, costume jewelry lies in piles, our tool sheds are packed, our resumes are bursting with achievements. Yet, for many, there is an emptiness within. We bow down at the altar of “speed of light” communications, fast food, culture demanding our obedience and worship. It’s not like we haven’t been warned. For all that we have, this age has created a deep sense of despair and lack of hope.

Yet this morning, I heard Him whisper: “Don’t swallow your sorrow — release it to Me through your prayers and your worship.”

Many parents and grandparents have felt sorrow for their children, broken families, drugs, gender and education gone mad. Our fathers and sons are devalued. The war on families rages. Yet He implores us to come and leave it with Him at the foot of the cross. This is a spiritual battle, make no mistake! Do we bow down to the assault, or make the recommitment to only bow to Him?

Bowing down is inevitable; to whom we bow is optional.



Lord God, we confess our desperate need of You.

Without You, we are prone to be tossed upon the rocky outcrops of compromise and fall into the waters of deception. Jesus, Rock of our salvation, it’s on You we stand. And having done all, we will stand. And when we bow, let it be only to You!

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Author Bio

Leonie and her husband Ivan are songwriters, worship leaders, parents and grandparents. They have operated in lay ministry in cross-denominational settings for many years. Leonie writes poetry and lyrics and is an artist of great repute (according to her granddaughter, at least!). Both Leonie and her husband take a great interest in history, current events and politics.

Prayer Points for 31 Days of Prayer & Fasting for Revival

  1. To worship Jesus and give extravagant praise to God. Hebrews 12:28-29
  2. Pray that the Lamb who was slain might receive the reward for His suffering. Revelation 5:6-14
  3. Pray for Revival for Australia and for millions to find Christ. Isaiah 64:1-2

We invite you to support this prayer and fasting campaign to multiply prayer, to see an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and revival and transformation for Australia. Every donation to the Canberra Declaration helps us promote prayer and make a stand for Family, Faith, Freedom, Life, and the Good News of God’s love through Jesus Christ His son.

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DATES: Every night for the month of October
ZOOM MEETING ID: 776881184

Daily devotions are brought to you by the Canberra Declaration.

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  1. Stef Mainey 3 October 2022 at 9:48 am - Reply

    I love this, Leonie! It is as though you have spoken out my heart! I totally relate to having 3 small children and feeling as though there was no time to do anything much more than cry “Help, Lord!” Yet now, with grown children and small grandchildren, my heart yearns to ‘come up higher’ and call upon the name of the Lord for my prodigal sons and other beloved family members, for our nation and for my life to be a reflection of the One I call my Lord.

    • Leonie Robson 3 October 2022 at 4:18 pm - Reply

      Bless you Stef…it’s our heart’s cry… and we are not alone in this.
      Love you 💘

  2. Kaylene Emery 3 October 2022 at 6:06 pm - Reply

    Thank you Leonie .
    Like you and Ivan I am so grateful for His love . Still coming to terms with understanding that He has called me by name and your words assist .

    • Leonie Robson 4 October 2022 at 1:47 pm - Reply

      What a journey we are on, and blessed to call you sister and friend ❤️❤️❤️

  3. Nel Farnik 3 October 2022 at 11:19 pm - Reply

    Loved hearing your story Leonie, thank you for sharing your heart. Many of us can identify with your journey. Yes, we are in a very special time now when the Lord is releasing many of us in His Kingdom work. Blessings on you, Ivan and all you do for Him. shalom shalom Nel

    • Leonie Robson 4 October 2022 at 1:46 pm - Reply

      Thankyou dear Nel….your words are very special considering how indebted we are for the work you and Kym do for the Kingdom and Canberra Declaration.
      So very blessed to know you and be playing some small part in His divine work. love , Leonie and Ivan ❤️

  4. Kaylene Emery 6 October 2022 at 6:06 am - Reply

    As I read your words Stef it seems clear to me that He has answered your prayer as your writing reflects His Spirit.

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