Drag Queen Story Time Comes to ‘Play School’
Australian children’s classic Play School has now incorporated the woke propaganda of Drag Queen Story Time.
In psychology, the period of childhood preceding puberty is referred to as the latency phase, when sexual urges lie dormant and the child naturally focuses on all other facets of personal development.
Psychiatrist William McGrath states:
“Premature interest in sex is unnatural and will arrest or distort the development of the personality.”
The Development of Drag
Since the 1870s, men dressed in women’s clothing have performed in vaudeville or comedic shows. The tradition of “drag queens” developed from blackface minstrel shows, where performers mocked African American men; they began to caricature African American women as well.
From the 1900s, drag queens with exaggerated feminine characteristics became a feature of nightclubs, which people frequented to experiment with the boundaries of gender and sexuality. Today, drag is a prominent fixture in gay clubs.
In recent years, children have been drawn into the hyper-sexual world of drag, with over one hundred public “drag kids” in the USA as of September 2019.
“Drag Queen Story Hour” was developed in 2015 by American LGBT author Michelle Tea, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse by her stepfather, who spied on her through a hole in her bedroom wall. First held in San Francisco, these events oriented toward children aged 3-11 have expanded across the world, with 35 American and five international chapters of DQSH. The program strives to “instil the imagination and play of gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.”
Corrupting an Australian Classic
Play School is a beloved staple of childhood, the longest running children’s show in Australia, produced by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) since 1966. The ABC estimates that 80% of preschool children under six watch the programme at least once a week.
Binary reports:
The taxpayer-funded ABC has jumped on Drag Queen Story Time, using a bloke who wears “womanface” to read to children.
Courtney Act, an adult entertainer, appropriates hypersexualised female stereotypes to make a living.
The drag queen has appeared on a recent episode of Play School, reading a book about costumes.
Binary spokeswoman, Kirralie Smith, said drag queens are not for kids.
“Males who appropriate hypersexualised female stereotypes belong in adult-only bars and clubs, not around little children. The taxpayer-funded ABC is pushing its own politicised agenda at the expense of children. They wouldn’t dream of appropriating culture, so why is it ok to mock women by appropriating stereotypes?”
Alas, yet another familiar childhood icon has been colonised by the Sexual Revolution. Concerned parents and fellow taxpayers can send feedback to ABC Kids via this form. The national broadcaster is meant to serve the public, not catapult fringe sexual fetishes into the awareness of innocent, impressionable young minds.
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Thanks for bringing this to our attention Jean.
The inmates running the asylum again.
So right Leonie and , they have the keys to the drug cabinet!
I see nothing wrong with this. The comments about ‘hypersexualisation’ are more reflective of the author / commenters than Courtney Act herself.
Tell you what Sam Bimrose, if you have children (and if you don’t, then you really wouldn’t get this anyway) then why don’t we put a stripper in front of your children and let them read to your kids? That is what this is, plain and simple: Drag queens are men dressed as female strippers. Please do not pretend that it is not also a ploy to push this insane agenda that ABC and SBS have been straying further and further into for YEARS. Stations that are publicly funded, and their very creation meant to be a positive force for ALL AUSTRALIANS, not just those whose politics line up with their own. So, when the inevitable questions arise from your kids about the stripper reading to them, don’t worry, we are not apathetic or depraved types like those defending this behaviour, all we want is for KIDS TO BE KIDS. Left to their innocent play, childhood games and dreams, and left to NOT deal with any adult notions–they can face that later, as ADULTS. Leave the children alone. Is there not already far too much violence, sexuality, and frightening real-world events bombarding children as it is? Please, let children have their innocence remain intact, it’s the least we can do in this world.