Warren Mundine and Jacinta Price

Warren Mundine Tells the Media Elite to ‘Wake Up’

19 October 2023

1.5 MINS

Up until now, the proposed referendum (which failed over the weekend) has generated a lot of emotion, mostly coming from those in favour of constitutional change rather than those who voted against it. But in one fell swoop, that dynamic has all changed. In a recent press interview, Warren Mundine ‘unleashed’ on the media.

Mundine was responding to a question originally posed to Jacinta Nampijimpa Price about whether Aboriginal people were actually in favour of the Voice, regardless of what the rest of the nation had said. Clearly, large swathes of the media are still coming to terms with the democratic result. Warren Mundine though, was having none of it. Here’s a transcript of what Mundine said:

You know what? People are committing suicide in these communities! People are being raped and beaten, and these are the questions you come up with? Where’s [the questions] about getting results? Of getting people to reduce suicide instead of this nonsense that you people carry on with…

We had a vote tonight that said Australians want to get things done. Well, stop talking about all this other nonsense and start talking about those kids who are as young as nine and ten who are committing suicide in their communities. Those kids who are getting raped and pillaged… and people haven’t got jobs, for God’s sake. Wake up to yourselves and start asking real questions and making governments accountable.

As someone who has lived in outback communities myself, I totally agree with what Mundine has said. What everyone in Australia wants right now is real change. Just because 60 per cent of the nation voted ‘No’ doesn’t mean that they don’t want better outcomes for Indigenous peoples. What their vote demonstrates is that they didn’t believe a Voice to Parliament would actually achieve it.

All of which is to say, one can completely understand and even sympathise with Warren Mundine’s impassioned plea for the media elites to wake up to themselves. The people of this country have spoken. Albanese’s proposed Voice to Parliament has been defeated. And most importantly of all, it’s time to look for a better way to care for all Australians.


Originally published at The Spectator Australia. Photo: Wikimedia Commons


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  1. Countess Antonia Maria Violetta Scrivanich 19 October 2023 at 10:05 am - Reply

    Bravo , Warren ! We, the 60 %, want solutions NOW to these terrible problems, not more waffle in Parliament and pointing to the past and criticism from the biased media !Thanks too to brave Bess N. Price who exposed the Corruption + Nepotism + connection with the ALP in Land Councils which distribute mining royalties based on family ties and friendships , the vicious arguments and death threats to exclude the entitlement to royalties and jobs to other Indigenous Australians. She explained why their young do not go to school. So, I say to the Australian government –FIX it NOW to give these children a decent future ! That’s what you are being paid hansomely to implement or resign ! Don’t blame us , “The stupid racists “, “dinosaurs “”D—–“, for YOUR failures. What have YOU done in 18 months to fix these terrible crimes (rape , violence and suicide, etc) ?

    • KenR 20 October 2023 at 2:02 pm - Reply

      Very well said, and agree fully.

  2. Christine Crawford 19 October 2023 at 10:45 am - Reply

    Amen! I heard today that Mark Thistlewaite doesn’t think the Republican vote will do well. What! We’re going to have a vote on a republic when 60+% of Aussies in all states and 1 territory voted against a “voice to parliament”? So many people were opposed to voting the voice and the sheer cost of it! Listening to Parliament this week, Albo is still not listening to the people of Aust. He’s refused a chance to work for the Aboriginals and deal with child abuse already. He doesnot care…Grrr!!

  3. Claire Coleshill 19 October 2023 at 10:46 am - Reply

    I agree with everything posted here. Get on with it, stop wasting the country’s money and resources.

  4. Alan 19 October 2023 at 11:09 am - Reply

    While Australians may not be ready for an Indigenous voice to parliament, state and territory leaders have pledged to forge ahead with their own treaty and reconciliation plans.


  5. KenR 20 October 2023 at 1:59 pm - Reply

    Simplistic name-calling, superficial ‘celebrities’, and Virtue Signalling woke corporations have had no impact on the Australian thinkers – who have intelligently seen through the ‘Elites’ tilt at getting more cash when they’ve obviously failed to use wisely what has already been generously given.

    Corporations now need to change their support patterns to reflect what their customers have clearly shown them they want. Otherwise, they too, will be left without the support needed to survive. Take note Politicians, Supermarkets, Super Funds, Educationalists, ETC, ETC…It’s time to do some serious listening.

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