The Chosen

The Chosen Season 4: In Movie Theatres One Week Only!

The Chosen series is releasing season 4 in cinemas across the country on 1 February – but for one week only. It’s an opportunity for your family and friends to see the life of Jesus artistically and brilliantly portrayed on the big screen.

The incredibly successful TV series The Chosen is launching in cinemas across the country tomorrow (Thursday 1 February)!

Showing in over 150 cinemas across Australia, New Zealand and Fiji, episodes 1 and 2 of season 4 will bring the artistic representation of Jesus’ life to the big screen. But the opening two episodes of season 4 are only showing for one week, so be quick to book your ticket to see the life of Jesus portrayed in your local cinema.

Watch the official trailer for season 4 in the video below!


The Chosen is produced by Angel Studios, who have been shaking up the lacklustre film industry with quality, Christian art.

Last year, the studio released The Sound of Freedom – which became the 10th highest-grossing American film in 2023 and 23rd globally. This is a monumental and astonishing achievement from a Christian filmmaker!

The Chosen stars Jonathan Roumie who plays the role of Jesus. Roumie has had a remarkable life journey into the world of acting. Brought to the point of poverty, it was then that he truly gave his life over to God. Since then, in the midst of filming successive The Chosen episodes, he has played Lonnie Frisbie in Jesus Revolution and given a rousing speech at the 2023 March for Life in Washington, DC!

We are delighted and thrilled that Christian film has taken this dramatic upsurge in quality and popularity. It gives us the perfect opportunity to invite family and friends to the local cinema to see and hear the truth and beauty of God. What an opportunity! Why not invite one, two, three or more people to go with you?

The Chosen is showing in cinemas for just one week. So be sure to book your tickets quickly so you don’t miss out. Simply click the green button below to find your closest screening!


You may like to promote The Chosen to your churches and networks. You can find more information about the recent film release at the official Australian website here (including information about church and prison screenings). Additionally, please find a downloadable and printable poster attached at the bottom of this page.

Together, the body of Christ is impacting the world through the big screen. Let’s keep the momentum building and most importantly, see people begin and strengthen their relationship with Jesus, our coming King (Rev 22:20).

For one week only, go and see The Chosen Season 4!


Yours for impacting the world for Christ through the big screen,

Samuel Hartwich & Warwick Marsh


Download the Movie Poster

Click the button or image below to download it to your computer.



Image via The Chosen.

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One Comment

  1. Gail Petherick 31 January 2024 at 10:05 pm - Reply

    Thank you Samuel and Warwick for alerting us to this film and for highlighting the showing of 2 main Episodes in the first week of February. May we all be in prayer for this film in every location its shown.
    May God bring in young, old, families, the disengaged the depressed and ones from all cultures to see this movie and to come face to face with Jesus as the Son of God, who died on a cross for the sins of all mankind and that He is risen and alive today.
    May many then want to go home and read the Bible or hear it being read loud and many find the truth, and ask Christ as Lord and Saviour to come into their life and tell others of Him.
    Australia so needs this film at such a time as this.

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