NSW Police: Don’t Believe Your Lying Ears
Months of forensic analysis finds the entire world is hard of hearing.
Don’t believe your lying ears.
You only thought you heard a pro-Palestinian mob chanting “Gas the Jews” outside the Sydney Opera House.
But hey, what would you know, big ears?
After a three-month investigation employing expert contortionists, the New South Wales police have twisted and turned until finally arriving at a position where they can confidently say that no one heard what they thought they heard on October 9.
The mob weren’t yelling “Gas the Jews”, no matter what the entire world heard.
They were actually yelling, “Where’s the Jews?”
And they were yelling it in an inquisitive, kind of playful manner. As in, “Where’s the Jews? We want to gas them.”
So, no crime was committed.
And NSW police can now go back to their normal duties, which consist primarily of assuring us that Sydney imams who call for the killing of Jews don’t really mean it and, therefore, cannot be charged.
Bald-faced Lie
Deputy Police Commissioner Mal Lanyon, struggling with all his might to maintain a straight face, told a press conference on Friday that:
“Investigators engaged an eminent expert in biometric science. That expert has conducted an audio, visual and acoustic phonetic analysis of the audio visual files.
“As a result of that examination the expert has concluded with overwhelming certainty that the phrase chanted during that protest was “Where the Jews?” and not another phrase as otherwise widely reported.”
As “reported”?
You’re kidding me, aren’t you?
“Gas the Jews” was not a phrase “widely reported”. It was a phrase we all heard with our own ears.
But thanks to an eminent expert, we now know that our ears lied, all at the same time.
Was the “expert” from the Gaza Ministry for Health?
Incidentally, since when did police engage eminent experts to conduct forensic analysis with a view to determining people’s innocence?
And if the mob was chanting “Where’s the Jews?”, to what end?
Why were they looking for Jews?
And what might have happened if a Jew was found?
Police found a guy with an Israeli flag that night and arrested him, for his own safety, remember?
Whatever. No one can say for sure what would have happened. Perhaps the mob wanted to present Jews with flowers. Who could know without an eminent expert conducting months of forensic analysis?
Perhaps the mob weren’t calling for a holocaust, only for a pogrom. And that makes all the difference!
Let’s go Brandon.
If NSW police are going to stand in front of news cameras and lie to the entire world, they should at least make it fun.
“Where’s the Jews”?
It doesn’t even make sense.
Tell us the mob was chanting “Where’s the Juice” after becoming dehydrated from expending so much energy chanting “Gas the Jews”. And do it with a wink.
After all, we already know the police force is a joke.
Originally published at The James Macpherson Report.
Subscribe to his Substack here for daily witty commentary.
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James, thank you for for bringing us some common sense reporting from Sky News. Thank you for telling the truth.
So the “expert’s” diagnosis of what was being shouted by the demonstrators was contrary to what people actually heard!! This is the opinion of an “expert”. What is an expert? The left over “drip” from a “spurt” of water!!
I have always had trust and respect for the police. I have taught my children to trust and respect the police. Not any more. Lockdowns and draconian responses from the police force and now this current farce has made me realise that even the police have been compromised.
These officers are nothing but mouthpieces for the Albanese Government.
Thanks James.
News break… Jesus of Nazareth was heard the other day of saying “Blessed are the Cheesemakers”…
This was chilling. I thought at the moment I heard this and read James’ piece that this is how is happens even the police are not there for us. Covid already showed that.
I read of a massacre in Nigeria on Christmas Day which was telegraphed to the victims, the police and security forces and they did nothing. I am sure the Christians would have passed this on and they did nothing.
I like that Christine Crawford! 😂
Please name the expert!
Medicare can provide him/her with a free hearing test!
I know I read in a few newspapers that the crowd were crying ‘gas the Jews’ and I was grieved. I am pretty sure the TV coverage also had reported this in their subtitles when covering the opera house rallies.
It was an evident anti Semitic attack and great shame for Australia to ever have this happen.
Thanks for reporting the truth James.
It’s strange how the truth becomes twisted and denial becomes a way to smoke screen when it’s convenient.
It was a very sad day for Australia when the rally occurred and for very Jewish person – and appalling for the Holocaust survivors. It never should have happened or have been allowed to happen under Australian law since there is to be no racial or cultural discrimination against those who have been formerly welcomed to our shores.