
Prayer is Vital: Survey Results Reveal the Future Direction of Canberra Declaration

Two weeks ago Canberra Declaration asked for input on how we can most effectively pray. Two weeks later, and with hundreds of responses submitted, the results from the survey are now in!

We are profoundly grateful to everyone who took the time to answer the survey and write additional comments. We deeply value the collective wisdom found in a godly community and the unique contribution of each person. As the Scripture says, “Iron sharpens iron” (Prov 27:17).

Watch as Warwick gives his thanks for the wonderful response to the prayer strategy survey below!

Prayer is Vital

Amazingly, virtually 100% of all survey responses said that prayer, to quote one person, was “more vital than ever!” Another wrote, “Let us saturate our nation with prayers for in due season, God shall tip over the bowl of our intercessions and return these blessings upon us. Prayers are like fires and as we lit each one, the intensity of these lights cast away the darkness.” Still another person put it practically, “As you know, nothing will change without God’s intervention and a people who desire His intervention.”

We believe that for the revitalisation of Australia’s Judeo–Christian values to occur, prayer is essential and foundational. As John Wesley said, “God does nothing except in response to prayer.”

The prayer survey was about where Canberra Declaration as a whole group should head. We realise that not everyone will be able to join these prayer initiatives regularly. As one person said, “I am very supportive of this; but I cannot personally participate as I already have two nightly prayer zooms and three days of prayer in my own ‘House of Prayer’.”

We are delighted that there are many faithfully praying churches and groups across the country. Canberra Declaration prayer initiatives exist simply to ‘add more fuel to the prayer fire’ and to be a resource for the combined body of Christ in Australia.

Prayer for Life in January–February and Go Month in May

The response to the time for a prayer for the sanctity of life during January–February and Go Month in May was staggering. These two initiatives received a massive 92% support rate!

Prayer for the unborn beginning in January received comments such as, “This is a KEY ISSUE. Don’t back off. Goliath giants will fall as we persevere in highlighting this issue.” Another person responded, “It is important to stand up for those who do not have a voice. Life is precious and we should do what we can to change people’s view on abortion.” Yet another put it this way: “My heart breaks for the women who have abortions and for their babies. Their only hope is in Jesus’ love for them – it’s our mission to make Him known.”

Responses to Go Month in May – a heightened time of prayer and evangelism, were immensely helpful. Many rightly pointed out that evangelism should be a natural part of life throughout the year. But as one person encouragingly said, “But Go Month does add urgency to my prayers and instances of organic evangelism.” Another comment put Go Month in simple perspective: “Encouragement is key to success.” Yet another person helpfully added, “This challenges us all to reach out, and not only pray.”

The brilliance of Go Month is that it is a global initiative, and an opportunity to join our prayers simultaneously with millions of believers around the globe. The beauty of Go Month is that everyone can do it. It is so simple. Pray for five friends and share the good news of Jesus with them.

Prayer for Purity This October

A whopping 97% of submissions strongly supported ‘prayer for purity’ this October – prayer focussed on seeing the restoration of true sexuality and the sanctity of sex within biblical marriage. This prayer initiative started as 31 days of prayer and fasting for marriage called by the Catholic Church in 2016. We have continued each year with different themes. This year it will be ‘prayer for purity.’

As one person put it, “If ever there was a prayer need, it is certainly for purity!!!” Another wrote, “Nothing is more dangerous and destructive to all levels of society across all demographics than sexual immorality. It has brought many societies and nations to ruin throughout history.” Finally, another response put it this way: “This is important in regards to the need for healthy morals of our nation. It is needed as only prayer can make a difference to breaking this unholy grip it has upon people.”

We Want to Hear from You!

Tonight we will hold a Zoom session explaining these results and giving more information. The time is for you to ask questions and provide any feedback you would like. We would love to hear from you!

INVITE: Canberra Declaration Prayer Strategy Feedback and Results Call

DATE: Wednesday 13 March

TIME: 8 pm (AEDT), 7:30 pm (SA), 7 pm (QLD), 6:30 pm (NT), 5 pm (WA)


ZOOM MEETING ID: 776881184

Once again, we are sincerely grateful to everyone for helping shape the future direction of Canberra Declaration’s prayer strategy for the next 12 months. Thank you!

Yours for raising up prayer in our nation,

Samuel Hartwich & Warwick Marsh


Photo by Caleb Oquendo.

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One Comment

  1. Kym Farnik 14 March 2024 at 10:13 am - Reply

    Thanks everyone who responded, the comments were wonderful.

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The Daily Declaration is an Australian Christian news site dedicated to providing a voice for Christian values in the public square. Our vision is to see the revitalisation of our Judeo-Christian values for the common good. We are non-profit, independent, crowdfunded, and provide Christian news for a growing audience across Australia, Asia, and the South Pacific. The opinions of our contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of The Daily Declaration. Read More.