Alice Springs violence

Alice Springs Violence: Stop Toxic Tolerance

The idea that the Alice Springs violence is part of Indigenous culture is toxic tolerance. Our leaders need courage to find long-term solutions to the dysfunction.

The footage of a 16-year-old girl being viciously beaten up by ten other women on the streets of Alice Springs is shocking because this sort of mob violence on our streets is always unacceptable.

It’s the type of horrible behaviour I’ve been speaking out about for years and it’s unfortunately becoming the norm in places like Alice Springs.

But what’s more shocking is that the women in this clip are Warlpiri, I am Warlpiri; and I am told this was a case of traditional cultural payback.

That’s right. It was so-called “traditional” Aboriginal culture.

I call on the Warlpiri elders to condemn this behaviour and put a stop to it.

Even more than that though, I think it’s important to highlight this case because you and I know that this sort of vigilantism wouldn’t be tolerated in the big cities.

But because it’s out-of-sight, out-of-mind people are happy to let it go.

We’ve also seen the footage of young people rioting in Alice Springs.

This violence and disorder has been escalating for a while but it’s taken massive pressure from the Coalition, the media, and the local Mayor Matt Patterson to get the NT Government to take it seriously.

The NT Government has finally declared a State of Emergency and imposed a curfew to deal with the immediate chaos, but while I support that measure, this is another band-aid fix.

Real Solutions for Alice Springs Violence

The Federal Government needs to step up and get some long term solutions.

But they’re still not willing to look at the problem honestly.

They’re still blind to the reality I have spoken about for years and I copped a lot of criticism for talking about it during the Voice debate last year.

Government-funded big city Indigenous activists and their enablers don’t want people talking about cultural payback or violence in Alice Springs.

They hide behind racialist language and a mythical sunshine-and-rainbows view of Indigenous culture.

They focus on academic nonsense about systemic injustice and colonialism to avoid looking this dysfunction and violence squarely in the eye.

It’s a toxic tolerance and it makes me sick that people romanticise traditional culture to the point where we are now too cowardly to honestly address long-term solutions to the dysfunction.

Funnily enough, I can’t think of anything more racist than allowing this kind of violence in Aboriginal communities when you would never for a second allow it in your city or town.

But when you let racial obsession guide policy, you’re chasing band-aid solutions for problems that are already out of control.

Two weeks of curfew is a start, but it’s just a start.

Now it’s time to end the toxic tolerance and find real solutions.


Image courtesy of Unsplash.

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  1. Countess Antonia Maria Violetta Scrivanich 1 April 2024 at 9:46 am - Reply

    Such mass violence should not be tolerated in any society. Censorship by the Media prevents us knowing exactly what is going on in Alice Springs ? I suspect that as usual the root cause is alcohol, drugs, attacks on innocent people encouraged and lauded by Social Media and the gutless response of the authorities , both local and Federal , the breakdown of the family, the disconnect from Christian values , lack of respect for tribal Aboriginal Elders, and incitement to violence by Woke (this includes those in the Aboriginal Industry and some Aboriginal politicians who are self-serving ) who promote, not that we are all Australians , but, that all Whites are ” evil ” and we are to blame for the past and present ills which afflict Aboriginal societies.
    It is long-overdue that those ineffectual , parasites in Canberra who purport to represent the best for Aboriginal people were replaced by people like Senator Jacinta N. Price and others who TRULY want the best for their people and do not want to see the continuing destruction of the minds and bodies of their young .
    I once lived on Mintabie Opalfields. I asked my Aboriginal friend why she was crying? Her reply was she was going to a funeral in Port Ausgusta to the funeral of ANOTHER teenage grandson who had died of drugs and petrol-sniffing. I had my own similar grief at the time. We fell into each others’ arms sobbing and trying to comfort each other with me saying : “We are of different colour , but, we share the same sorrow “.

  2. Claire Kaltenrieder 1 April 2024 at 5:56 pm - Reply

    Thank you Jacinta for your insightful view of the situation, and thank God for the position He has placed you in, for such a time as this.
    Courage; you are not alone sister.

  3. Ken Day 1 April 2024 at 7:55 pm - Reply

    Thanks Jacinta,, good words. Keep up the great and sincere work.

  4. Anthea 2 April 2024 at 6:43 pm - Reply

    So proud of you for really caring for your people,for putting your life into speaking truth and not being intimidated by bullies who have their own agendas.
    We pray for you to have wisdom,guidance and protection as we stand together as one family under God,and want the best outcomes for all
    Thanks for the hope you give and your true love for your people and all Australians. You’re an inspiration dear sister. God bless 🙏🏻❤️

  5. Barb 29 July 2024 at 1:35 pm - Reply

    It’s an absolute tragedy… I live on the east coast of Queensland so I guess it could be said that I’m not fully informed (& can’t fully understand & that’s true but I am deeply concerned as I’m sure many Australians are …
    What is to be gained by these riots … Nothing …
    Please … If these riots are racially motivated it’s time Australian’s including Alice Springs residents set an example & be proud that Australia is a multicultural society … Australia’s first people & deserve to be respected as such… Australia’s first people …
    We all put our pants on the same way… We all laugh the same way…
    Stop the riots & please Stop the racism …
    Thankyou for your honesty…

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