fired during COVID

Port Macquarie Educator Fired During COVID Slams Medical Authoritarianism

24 April 2024

2.7 MINS

Mandate victim Kassi Gilmour has slammed medical authoritarianism.

The former New South Wales schoolteacher was fired for refusing to comply with public health orders in December 2021.

Kassi, a local of the Port Macquarie region, recently told Café Locked Out that she was given six options, which she says really amounted to none.

Instead of agreeing to her request for special leave without pay, the school gave her three different dates to either get “vaccinated” or face losing her job.

Kassi’s employment was eventually terminated for “failing to comply with the government’s Covid-19 mandate to be vaccinated.”

“There was no negotiation,” she said.

Keen to stay in her job, Kassi spoke with the local MP, who assured her, “The vaccines were not mandatory.”

Notably, four years on, and this official disinformation is still asserted by the Australian Human Rights Commission:


Kassi brought the MP’s assertions to her employer.

They told her the MP was wrong, and made it very clear that “no jab, no job” was the official policy of the NSW government.

Her employer doubled down, inferring that they backing the mandates without question or exception.

“I didn’t want to lose my job,” she said.

“I absolutely loved where I was, and it was a heartbreaking moment for me, but not a hard decision to make.”

Kassi recalled that the school had gone too far.

They threatened to get “other agencies involved” to forcibly remove her from the school if she didn’t leave of her own volition.

Bright Side

With two of her own children enrolled in the school at the time, the mother of four decided to pull them out.

Forced by the school’s threats, and concern for her kids’ education, she made the call to homeschool them instead.

Describing the decision as a “180”, Kassi said homeschooling has helped heal the bureaucratic betrayal.

This was somewhat of a surprising silver lining, she explained.

Now teaching kindergarten and year 1 online, Kassi is the owner and founder of Aussie Readers, which offers a “complete English course for children.”

Speaking with FamilyVoice SA, Kassi said the course is fit “for any family wishing to reclaim the right to impart the gift of literacy to their own children.”

An attractive feature of Aussie Readers is the deliberate absence of Marxist-woke language.

Kassi’s “resources apply the correct gender terms, and include no reference or commendation of the Queer agenda.”

Another benefit for new homeschooling families is that the year-long course for Kindergarten and Year 1 follows the Australian curriculum.

This home-grown Australian initiative coincides with a growing list of conscientious objectors such as Brave Books in the United States and its partnership with Growing Pains actor Kirk Cameron.

Lost Livelihoods

Forced “vaccine” measures for teachers came into effect in New South Wales on 8 November 2021.

Approximately 4,900 educators risked losing their livelihoods because of the directives.

Compliance with the public health orders was monitored through an internal denouncement program called SCOUT.

SCOUT is a centralised data hub for the NSW Department of Education.

The system was repurposed by the “crisis taskforce” as an “internal reporting tool, for the purposes of monitoring and reporting data” on who was and who wasn’t vaccinated.

This was admitted by CESE, in its review of the education department’s adoption of medical authoritarianism:

“Prior to a staff member commencing work at a school or early education and care site, the staff member’s attestation and vaccination status was validated by their manager in the COVID-19 Vaccine report in the SCOUT system, which is an internal reporting tool.”

By 6 June 2022, 589 teachers from NSW public schools had been “dismissed for not complying with the vaccine mandate.”

The Guardian puts the number at 695.

No hard data exists for private school non-compliance dismissals.

There probably won’t be until a Royal Commission into government responses to the democracy-killing Chi-Comm virus is carried out.

As Kurt Mahlburg argued at great length earlier this month,

“It is difficult to imagine a debacle in Australia’s history more deserving of a Royal Commission.

“Australians are still paying a high price for their leaders’ overreaction to COVID-19.”

Former schoolteacher-turned-tutor Kassi Gilmour is one of them.


Republished with thanks to Caldron PoolImage courtesy of Anna Shvets.

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  1. IAN Moncrieff 24 April 2024 at 12:59 pm - Reply

    GOOD on you Kassie. Your bravery and principled decision certainly had a God ordained silver lining.

  2. Stephen Lewin 24 April 2024 at 10:41 pm - Reply

    well done Kassie

  3. Gail Petherick 30 April 2024 at 12:21 pm - Reply

    What an incredible scenario during COVID and sad comment on the school that would not offer options to teachers. What a time of suffering and endurance. However, it is clear that through your courageous battle God has brought about a brilliant outcome by you creating the Early years reading scheme Kassi. So many parents would be grateful for this and so many children will benefit.
    Congratulations on riding through adversity by faith and coming out the other side with an ever better plan. Like Joseph. ‘what was meant for evil’ was turned round for good. Your reading scheme with staged progress and wholesome content will bless so many children and home schooling parents.

  4. Pearl Miller 21 May 2024 at 7:28 pm - Reply

    Marvellous testimony! Win/win for you and the homeschoolers and all of society. You should get an OAM!

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