322 results
27 September 2024
Argentinian President Javier Milei’s first speech before the General Assembly held little back. The chainsaw-wielding Libertarian took a proverbial axe to the ideological weeds choking the life out of the UN’s original mandate.
18 October 2023
The Covid response may simply be the catalyst, in Australia at least, for a light to be shone on the deterioration in the health of children over recent decades.
14 September 2023
Calls for an inquiry into Australia’s Covid-era abuses have intensified with revelations that Australia saw more excess deaths than Sweden, and at a much higher financial cost.
31 March 2023
UNSW Professor Gigi Foster began warning against lockdowns in 2021. Her recent analysis of Australia's approach to COVID-19 yielded far worse results than she had imagined. While Australian governments are yet to provide the public with a cost-benefit analysis of their COVID-era lockdown policies, one [...]
29 September 2022
From 1.8 million years of life lost in Australia to almost a trillion dollars of financial costs, the COVID-19 lockdowns over the past three years have cost Australians far more than they have delivered. That’s according to a new research analysis by the Institute of [...]
16 March 2022
Editor's Note: The Canberra Declaration has taken a consistent, principled stance against vaccine mandates. Regarding the COVID-19 vaccines themselves, we have published articles both encouraging their use and urging caution. We have done so believing that any healthy democracy requires free speech, constructive dialogue and [...]
3 February 2022
Lockdowns reduced Covid deaths by only 0.2%, according to the latest meta-analysis published by Johns Hopkins University. Such measures are “ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument,” the authors conclude. A new research review published this week by Johns Hopkins University found [...]
15 January 2022
Produced and narrated by filmmaker Topher Field, Battleground Melbourne recounts the fall of the world’s most liveable city, through the eyes of those who risked everything to save it. Battleground Melbourne is a new documentary by libertarian commentator and filmmaker Topher Field. It tells the story [...]
8 October 2021
A recent paper that examined over 100 COVID-19 studies has revealed that government-mandated lockdowns fail any reasonable cost/benefit analysis by a significant ratio. Published in the International Journal of the Economics of Business, the study found that lockdowns have only marginally reduced COVID-19 deaths, but [...]
28 August 2021
The cost in mental health, substance abuse, domestic violence and suicide is staggering. This week there have been renewed calls in the media and among Australia’s political leaders to move beyond a “Zero Covid” mindset, to begin our transition out of ongoing lockdowns and learn [...]
26 August 2021
Matt Canavan and George Christensen have risked their reputations to speak up for suffering Australians. Their parliamentary speeches on lockdowns are worth listening to. In any age, it is difficult and costly to push against the majority viewpoint on an issue and take a principled [...]
29 July 2021
Rather than criticising the poor who are protesting, shouldn’t we speak up for them? Did you have any sympathy at all for the Black Lives Matter marchers last year? Yes, I know they were marching in the midst of lockdown in Sydney and Melbourne, and [...]
14 July 2021
When it comes to lockdowns, Christians are divided. On one side, it is argued that lockdowns are the obvious way to love one’s neighbour, as they prevent transmission of the virus. Indeed, various studies have shown that lockdowns do curb transmission not only of COVID-19, [...]
13 January 2021
Today as I was reading God’s Word, I came across a truly relevant portion of Scripture nestled away in the book of Isaiah. As does all of Scripture, it speaks not only to its original recipients, but also to all those who would take heed [...]
7 February 2025
4 February 2025 marked the five-year anniversary of a military countermeasure deployment campaign that was launched against COVID-19, an illness which, on 4 February 2020, was poorly defined and was alleged to have killed only a few hundred people worldwide.
4 February 2025
Every minute of the day, our brains are analysing our environment and interpreting what we see, hear, feel and smell. The way we interpret things depends on our worldview, whether we realise it or not.
31 January 2025
When the government's expert panel on Australia's Covid response delivered its report, the verdict was damning. The media gleefully jumped on this finding. Noticeably missing, however, was any self-awareness of the media’s collective failure to hold maniacal governments to account.
30 January 2025
President Trump used his first week in office to withdraw the United States from the scandal-ridden World Health Organization and reverse key Covid-era abuses.
28 January 2025
One tireless worker for families, marriage, and especially for children, is the American activist and writer Katy Faust. She and her pastor husband have four children and live in Seattle.
23 January 2025
Some vaccine-injured people recognised what happened to them, accepted it, and joined the campaign for better research and vaccine safety. Yet, this has not uniformly been the case. A good many others remain in the dark, despite dealing with sudden and ongoing mystery illnesses.
22 January 2025
Artificial intelligence (AI) is part of the bigger (and badder) world of transhumanism and the like. All this is making brave new world scenarios a present-day reality, not a potential future worry.
17 January 2025
I contracted COVID-19 two times: and both of those times, I caught it from a person who had been fully vaccinated. I have had to find it within myself to forgive: both the government, and also the people who directed hatred and discrimination towards the unvaccinated.
16 January 2025
Sowell draws a striking contrast between the elite academia, or the Anointed, and the general population, whom he refers to as the Benighted — those deemed unenlightened and trapped in moral or intellectual darkness.
14 January 2025
A landmark health meeting will be presented with shocking figures on the number of people with severe psychiatric conditions who are receiving few or no services in the community, as ministers come together to formulate a national response to the nation’s growing mental health crisis.
10 January 2025
Just as intergenerational contact has been observed to improve the health and wellbeing of the elderly, so does the meaningful interaction facilitated by a shared reading group.
7 January 2025
Australian psychiatrists have led the biggest-ever worldwide study into youth mental health, finding that young people’s psychological health has “entered a dangerous phase” amid economic insecurity and political and technological changes that have young people feeling marginalised and cast adrift.
17 December 2024
Former long-serving Federal minister Kevin Andrews was remembered for his decades of selfless commitment to the country, his family and his Catholic faith, after his death from cancer aged 69 on 14 December.
13 December 2024
NIH Director appointee Dr Jay Bhattacharya has been accused of advocating a “let it rip” approach to public health. It's time to re-evaluate this claim.
6 December 2024
The last report from the United States oversight committee into COVID-19 is damning. Issued on 2 December, the select committee’s two-year investigation summary condemned lockdowns, social distancing, as well as mask and vaccine mandates as unscientific.
4 December 2024
Flanked by John Ruddick on early Monday morning, Craig Kelly announced he had joined The Libertarians. Kelly defended limited government, and the Libertarian goal of releasing the economy to power opportunity, responsibility, and individual liberty.
29 November 2024
Today, Jason T Smith helps fund various mission initiatives as a result of his business success. But he never envisaged his journey would turn out this way.
28 November 2024
In a Mordecai and Haman like twist, Dr Jay Bhattacharya, a man of faith, will be stepping into the role once held by the man who tried to censor him and destroy his reputation.
19 November 2024
Look closely at Trump's cabinet picks and you'll be shocked... at the deception of the media.
7 November 2024
We should thank Jeff Bezos, owner of The Washington Post, for highlighting the crisis of trust in the media. But his complacency over the integrity of traditional news sources remains a reason why many people are losing respect for the legacy media.
5 November 2024
Between 2009 and 2013, I led the team of whistleblowers who exposed a great Australian intelligence scandal. Unbelievably, records of this were scrubbed from the internet this year. This coverup argues strongly against the proposed 'misinformation' bill.
1 November 2024
Anthony Albanese’s alternative to a COVID Royal Commission has recommended Labor create a centralised source for information and control during a public health crisis.
28 October 2024
New South Wales Libertarians will fight for “no jab, no job” justice. Confirming that the public health orders were creating a public health crisis, John Ruddick said, on a cost-to-benefit analysis, it was “unprecedented that such major policies (outside a war) were not weighed and balanced.”
7 October 2024
Two-thirds of submissions made to the Australian Senate’s Excess Mortality Inquiry have been suppressed and key evidence omitted from its concluding report, calling the Inquiry’s integrity and findings into question.
4 October 2024
Boys are more likely to be bullied at school, yet girls are twice as likely to report stress and anxiety, the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) reports after analysing a survey of 13,437 students from 743 Australian high schools.
27 September 2024
First, those in charge of adjudicating what is and is not misinformation are sometimes wrong, resulting in the censorship of true information. Second, there are harms associated with the suppression of true information.