Dr David Logan
Dr David Logan is a retired pastor living on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland with his wife, Christine. Together they have four children and six grandchildren. David holds degrees in Trauma Management, Arts (Psychology major), Ministry and a Doctorate in Theology.
David pastored churches in Victoria and NSW for 43 years and served in various denominational leadership roles. He served as a University Chaplain, an Emergency Services Chaplain, and a Bible College lecturer. He has also served on business and school boards, hospital ethics and grief and trauma committees, and is a member of the International High IQ Society. David remains a credentialed minister of the Australian Christian Churches and is a credentialed chaplain with Chaplaincy Australia.
Articles by Dr David Logan:
11 October 2020
3.1 MINS
Intention How we vote in upcoming elections must have in view the precious lives of the unborn. Scripture “A man was going from Jerusalem to Jericho and was attacked by robbers. They took his clothes and beat him, leaving him for dead. A priest and [...]
10 June 2019
5.7 MINS
In my four previous articles on abortion, I have looked at several issues relating to human life, the Divine Prerogative, the timing of abortion and the right to choose. In this article I want to touch on the issue of abortion where the mother’s life [...]
21 May 2019
2.9 MINS
The politicians, political scientists and the pollsters are still not quite sure how we have arrived at this point. Labor lost the unlosable election. No-one predicted it, no-one really expected it. I think that the best explanation for the Coalition win was given by the [...]
17 May 2019
5.3 MINS
In my three previous articles on abortion, I have looked at several issues relating to human life, the Divine Prerogative and the timing of abortion. One of the most sensitive areas in the abortion debate relates to the right of the woman to choose. In [...]
8 May 2019
4.9 MINS
In my two previous articles on abortion, I considered the issue of human life – what it is and when it begins. I also considered the issue of the Divine Prerogative. One of the areas of debate on the abortion issue is the TIMING on [...]
24 April 2019
5.8 MINS
In my previous article on abortion, I looked at the issue of human life. We looked at the question “What is it and when does it begin?” In that article, I noted that the view that I share with many people of faith is that [...]
15 April 2019
4.2 MINS
With an election now called in Australia and the ALP declaring that, under a Labor government, Federal funding to hospitals will depend on them providing abortion services, the issue of abortion is clearly on the election radar. Why is abortion such an important issue for [...]
3 April 2019
6.6 MINS
Throughout the ages, people of faith have tended to believe that the end of human life lies within the Divine prerogative – that is to say that life belongs to God and thus is His to give and take, so God alone has the right [...]