Dr Jennifer Roback Morse
Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D is the founder of the Ruth Institute, a global non-profit organisation that defends the family at home and in the public square and equips others to do the same. She is passionate about equipping family advocates with the knowledge and confidence to defend the family at home and in the public square.
Dr. Morse has authored or co-authored five books and spoken around the globe on marriage, family and human sexuality. Her newest books are The Sexual Revolution and Its Victims and 101 Tips for Marrying the Right Person, coauthored with Betsy Kerekes. She earned her Ph.D. at the University of Rochester and taught economics at Yale and George Mason Universities.
Dr. Morse and her husband are parents of an adopted child, a birth child, a goddaughter and were foster parents for San Diego County to eight foster children. For a listing of Dr. Morse's current presentations, please click here. You can listen to many of Dr. Morse’s recent talks on the Ruth Institute podcast page.
Articles by Dr Jennifer Roback Morse:
18 October 2024
6.3 MINS
I was heartbroken recently to see Melania Trump repeating the talking points of the Abortion Lobby. I could hardly believe it. She personally lived through the tyranny of Communism, and the Ruling Party in America relies on the very same tyrannical tactics as the Communists.
3 October 2024
3.8 MINS
Like all weasel words, “equality” is intentionally slippery; its usefulness relies upon ambiguity. The term is intended to manipulate. The victim thinks he is agreeing to something good, something he’d be ashamed to oppose.
17 July 2024
1.5 MINS
Sixteen Republican Attorneys General threatened legal action against YouTube and its parent company Google over their misleading “context” warnings. Women deserve accurate information about abortion procedures.
12 January 2024
Pedophilia has been baked into the Sexual Revolution from the beginning. Could this be why the corporate press has trashed The Sound of Freedom?
29 December 2022
1.3 MINS
“The case of an ex-Navy SEAL, who lived as a woman for almost 10 years, highlights the transgender movement’s exploitation of the vulnerable,” said Ruth Institute president Dr Jennifer Roback Morse, PhD. Chris Beck, a much-decorated former member of SEAL Team Six, became a poster [...]
14 November 2022
1.2 MINS
“The 2022 election proved that candidates who are uncompromising on life and the family are winners,” said Dr Jennifer Roback Morse, PhD, president of the Ruth Institute. “A case in point is Florida’s Gov. Ron DeSantis, who was reelected by a 19-point margin, the largest [...]
2 November 2022
1.2 MINS
Across the world, countries are already struggling to find sufficient workers to sustain the economy and retirees. “According to the United Nations, the earth’s population will reach 8 billion around November 15. But, due to rapidly declining fertility, the world’s population may begin falling by [...]
24 October 2022
1.4 MINS
“According to the United Nations, the earth’s population will reach 8 billion around November 15, 2022. As we approach this milestone, a chorus of doom will arise from those who insist the earth is over-populated,” said Ruth Institute President Dr Jennifer Roback Morse, PhD. “But [...]
19 October 2022
1.4 MINS
“Like Al Capone’s Frank Nitti, called ‘The Enforcer’ for his brutal methods, Biden’s Department of Justice has become the enforcer of the Sexual Revolution,” said Ruth Institute President Dr Jennifer Roback Morse, PhD. “Medical groups, led by the American Medical Association, sent a letter to [...]
13 October 2022
1.1 MINS
“We should celebrate the arrival of the 8 billionth person on earth, not bemoan it,” said Ruth Institute President Dr Jennifer Roback Morse, PhD. According to the United Nations Population Division, the world’s population will reach 8 billion around November 15. “Get ready, the population-control [...]
7 October 2022
1.7 MINS
Ruth Institute President Dr Jennifer Roback Morse, PhD, condemned the arrest at gunpoint of Pennsylvania pro-life activist Mark Houck, saying, “This incident illustrates the Sexual State at work.” “The power of the state has been captured by the Sexual Revolutionary ideologues,” Morse said. “The Biden [...]
29 September 2022
1.8 MINS
The Respect for Marriage Act currently before Congress would enforce not only the acceptance of same-sex unions, but also "marriages" with multiple partners. This would further erode the right of children to be raised by their mother and father in a stable, faithful long-term relationship. [...]
5 September 2022
1.2 MINS
Human biology and the wishful concept of transgenderism are simply incompatible. “There are people who want to change their gender, but they can’t do it,” Dr Christiane Nusslein-Volhard, 1995 Nobel Prize winner in Physiology and Medicine for her research in early embryonic development, told German [...]
24 August 2022
1.5 MINS
Promoting single parenthood for women via egg freezing deprives their future children of the right to be raised by both a mother and father. “Egg freezing is appalling, and this advice is perhaps the worst advice ever,” said Ruth Institute President Dr Jennifer Roback Morse, [...]
18 May 2022
1.9 MINS
A fresh Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v Wade will certainly affect the law on same-sex marriage throughout the United States. “The Sexual Revolutionaries fretting over gay marriage and contraception are not wrong,” said Ruth Institute President Dr Jennifer Roback Morse, PhD. “Once the Court [...]
6 May 2022
1.4 MINS
As we hope for the long-awaited overturning of Roe v Wade, let us recall that this is one step in the turning of the tide against the damaging lies of the Sexual Revolution. “The news is great. The leak is appalling,” Ruth Institute President Dr [...]
7 March 2022
1.4 MINS
The new imperialism: the United States places sanctions on the legislators of the Dominican Republic, interfering with domestic politics in trying to force the legalisation of abortion. “'Progressives' say the U.S. shouldn’t force its values on developing nations,” said Ruth Institute President Dr Jennifer Roback [...]
4 March 2022
1.2 MINS
Could Russia be trying to solve its population crisis by taking over Ukraine? “Most observers are missing the demographic dimension of the war in Ukraine,” said Ruth Institute Communications Director Don Feder. “Russia needs people, and in Ukraine there are 41 million people who are [...]
15 February 2022
1.5 MINS
The myopic one-child policy of the Chinese Communist Party has created demographic and societal chaos. Women are particularly affected, for generations. In this episode of the Ruth Institute Podcast, we tune in to Sacred Heart Radio’s show, Driving Home the Faith with Fr Rob Jack. [...]
10 February 2022
1.7 MINS
Despite China's recent belated attempt to reverse its impending population decline, it will probably not be able to stave off the resulting economic downturn. This is also the case across all heavily industrialised countries. The Wall Street Journal reports that the number of newborns in [...]