Dr Lachlan Dunjey
Dr Lachlan Dunjey has been a general practitioner for over 50 years. He is married to Liz and has four adult children and ten grandchildren. Lachlan has been active in the ethical and moral issues facing our nation since being President of Baptist Churches of WA in 1989/90. These include the defence of marriage and family, abortion, euthanasia and freedom of speech and belief. Lachlan is the founder of Choose Life Australia, Medicine with Morality, The Belt of Truth, Conscience in Medicine and Doctors for the Family.
Articles by Dr Lachlan Dunjey:
8 March 2022
1.1 MINS
Do we have to decide between obeying God or the state? What do we do in the event of a conflict between divine law and human law? How do we discern what is the right course of action? Fortunately, most of the time we can [...]
14 January 2022
1.8 MINS
Why are we being pushed to vaccinate our children, when the long-term side effects of the coronavirus vaccines are not yet known, and short-term ones observed have been quite serious? Are we doing right by our children, especially when COVID-19 infection in this age group [...]
13 September 2021
2.6 MINS
Doctors are the guardians of community health, and as such they have a duty to speak out on issues that matter. A Message to Doctors: We have both an obligation to be a voice and the right to engage in rational debate. The medical profession [...]
28 July 2021
2.4 MINS
(Inspired by a recent Zits comic, where Jeremy comes home to find there is a new rug in the kitchen and he reminisces about the old one being a magic carpet and comments that “it’s weird... like someone erased a piece of my childhood.”) Longing! [...]
21 July 2021
2.2 MINS
Moral injury is an event that violates deeply-held moral beliefs or values. It can cause a profound psychological distress that results from actions, or lack of them, which deeply impacts one’s moral code. (Williamson, Murphy and Greenberg, 2020) It may be something I have done, [...]
1 January 2021
The polarisation of medicine and medical defence organisations. The mutually exclusive “affirming” pathways for children wishing to change sex represent a clear ethical divide in which it is essential for medicine, not activists and not governments, to be decisive and authoritative. There is no neutral. [...]
24 December 2020
1.3 MINS
Once again, the healing of wounds. A reason to rejoice. Even dance. We are in our island fortress, so protected from the virus ravaging other countries far away. Yet, in the midst of the protections that have served us so well, and in the context [...]
18 December 2020
12.4 MINS
The new Australian Medical Association Code of Conduct (COC) that takes effect as from 1 Oct 2020 is not a code of ethics, but it could easily be interpreted as such with legal penalties for transgression. Concerns include It subjects itself to law Freedom of [...]
28 November 2020
1.1 MINS
The Heart of Medicine is for good health outcomes by working in cooperation with our patients. To maintain health, to restore health, to heal. To cure sometimes, to comfort always, to relieve distress until the final breath. To practice in conscience with compassion. To ease [...]
27 November 2020
2.2 MINS
Fact: Dr Kok, a competent GP of 15 years, well-respected by his patients, posted comments on social media and at least one article in a Christian newspaper regarding ethical matters he felt strongly about. Fact: in August 2019, as a result of a complaint, Dr [...]
24 November 2020
2.3 MINS
We can be thankful for the Brereton Enquiry. Yes, saddened by the exposure but still holding the SAS Regiment in honour. And yet -- once again -- dishonour is heaped on the person bringing the dishonour to the light of day. How is it that [...]
23 October 2020
1.7 MINS
The time for politeness on this issue has passed. Biologists and medical professionals need to stand up for the empirical reality of biological sex. When authoritative scientific institutions ignore or deny empirical fact in the name of social accommodation, it is an egregious betrayal to [...]
21 October 2020
2.9 MINS
Can bad law be reversed? Can the walls be rebuilt? Can the foundations be re-established? How did we fail to see that it was possible for the legislation to pass? What then is the next point of attack and failure? What can we do to [...]
9 April 2020
1.4 MINS
A very specific prayer on the Covid-19 crisis. It is known that the elderly are more likely to be ill and die than other age groups that the virus affects – along with others with chronic ill health, lung disease, reduced immunity, diabetes etc. This [...]
14 February 2020
6.9 MINS
The Heart of Medicine is for good health outcomes. To maintain health, to restore health, to heal. To cure sometimes, to comfort always,[i] to ease the way, to relieve distress until the final breath. To practice in conscience with compassion.[ii] Working in cooperation with the [...]
6 January 2020
We don’t deserve Your grace and mercy Lord, but we thank You that because of Your great love, we are not consumed. We are conscious of the magnitude of the sin we as a nation have committed, and are committing before You. We now, as [...]
12 December 2019
1.8 MINS
On the passing of the Voluntary Assisted Dying bill. The Culture of Death has taken another great stride. The Chronicle of Shame has another tragic addition. The pro-autonomy, “I did it my way”, “every man did what was right in his own eyes” mindset, ignoring [...]
26 October 2019
0.5 MINS
It is suggested that doctors who ease the way until the final breath are in effect practising euthanasia and that, in opposing voluntary assisted dying, they are being hypocritical. With good palliative care the patient may yet wake and communicate, but with euthanasia the medication [...]
16 October 2019
5.2 MINS
To the Honourable Members of the Legislative Council, Parliament of Western Australia The primary reason for the bill: the problem to be relieved as we hear it, is unrelieved distress and pain – mainly pain – for the terminally ill. No one need die in [...]
11 October 2019
4.4 MINS
That is such a sad cry – an indication of something terribly wrong, and a sense of hopelessness about it ever being different. Even for those of us that have suffered from depression, how can we know what tortured processes are present in the mind [...]