Nel Farnik
Nel lives in Adelaide, South Australia with her husband Kym. She leads a prayer and support ministry for the nation of Israel called Celebrate Israel. Nel is also a prayer leader with the pro-life ministry Love Adelaide, after serving in a similar role for Rahab Ministries for around five years. Kym and Nel fellowship at Field of Dreams Church in Adelaide. Both are active in local, national, and global ministries, and have ministered in various nations.
Articles by Nel Farnik:
30 January 2025
Sandy Shoshani, National Director of the Be’ad Chaim pro-life ministry in Israel whom we support, states that 2 million babies have been aborted since the founding of Israel in 1948. In the Holocaust, 1.5 million children were killed.
24 December 2024
8.2 MINS
For the first time in decades, Christmas and Chanukkah coincide in 2024. What is the spiritual meaning of this strange occurrence?
14 October 2024
6.9 MINS
A Sukkah is a temporary dwelling similar to a gazebo, and Sukkot is the plural word. God came to dwell or “tabernacle” amongst us in Yeshua, and He will again “tabernacle” with us during His 1,000-year reign on Earth.
11 June 2024
6.6 MINS
The Jewish world will celebrate Shavuot from 11th-13th June 2024 , and some believers who understand that the Lord moves significantly in the time of the feasts are also focusing on Shavuot.
5 December 2023
6.3 MINS
As we review what happened at the time of the Chanukkah miracle, that the Temple was rededicated to the Lord’s service, sanctifying it by the sacrifice, the lamps, and the oil, may Israel also be rededicated to the Lord in this season.
15 September 2023
6.7 MINS
How would you like to be in a service where a trumpet is blasted 100 times? Well, this is what happens at the Feast of Trumpets.
28 May 2023
3.3 MINS
Focus Global Day of Prayer for Israel: 28 May 2023 Intention To prepare the Church to be a ready bride for His Son. Scripture “But it was the will of the Lord to crush Him, causing Him to suffer. Because He gives His life as [...]
26 May 2023
Then and Now A short time ago my husband Kym and I viewed the Jesus Revolution movie which led us to a time of reminiscing about how the Lord drew us to Himself in the early seventies. It was an exciting time as depicted in [...]
3 April 2023
6.1 MINS
For we [believers] have become partakers of Christ [sharing in all that the Messiah has for us]. Hebrews 3:14a AMP Salvation through the Lamb of God is not a teaching of two or four or six thousand years but it is an eternal reality which [...]
6 March 2023
Welcome to this year’s reflection on Purim. Purim begins Monday night, 6th March, 2023 until nightfall Tuesday, 7th March 2023. In Jerusalem, Shushan Purim is celebrated on 8th March (Shabbat permitting). In the Jewish Bible, we read of the story of Queen Esther in the [...]
19 December 2022
6.4 MINS
The story of Channukah -- the Jewish people's triumph over their persecutors and restoration of the Temple of God -- inspires hope in us and points to the everlasting light of Jesus Christ, the Messiah and Saviour of the world. A Time of Rededication The [...]
3 October 2022
6.3 MINS
Yom Kippur is a time for fasting and repentance. The High Priest's sacrificial offering of the scapegoat as an atonement for sin prefigures the salvific sacrifice of Christ on the cross, Who took on the deathly punishment due to our sins, setting us free for [...]
1 June 2022
5.8 MINS
As we prepare to celebrate Pentecost, let us cast our minds back to the original Jewish harvest festival which marks this holy day. Rabbinical tradition is that Shavuot commemorates the giving of the Ten Commandments as the Israelites prepared to enter the Promised Land. Welcome [...]
15 April 2022
5.7 MINS
As Christians celebrate our freedom from slavery to sin by the ultimate sacrifice of Christ, the Lamb of God, we can share in the joy of our Jewish brethren celebrating how Israel was freed from slavery in Egypt, with the sacrifice of the Passover lamb. [...]
16 March 2022
5.8 MINS
As the feast of Purim reminds us of the story of Queen Esther being instrumental in the salvation of her people, we pray for the Esthers of our generation to be effective channels of God's grace in uplifting our nation. The festival of Purim commemorates [...]
26 November 2021
5.1 MINS
Channukah is a Jewish festival that Jesus himself celebrated. Just as the Jews rededicated the Temple after its desecration, so we are invited to rededicate ourselves to Yeshua this Channukah. As I was preparing for our Celebrate Israel November meetings, I asked the Lord for [...]
3 September 2021
5.9 MINS
A Fresh Focus Brothers and Sisters, today let us explore together through this article, the High Holy Days and perhaps receive a fresh focus on this season. Some of you may have read my previous article on the High Holy Days, but today I would [...]
17 May 2021
Living in the days of the ‘unexpected’. As I sit at my computer today, preparing this article, rockets are being fired into Israel from Gaza. This past week has been exceedingly difficult for Israel. The other day the Lord said to me “expect the unexpected”. [...]
5 May 2021
4.4 MINS
Intention Doing the Lord’s work in the gospel harvest begins and ends by connecting with His heart. Scripture “He who continually goes forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.”—Psalm 126:6 Reflection When we are in [...]
26 March 2021
7.9 MINS
This year, 2021, as we enter the Passover season which coincides with Easter, it is the time to exalt the Passover Lamb, the Lamb who was slain for the sins of the world. We praise the Passover Lamb because He takes away the sin of [...]