Warwick Marsh and Kurt Mahlburg
Warwick Marsh is the Co-Founder and Director of the Canberra Declaration, and Kurt Mahlburg is the Canberra Declaration’s Research and Features Editor.
Articles by Warwick Marsh and Kurt Mahlburg:
16 November 2024
3.1 MINS
"All Mothers Work" is a call to Australians — and Aussie political leaders especially — to truly value the unseen work of motherhood. Donate today to help empower Australian mothers raise their own children instead of being forced back to work before they're ready.
28 December 2023
1.8 MINS
Two thousand years since his birth, Jesus remains the central figure of history. No one has changed the world as much as this one solitary life.
21 December 2023
4.8 MINS
The Bible describes Jesus as both the Lion and the Lamb. But what does this mysterious dual identity actually mean?
18 December 2023
2.9 MINS
Thrown in a communist jail in the USSR for starting an underground church, Dmitri discovered the powerful truth of 'Christ in you, the hope of glory'.
15 December 2023
2.4 MINS
Many Christians are nervous about mixing their faith with politics. But Jesus calls us to shine our light and influence this world for good.
1 December 2023
2.4 MINS
A well-known song from the mid-90s asked, "What if God was one of us?" Two thousand years earlier, Jesus had already answered this question.
30 November 2023
2.5 MINS
Handel's Messiah is a staple of the Christmas season. But do you know how this beloved musical masterpiece came about?
10 November 2023
19.9 MINS
According to popular thinking, our planet is headed for a global catastrophe. In this deep dive, we look at 10 reasons to seriously doubt climate alarmism.
15 March 2023
2.6 MINS
You are invited to Breakthrough NSW, a prayer and worship vigil to be held this Saturday as we pray for the NSW election. Join with us as we hold a 24/7 Prayer and Worship Vigil for the NSW state election. The election will be held [...]
3 March 2023
5.2 MINS
For three years, writers at the Daily Declaration and our editorial team have been endlessly demonised for questioning the mainstream narrative on all things COVID-19 — whether lockdowns, natural immunity, vaccines, mandates or the origins of the virus. Our critics have accused us of spreading [...]
12 December 2022
4.4 MINS
The following is an excerpt from Kurt and Warwick’s latest book, Great Southland Revival. Throughout the Middle Ages (AD 500–1500), Christianity remained a dominant force in Europe. This political status quo enabled the gospel to spread freely within and beyond the continent’s realms, and allowed generations of [...]
8 December 2022
The following is an excerpt from Kurt and Warwick’s latest book, Great Southland Revival. In the centuries after Jesus, the church continued to spread like wildfire from the Middle East into continental Europe and North Africa. Two of the strongest growth centres were the great city of [...]
7 December 2022
3.4 MINS
The following is an excerpt from Kurt and Warwick’s latest book, Great Southland Revival. Jesus’ ministry was marked by incredible scenes of revival. According to R. E. Davies, “While most writers ignore the fact, it may also be said that the ministry of Jesus Himself [...]
2 December 2022
1.9 MINS
Australia's revival history has long been neglected. Not any longer. Warwick and I are passionate about revival in Australia. And we are convinced that Australia’s revival history—which has mostly been forgotten—is so exciting that it might just spark the next revival blaze if enough people [...]
30 November 2022
2.4 MINS
Discover the role that Wilberforce played in Christianising the young colony of Australia in Great Southland Revival. William Wilberforce (1759–1833) is best known as the British parliamentarian who spent his life in the fight to abolish of slavery. But few Christians know of the influential [...]
29 November 2022
2.6 MINS
Watch the Prayer Launch for Great Southland Revival and get up to 40% off pre-orders for the book. After much anticipation throughout 2022, Great Southland Revival is finally available for pre-order. The Canberra Declaration has already received pre-orders for around 600 copies of our latest [...]
22 November 2022
2.1 MINS
Great Southland Revival, our latest book telling the story of Australia’s many revivals, has been sent to the printers this week! You are invited to join us for the online Prayer Launch this Wednesday, 23rd November, at 8 pm (AEDT), using this Zoom link. As [...]
16 June 2022
1.7 MINS
The Canberra Declaration's latest book, Moravian Miracle by Dr Jason Hubbard, is being released next week. It has received glowing endorsements from both Rick Warren and Mike Bickle. You are invited to the launch of Moravian Miracle: The 100 Year Prayer Meeting That Changed the [...]
6 April 2022
1.7 MINS
Martyn Iles will be joining the Canberra Declaration on our Zoom prayer call tonight. Join us as we pray for the upcoming federal election. The federal election is just around the corner. From a hint that Prime Minister Scott Morrison recently dropped, it seems very [...]
1 April 2022
9.6 MINS
In this special tribute, the Canberra Declaration thanks George Christensen for his friendship and his fearless stand for Christian values over many years. Read excerpts of George's farewell speech, delivered this week in Canberra. George Christensen, the LNP member for Dawson on the north Queensland [...]