12 February 2025
3.7 MINS
Insofar as the tide is turning against us, rejoice because, in my limited understanding, it means that God is at work. As God encroaches on Satan’s fiefdom, he will rage all the more, using people, governments, and social movements as his tools.
11 February 2025
When we are mindful of Jesus’ words and put them into practice, He promises to be our Rock! When the earthquake comes, our Seismic Strengthening will hold us fast.
7 February 2025
4.4 MINS
The truth can hurt, and it can hurt badly. But to experience hurt is not the same as to experience harm. There are ultimately only two worldviews: the biblical and the secular. Let us share God’s truth as unashamed followers of the Way.
4 February 2025
3.9 MINS
Every minute of the day, our brains are analysing our environment and interpreting what we see, hear, feel and smell. The way we interpret things depends on our worldview, whether we realise it or not.
4 February 2025
3.5 MINS
Each marriage, each love story, and even the longing to find a mate, I believe is intended by God to point us to a far greater love story, which is the love of the Messiah for His bride.
3 February 2025
3.7 MINS
As a young single man, I came to dread Valentine’s Day. Over-the-top marketing emphasised this day as a wonderful moment to celebrate love with your significant other, yet here I was, alone. Nevertheless, God had a plan for me concerning marriage.
3 February 2025
6.3 MINS
For all of my adult life, I have been a counterculturalist. First, it was with the utopian, idealistic, yet ultimately defective hard-left version of events. But then, by God’s grace, I found the real deal, built on the solid rock of Jesus Christ, His unchanging Word, love and forgiveness.
31 January 2025
6.9 MINS
Donald Trump has taken the oath of office as America’s 47th president. Christians are commanded to pray for governing officials, regardless of politics. So, as the country enters a new chapter of its history, here are five ways that Christians can pray biblically for the current administration.
21 January 2025
3.5 MINS
The Western church has placed such stringent conditions on civil disobedience that it's difficult to imagine any situation that meets the standard. Scripture paints a different picture.
14 January 2025
4.2 MINS
It is this sustaining hope, envisioning glory to come, that allows us to continue amidst the sin and cruelty that darken our age and sometimes our own relationships closer to home. It empowers us to bear fruit as peacemakers, life givers, lovers of the poor, sick and suffering.
1 January 2025
5.7 MINS
Forever is not so far away. May we eagerly await, with great anticipation, our true home in heaven.
30 December 2024
2.5 MINS
An important feature of Hebraic prayer is that it puts God’s will at the centre and requires us to seek Him for the empowerment to obey His call.
27 December 2024
5.8 MINS
The God who has been sufficient for you before in times of need, as Spurgeon wrote, can be trusted to the end.
27 December 2024
2.4 MINS
Modern Christian prayers can easily slide into the trap of becoming all about me and my needs, rather than about God, or about the community in which He has placed us. In sharp contrast, Hebraic prayer focuses on the corporate over the individual.
26 December 2024
4.4 MINS
As Christians, we are called to proclaim truth. But its is wise to first be silent in order to test what or who is the source of our opinion.
11 December 2024
5.7 MINS
Various scripture passages speak to the need for us to test things, including testing ourselves. On this issue of examining ourselves, we certainly do need to keep tabs on our lives, but we also must guard against being overly introspective. We must keep our eyes on Christ.
9 December 2024
3.4 MINS
Like the early disciples, may I encourage you to keep your prayers Scripture-based and Scriptural. Declaring God’s Word in prayer will build your own faith and that of those around you, releasing His power into situations that seem completely impossible.
5 December 2024
2.9 MINS
By studying the text and a traditional Hebraic understanding of prayer, we can gain insights into how the disciples prayed and perhaps how we, too, can be more effective in prayer.
5 December 2024
7.3 MINS
For the Christian, there can be real mixed emotions about where we live. Right now, we inhabit a sinful world, but we still find much about it to enjoy. But we also know that this world is not our home, and our true place of residency is still to come.
4 December 2024
3.3 MINS
God knows every star in every galaxy (in fact, He created them) as well as the tiniest, nearly invisible microbe that the world’s most powerful microscope can barely see. What’s more, this infinite, transcendent God cares about us deeply.