5 February 2025
6.5 MINS
Well over 40 years ago, as he wrote in "How Democracies Perish", Revel could see that the West was in dire straits, and external enemies back then – most notably Soviet Communism – were being aided and abetted by those within the West who were simply blind to the goods of their own world.
22 January 2025
6.5 MINS
Artificial intelligence (AI) is part of the bigger (and badder) world of transhumanism and the like. All this is making brave new world scenarios a present-day reality, not a potential future worry.
21 January 2025
It is quite likely that the October 7, 2023 terror assault would never have occurred if Trump was in the White House back then. All this is part of a global civilisational war that is taking place. And it in large measure involves political Islam versus the free West.
16 January 2025
Here, I briefly discuss three new books about three amazing Christian women. Two involve rather dramatic conversion stories of Americans who have recently written up their stories, while the third involves an Australian whose new book is equally inspiring.
7 January 2025
7.1 MINS
So many of our progressive elites, politicians, media outlets, academics and others want to pretend that there is no such thing as a person who once transitioned but now deeply regrets it.
12 December 2024
7.7 MINS
Christians need to be aware of what is happening in their world – both the good and the bad. Recent developments such as artificial intelligence (AI) and the new digital technologies is one such area.
29 November 2024
7.8 MINS
One main theme of Peterson’s book is that life is an adventure, albeit a risky one, and living by and for truth, regardless of any negative consequences, is the path we must follow. Taking responsibility for our actions, and remaining steadfast in our higher pursuits, is vital.
28 November 2024
Jordan Peterson is in essence subjecting iconic Bible stories to a Jungian reading. Peterson’s conception of creation is closer to the Manichaean than the Judeo-Christian.
27 November 2024
3.6 MINS
Seth Gruber’s "The 1916 Project: The Lyin’, the Witch, and the War We’re In" presents readable, well-referenced facts about the abortion movement’s roots. Knowing what, why, and who gave birth to abortion in the past makes all the difference.
22 November 2024
2.1 MINS
Brax’s journey translates into an enjoyable, easy-to-understand, multifaceted lesson for kids about respect, gratitude, humility, contentment, and conservation.
15 November 2024
4.3 MINS
Despite the overwhelming rejection of the Voice, Australian political and cultural elites are carrying on as if the loss never really happened. The Yes advocates continue wagging their fingers at the 60 percent of the electorate who voted No.
31 October 2024
6.8 MINS
The American multinational pharmaceutical and biotech corporation Pfizer has been around since 1849, when two German entrepreneurs established it in New York. Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccines were far from “safe and effective”.
23 October 2024
8.3 MINS
Pastor Mike Russell argues that it is possible to square the Biblical account of Genesis 1-11 with the mainstream findings of modern science (in particular, radiocarbon dating and evolution). They don’t necessarily need to cancel each other out.
18 October 2024
5.8 MINS
If Westerners – especially rulers, commentators, political figures and elites – cannot see a clear moral distinction between murderous Hamas terrorists and Israelis seeking to defend their beleaguered nation after October 7, 2023, then the West really is coming to an end.
11 October 2024
2.8 MINS
“Indoctrinated Brain: How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom” by Michael Nehls is a clarion call against what the author perceives as a deliberate and insidious assault on cognitive freedom worldwide.
11 September 2024
7.3 MINS
In "Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up", Shrier examines the huge mental health crisis that our young people are experiencing. And much of the “therapy” that most children are receiving is simply making matters worse.
10 September 2024
7.1 MINS
This is a great book and one that brings some much-needed sense to the debates of the day. Kisin is NOT anti-immigration. Remember, he is an immigrant himself. “Immigration is good for everyone,” he says, “when it is controlled.”
5 September 2024
7.2 MINS
Christianity is Christ. Jesus is the most important person to ever walk this earth. He is also God incarnate, and the living Saviour of those who come to Him in faith and repentance. As such, there are countless books about Him.
28 August 2024
7.7 MINS
The more the Christian roots of America and the West are attacked and removed, the less the benefits of the faith will last. What we are seeing now is clear proof of this reality.
19 August 2024
6.9 MINS
There have been deliberate attempts made to undermine the Gospel and the churches, and to see them replaced with fake gospels and fake churches. And this even involves some well-known evangelicals.