27 December 2024
9.3 MINS
Discover the dark alliance between Marie Stopes and Margaret Sanger — pioneers of contraception whose obsessions with eugenics and sexuality sparked rivalries, scandals, and an enduring global legacy.
10 December 2024
3.8 MINS
Regrettably and importantly, the assisted dying bill gives no direction as to what the doctor should do if the “lethal” dose does not, in fact, kill the patient. This will certainly happen and it needs to be specified if the bill is to become law.
3 December 2024
3.3 MINS
MPs in the British Parliament have voted for Kim Leadbeater’s Assisted Dying Bill on its second reading by 330 votes for to 275 against. It is highly appropriate that this Bill should have passed its second reading on “Black Friday”.
2 October 2024
1.3 MINS
Australia’s Capital Territory is considering a proposal to expand its voluntary assisted dying scheme so that those with reduced mental capacity can consent to their death by euthanasia.
1 October 2024
2.9 MINS
Apart from having the highest death rate, Queensland also has the title of the first coronial inquest into a wrongful death under its euthanasia laws.
10 July 2024
6.5 MINS
Former members of Freemasonry are rich sources of information about current anti-life legislation and policies, and those who are willing to speak out do confirm that there is a strong link between Freemasonry and the push for progressive social agendas generally.
9 July 2024
2.4 MINS
New South Wales will soon be the “death capital” of Australia’s new euthanasia reality, with statistics showing the state has the highest rate of “voluntary assisted dying” deaths in the country.
7 June 2024
3.3 MINS
The Australian Capital Territory has passed the nation’s most extreme voluntary assisted dying laws, after last-minute attempts by Liberal MPs to pass amendments were defeated. The Legislative Assembly passed the bill on 5 June, and the law will come into effect on 3 November 2025.
10 April 2024
2.6 MINS
On the 75th Anniversary of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Pontiff of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis, has published a major document entitled “Dignitas Infinita” or “Infinite Dignity”.
19 February 2024
5.7 MINS
The Northern Territory Government is currently holding an inquiry into assisted suicide and euthanasia (doctor-initiated death). Speak up for life on this tragic issue by 1 March.
28 January 2024
3.6 MINS
As we stand for truth, there is sometimes a danger of viewing people based on their camp and forgetting something common to all humanity. All of us are sinners, and all of us deserve God’s wrath.
16 January 2024
2.2 MINS
Euthanasia advocates originally argued that legalising assisted suicide would lead to less elder suicides.
15 January 2024
3.4 MINS
When euthanasia was legalised for the terminally ill, it was inevitable that it would be expanded to include children and people with disabilities. The slippery slope is not a fallacy: it's a prophecy.
9 January 2024
9.8 MINS
The culture of death clearly surrounds us in Australia. All States of the Federation have now legalised some form of Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD).
28 December 2023
The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) is on the brink of implementing the most permissive euthanasia laws in the country, perpetuating a concerning culture of death.
26 December 2023
2.7 MINS
Why does a bloke wake up every morning to fight, not just for his community, but against his own colleagues, just for the ability to fight at all?
21 December 2023
3.4 MINS
A doctor from Victoria, Nicholas Carr, recently asked the Federal Court to rule that “voluntary assisted dying” is not suicide. The judge, Justice Wendy Abraham, refused.
22 November 2023
4.9 MINS
I believe that transgenderism is, like euthanasia, yet another offshoot of the abortion industry and that we will continue to see more attacks against life, each new one crueller than the last.
14 September 2023
2.4 MINS
Now we know that the Calvary Hospital takeover is part of a broader platform by the Greens and abortion providers to expand abortion and euthanasia to all Australian healthcare providers, including those run by religious institutions.
30 August 2023
2.3 MINS
ACT Human Rights Minister Tara Cheyne said that the government was considering allowing children as young as 14 to access voluntary assisted dying.