27 January 2025
5.6 MINS
Calling Australia Day “Invasion Day” ignores the harsh realities before 1788 and paints a one-sided view of history. Abolishing Australia Day would undermine the unity our forebears worked so hard to create, based upon a view of our history which is simply not true.
24 January 2025
2.3 MINS
We can be enormously grateful for Australia's Christian heritage this 26 January. Happy Australia Day!
15 January 2025
5.6 MINS
Greenland is in the midst of a profound human rights dispute with the Danish government over, of all things, coercive population control.
18 December 2024
1.9 MINS
There are narrow circumstances where Welcome to Country might have a place, but its proliferation in recent years has alienated a lot of Australians from Indigenous culture.
11 December 2024
4.8 MINS
Our Prime Minister’s priorities are so wrong that he doesn’t visit a burning synagogue, but flies to Perth, has drinks with donors and plays tennis. It sounds like Nero playing the fiddle while Rome burns. Even worse, he denied playing tennis until caught out by a reporter.
6 December 2024
1.4 MINS
It is a retrograde step by the Australian government to support a United Nations (UN) motion that effectively requires Israel to withdraw from so-called “occupied territories”.
5 December 2024
4.2 MINS
There are some special events to honour William Cooper this 6 December. At the Israel and German embassies in Canberra, a plaque honouring him will be erected on the adjoining fence of the embassies, an amazing gesture of solidarity.
15 November 2024
4.3 MINS
Despite the overwhelming rejection of the Voice, Australian political and cultural elites are carrying on as if the loss never really happened. The Yes advocates continue wagging their fingers at the 60 percent of the electorate who voted No.
13 November 2024
1.8 MINS
In Amsterdam last week, Jews were hunted down, thrown into the river, beaten unconscious, stabbed, and rammed by cars. Men, women and children were attacked. Some have been kidnapped. It was the eve of the 86th anniversary of Kristallnacht in Germany and Austria.
23 October 2024
2.8 MINS
Of all the greasy, goofball Greenie stunts, Lidia Thorpe’s abusive regicidal rant has to be the dumbest. Within hours of gate-crashing a parliamentary reception for King Charles III, the former Greens senator’s Instagram account shared a cartoon of the King’s decapitated head.
22 October 2024
9.9 MINS
How did attitudes about the British Empire change so quickly? Is the legacy of the British Empire good or bad? Was it built on slavery or cooperation? Did it expand through violence or trade? And was the British Empire essentially racist?
10 October 2024
1.3 MINS
Contrary to the claims of Leah House at the pro-Palestinian rally in Canberra on Tuesday, many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia and Indigenous people around the world are standing with Israel as they defend themselves from terrorist attacks.
8 October 2024
3.8 MINS
Efforts to close the gap between Indigenous Australians and the rest of the country stalled during the failed Voice referendum, and the recent federal budget did not address the crisis as all governments promised to do.
3 September 2024
5.1 MINS
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the Indigenous population has exploded from 548,370 in 2011 to 812,728 in 2021. The sooner we remove race as a qualifier for government assistance, the sooner Aboriginal people will be helped.
29 August 2024
5.8 MINS
The Country Liberal Party has stormed to victory in the NT election. Hidden from the major headlines – but more important – is the story of prayer behind it.
26 August 2024
3.2 MINS
Yes, Jesus cared about the oppressed. But Woke-inaity is not Christianity. It’s a fraud believed by Christians for whom the softness of their hearts is matched only by the softness of their heads.
19 August 2024
2.5 MINS
Dave Pellowe, founder of the Church and State (CAS) ministry, faces a complaint put before the Queensland Human Rights Commission, accusing him of racism and vilification. Pellowe is being "forced" into a legal battle simply for replacing "Welcome to Country" with Psalm 24:1.
31 July 2024
1.6 MINS
Sitting back and complaining about the “gap” gets us nowhere. Being honest about the bad things in Indigenous communities and positive about the good — that’s the way forward.
26 July 2024
2.2 MINS
Poster girl for Hamas, Senator Lidia Thorpe, should resign. Her latest radical chic is a green Hamas-style headband in Arabic. What's more, she arrived in a pro-Palestine dress at the mid-winter parliamentary ball, embroidered with the genocidal phrase "from the river to the sea".
22 July 2024
1.8 MINS
It's time we called for an Advancement Movement — where we can learn and cherish our Indigenous culture while still meeting the same standards that every other Australian is expected to meet.