Australian Easter Services and Information (TV & Online)
Good Friday 10/4/2020 & Easter Sunday 12/4/2020
1. For weekly Sunday services at either St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Sydney and other Anglican churches by suburb (Sydney & Wollongong) — scroll down link to view churches by suburb name.
2. Channel 9 TV coverage of Easter Sunday Sunrise Service 6am to 7am with Wesley Mission.
3. 9Gem TV Australia-wide Easter Sunday @ 9am from St Andrew’s Cathedral.
“Celebrating the Hope of Easter at Home — A joyful Easter Sunday service of word and music. Watch, sing and pray in a special edition of church at home… Inspiring and moving, this hour will celebrate hope for an uncertain world.”
Archbishop Glenn Davies will lead prayers for health workers in Australia and around the world, with Dean Kanishka Raffel preaching.
9Gem TV movie “The Greatest Story Ever Told” Easter Sunday 3.05pm – 7pm
“A grand-scale portrayal of the life of Jesus Christ from his birth to his death and resurrection.” (1965) Starring Max von Sydow (as Jesus); Dorothy McGuire (as Mary, mother of Jesus) and Charlton Heston (as John the Baptist).
Check your local 9Gem TV channel numbers, e.g. Channel 92 = Sydney; Channel 52 = Illawarra
4. Easter Services, St Andrew’s Cathedral, Sydney
GOOD FRIDAY 9:30am with Archbishop Glenn Davies
EASTER SUNDAY 10:30am with Dean Kanishka Raffel
5. Please check with your local church communities online and individual churches who may have their own Facebook pages. Some will have links where you click a link or a Facebook event, e.g. livestream events at St Michael’s Cathedral, Wollongong NSW —
Check individual church websites and Facebook pages for details. C3 Sydney website has an online service for Sundays and Easter.
GOOD FRIDAY – 8.30am, 10am and Youth 7pm
EASTER SUNDAY – 8.30am, 10am, 12pm, 2pm, 4pm and 6pm
Channel Seven (TV) will broadcast nationally St Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney Easter services across Channel 7, Prime 7 and live-streamed on 7plus.
This includes broadcast of The Lord’s Passion on Good Friday, Friday 10 April, from 3pm and Easter Sunday Mass, Sunday 12 April, from 10.30am.
GOOD FRIDAY – Brian Houston
EASTER SUNDAY – Brian Houston
St George Greek Orthodox Church, Brisbane: Holy Week live-streaming (11-19 April)
A Service of Reflection on the Cross
Check online for individual church websites and their Facebook pages for info. of online weekly Sunday services, and for Good Friday and Easter Sunday via livestream or video messages. e.g.
Awaken Church, Wollongong via YouTube “Awaken Church at Home”
Compiled by Sharon Cousins, Wollongong & Jean Westbury, Brisbane.
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