10 February 2025
4.6 MINS
The talk has turned into reality, and we now have new laws to combat hate speech and vilification. You will have already worked out that hate speech laws are a two-edged sword. Put forward as being for protection, they can be equally used for control.
10 February 2025
2.6 MINS
Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan recently rushed to address her state’s most pressing issue — ensuring the alphabet mafia feel sufficiently validated. The Labor Premier issued a stunning and brave statement reassuring Victoria’s LGBTQ+ community that she believed in them.
7 February 2025
5.2 MINS
4 February 2025 marked the five-year anniversary of a military countermeasure deployment campaign that was launched against COVID-19, an illness which, on 4 February 2020, was poorly defined and was alleged to have killed only a few hundred people worldwide.
6 February 2025
2.3 MINS
The Canberra Declaration has become a proud partner of the Church and State Conference 2025. Even more exciting, Warwick Marsh and Kurt Mahlburg will speak at the national CAS Conference in Brisbane from 7 to 8 March 2025! Don't miss it!
6 February 2025
4.6 MINS
The context for any reforms of family policies is the decades-long successful reform achievements of Australia’s feminist movement. This makes family-friendly, pro-child reforms more difficult to achieve, but not impossible.
6 February 2025
1.6 MINS
Leila and Danny Abdallah have released their 4 Steps to Forgiveness, a new initiative to help sufferers identify how to forgive those who have hurt them, and what to do next.
6 February 2025
2.7 MINS
A two-state solution will never work since the Palestinians, who remain committed to the destruction of Israel, have never wanted to share the land with Jews. Trump has promised to rebuild the area now known as Gaza after two million Palestinians have been removed to neighbouring countries.
4 February 2025
2.4 MINS
Given that the popularity of castrating kids is now at historically low levels and that Republicans control both houses of Congress, it is highly likely Trump’s reforms will be written into law before the upcoming midterms.
31 January 2025
2.4 MINS
The letter’s authors — including former PM Tony Abbott and former deputy PM John Anderson — warned that the use of so-called gender-affirming care was a “potential public health disaster of generational significance”.
31 January 2025
The decision this week by Queensland Health Minister Tim Nicholls to suspend the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for gender-distressed minors is a significant step in the right direction for the care and protection of young people.
31 January 2025
6.2 MINS
When the government's expert panel on Australia's Covid response delivered its report, the verdict was damning. The media gleefully jumped on this finding. Noticeably missing, however, was any self-awareness of the media’s collective failure to hold maniacal governments to account.
30 January 2025
2.1 MINS
As a beacon for the entire planet, whatever happens in the US inevitably happens across the free world. If Americans can ditch the woke left and embrace liberty, merit and common sense, then so too can the rest of the world change — including Australia.
30 January 2025
2.1 MINS
Do you receive The Daily Declaration email news? We believe The Daily Declaration is so valuable that we are giving away a free digital copy of The Blessing of Almighty God to every person who signs up!
30 January 2025
4.1 MINS
I saw the Australian National Anthem in a brand-new light. It occurred to me that a nation needs to know its purpose, and this very song outlines our purpose very clearly — To Advance Australia Fair.
30 January 2025
1.3 MINS
A lot of people are arguing that Trump’s victory exposes the stupidity of the Left. And it most certainly does. But I would argue that there is even more pressure on conservatives around the world who, for the past ten years or more, have played at being conservative lite.
29 January 2025
2.4 MINS
Universities have become a breeding ground for antisemitism, and we have a Teachers for Palestine movement aggressively introducing antisemitism into schools.
27 January 2025
5.6 MINS
Calling Australia Day “Invasion Day” ignores the harsh realities before 1788 and paints a one-sided view of history. Abolishing Australia Day would undermine the unity our forebears worked so hard to create, based upon a view of our history which is simply not true.
27 January 2025
4.8 MINS
For decades, no one has been able to say that our immigration policy should be guided by the need for immigrants to be able to conform to Australian identity, for apparently, Australia has no identity other than multiculturalism.
27 January 2025
1.8 MINS
US Government policy now officially lines up with reality and biology. On the first day of his return as President of the United States, Donald Trump signed this executive order to restore the rights and dignity of human beings back into law.
25 January 2025
2.5 MINS
How can we foster genuine and peaceful dialogue with others who may share different opinions to us about the appropriateness of Australia Day being on 26 January?