10 February 2024
4.6 MINS
We have hope in the day when the overturning of legalised abortion will reverberate like shockwaves across the nations as minds are freed and light opens the blind eyes to see the new and living way.
9 February 2024
4.4 MINS
The cultural value of the unborn, of ‘unwanted children’, is sadly, they have no rights and no value, but are seen as a problem to be removed as cost-effectively as possible.
8 February 2024
4.4 MINS
There is powerful help for women who have gone down the road of abortion — that help comes from Jesus Christ, Who freely gives to all who believe.
7 February 2024
4.1 MINS
When we consider some of the attacks on life in our culture, it is easy to give way. It’s easy to be quiet or to keep our head down, or to just mutter within our own safe circles. And it’s tempting to wash our hands.
6 February 2024
3.6 MINS
In this Life-sustaining mission, like Deborah, through faith, we are called to help others trust that God's Love and new beginnings remain available to them amidst impossible-looking circumstances — even if they feel they've made a mess of their lives and it's too late.
5 February 2024
4.2 MINS
It is still Jesus’s deep love calling us to obey His instruction to weep – may we enter into deep intercession, travailing and weeping over the babies being put to death by legalised abortion.
4 February 2024
3.8 MINS
Many times, as we stand for life and mention the objective of “no legalised abortion in Australia,” we are immediately confronted with well-meaning people who bring up exceptions – circumstances that make it ok to have an abortion.
3 February 2024
4.3 MINS
Many people experience grief over abortion – not just the woman who has had the abortion, but the fathers, grandparents, siblings; anyone who knows about the abortion can suddenly feel overwhelmed and powerless.
2 February 2024
4.1 MINS
Adoption is God’s idea, and it is a great idea! God wants every child to be embraced by someone who will care for them, protect and provide for and most of all love them. His perfect plan can also mean, “He marked out our horizon [destiny] beforehand.”
1 February 2024
4.7 MINS
A brephos is a brephos inside the womb or outside the womb. A baby is a baby in the womb or after birth. As Christians, we know this instinctively, and I am convinced the world does too.
31 January 2024
3.8 MINS
Compassion is a huge part of our heavenly Father’s character and ways! Jesus was constantly moved by compassion for people. He also taught parables highlighting the characteristic of compassion as a vital part of Heaven’s Kingdom culture.
30 January 2024
2.9 MINS
We were all once embryos! That unites us, one to the other. God made us all in the womb — the weak, the helpless, the unborn, the disabled, the slave, all of us. Therefore, let us be compassionate to all.
29 January 2024
4.2 MINS
The Lord is near to everyone, and He wants us to learn to give Him our pain, fear, and unforgiveness. We can always be true to what we feel, and not ignore or bury what is going on inside of us. He is the best counsellor.
28 January 2024
3.6 MINS
As we stand for truth, there is sometimes a danger of viewing people based on their camp and forgetting something common to all humanity. All of us are sinners, and all of us deserve God’s wrath.
27 January 2024
3.6 MINS
Jesus demonstrated compassion and mercy wherever He went, and there was always fruit for every interaction. May His body of believers do likewise in these days of great trial.
26 January 2024
3.6 MINS
Pregnancy help is hard to find in Australia. With Christian churches present in every suburb of Australia, the infrastructure is already there. Pray that the church would respond and arise to start a hub of love, a pregnancy help service that reflects the heart of our Father.
25 January 2024
3.5 MINS
Our God is a God of wonderful love – a transforming love, an everlasting love, a realistic love, a saving love, a costly love. This is why ashes are transformed into a crown of beauty, mourning is replaced by joy, and a spirit of despair becomes a garment of praise.
24 January 2024
4.3 MINS
The Bible speaks in Psalm 91:6 about ‘the sudden destruction that lays waste at noonday’. Today, let us pray for those in the womb, the precious lives given by the Lord -- that they will also be hidden and rescued from this demonic evil.
23 January 2024
3.4 MINS
The Bible clearly teaches the personhood of those in the womb through its description of John the Baptist. When Mary the mother of Jesus became pregnant, she went and visited Elizabeth, her relative...
22 January 2024
2.4 MINS
A pregnancy help worker once shared a story about how our 'lens' changes when we 'welcome' every person as 'Jesus in disguise'. Sometimes, hospitality can be risky and often confronting. Yet, it is this Christ-centred hospitality that sets pregnancy centres apart.