Days of Holiness ~ Day 26: Hidden in the Holy One

26 January 2021

3.9 MINS

For the Pure and Shining One, by King David

Lord, don’t You hear what my well-meaning friends keep saying to me:
“Run away while you can! Fly away like a bird to hide in the mountains for safety.
For your enemies have prepared a trap for you!
They plan to destroy you with their slander and deceitful lies.
Can’t you see them hiding in their place of darkness and shadows?
They’re set against you and all those who live upright lives.”
But don’t they know, Lord, that I have made You my only hiding place?
Don’t they know that I always trust in You?

What can the righteous accomplish when truth’s pillars are destroyed
and law and order collapse? Yet the Eternal One is never shaken —
He is still found in His temple of holiness, reigning as Lord and King over all.
He is closely watching everything that happens. And with a glance,
His eyes examine every heart. For His heavenly rule will prevail over all.
~ Psalm 11:1,3-4 (TPT)

In these days of holy war, when many voices are bombarding every form of media and conversations, even within the body of Christ — who do we listen to? What do we believe?

If we listen to the voice of “reason” and the loudest, most confident voices, we may find that fear and lies take root in our souls. We have been given a deep abiding relationship in the Holy One — we have the Spirit of Holiness abiding within — we have the mind of Christ to think the very thoughts of the King of all creation. We are given the grace to hide in the Eternal One Who is never shaken and, like trusting children, we will never be shaken.

Let us choose this day to listen to His voice, to quiet ourselves in the secret place, and remain in Him. Let us draw near to God in His temple of Holiness and watch with Him — let His eyes examine our hearts and let us turn (repent) from any unholy thing and be strengthened by His Holy Presence. We have made Him our only hiding place, and we will always trust in Him.

Let us Pray:
Holy Heavenly Father, You are the great I AM. You are our hiding place, where no evil can come near us. You are our rock and firm foundation — we will not be shaken! Lord, when others speak of things around us that are designed to bring us under fear, help us to remain unafraid in You.

Help those who are on the front-line in our Parliaments, who are voices for the unborn, find great strength in You, the only hiding place. Let those stepping out into public places with a voice for the unborn be hidden from wicked slander and lies, and shielded from every weapon of evil!

Lord, increase the sound of truth and cause it to remain, and be effective — to silence the lies and deception of the tragic agreement with abortion, death for the unborn. May all thoughts and mindsets that are set up against the knowledge of Jesus Who is life, lose their momentum and lose their grip on believers and unbelievers.

Lord, may we be like John, the disciple whom You love — may we lean into You and hear the secrets of Your heart. Thank You for the grace to abide and hide in You — the holiest, safest place of all. We bless and honour Your Holy Name, Lord Jesus, Yeshua, Amen.


Abundant grace to you as we continue in prayer and fasting according to Mark 9:29 ~

He answered them, “This type of powerful spirit can only be cast out by fasting and prayer.”

Points for Prayer ~ pray for:

  • South Australia’s Lower House politicians, that they be infused with truth and light for the sanctity of life – even of the unborn. Pray for a majority to vote no to this bill and take courage to defeat the Termination of Pregnancy Bill 2020 the week of Feb 3rd 2021.
  • The Walk for Life, February 6th 2021 in Adelaide, South Australia.
  • Rescue for all the unborn from death through abortion.
  • For greater numbers of believers in Jesus all over Australia and the South Pacific region to awaken to the battle and stand for life — to rise up in wisdom and courage to take action needed and speak for the voiceless.
  • For the church to restore the belief that every life is worthy of respect, protection, and care, and to lead the nation in extravagantly assisting those who find they have an unexpected pregnancy.

To send the intended influential message to our politicians
that South Australians DO NOT want legalised abortion up to birth,
we need thousands of people on the WALK for LIFE!

It will take each of us to SPREAD THE WORD through all our networks!

Go to our website & our Facebook page Love Adelaide — make sure you ‘like’ the page and share the event.


The team at the Canberra Declaration are partnering with Love Adelaide’s call for 37 Days of Prayer & Fasting in asking God for the defeat of this horrific SA abortion to birth legislation that will be voted on in February 2021. We are doing this by calling for 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting from 1 – 21 January 2021. (Feel free to join them for the full 37 Days should you so wish.)

We are also adding some very specific prayer requests over and above the defeat of this horrific anti-LIFE legislation in SA. Join with us as we believe for breakthrough for these key prayer points. Feel free to add your own prayer requests for friends and family, your church and your local community as you feel led.


  1. A revelation for Australians of Jesus Christ and Him crucified
  2. The defeat of South Australia’s Abortion Legalisation Bill
  3. The defeat of Victoria’s “Change or Suppression” Bill
  4. Integrity and justice in the U.S. election process
[Photo by Juli Kosolapova on Unsplash]

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