Days of Holiness ~ Day 32: Power of Christ
No matter how overwhelming the circumstances seem in the battle for the unborn, our impossibilities become Jesus’ opportunity to display His love and be everything we need Him to be.
2 Corinthians 12:9-10 (TPT) says:
This verse is saying, because of my love for Jesus, I am made stronger because my weakness becomes a gateway or a door to God’s power. It is when we reach the end of all our own resources and strength that we surrender totally to Christ. His strength is perfect and His power finds its full expression through our weakness.But He answered me, “My grace is always more than enough for you,
and My power finds its full expression through your weakness.”
So I will celebrate my weaknesses, for when I’m weak
I sense more deeply the mighty power of Christ living in me.
So I’m not defeated by my weakness, but delighted!
For when I feel my weakness and endure mistreatment —
when I’m surrounded with troubles on every side
and face persecution because of my love for Christ —
I am made yet stronger. For my weakness becomes a portal to God’s power.”
So today we lean not on our own understanding, but lean on Him who says — My grace is continuously sufficient in you to ward off weakness and My power rests upon you, like a tent, providing a shelter for you as you face troubles and persecution.
Let us Pray:
Heavenly Father, thank you for Your Throne of Grace — thank You that Your Grace to Help is more than enough for us. Lord, we are so grateful that the weight of defeating abortion to birth in our nation does not rely on our strength, but on Your power! You rose victorious triumphing over Your enemies — we rejoice knowing that same triumph remains forever and is available to us, and finds its full expression through our weakness.
Lord, give grace to Your people to run at this giant of abortion — like David, who appeared weak in everyone’s estimation, yet triumphed over the one who defied You! We magnify You today and worship You. We praise You, take courage as You go before us in the battle for the unborn. We bless Your Holy Name that has power to save the unborn! We stand firm in the faith You have given us and agree with Your word that says Your mighty power lives in us, Your Holy Nation of believers.
We step up this week carrying Your Power in us, that we may see the defeat of the enemy of the unborn. May we see this generation born to flourish and fulfill great exploits for You! Father, bless the SA Parliament this week to have a holy fear and move swiftly to defeat the Termination of Pregnancy Bill 2020.
Lord, raise up a great number to stand in faith to continue to pray. Lord, release Your mighty angels to fight with us, and may the words coming forth out of our mouths be aligned with Your Words releasing life and triumph. We release Your light and truth over Adelaide and South Australia to cleanse the defilement of abortion and to establish on earth as it is in Heaven. Lord, we ask You go before us to remove all obstacles from the path and restore Your Justice for the unborn in these days. In Jesus’, Yeshua‘s most powerful Name we pray, Amen.
Abundant grace to you as we continue in prayer and fasting according to Mark 9:29 ~
He answered them, “This type of powerful spirit can only be cast out by fasting and prayer.”
Parliament resumes February 2nd; even during this worldwide pandemic crisis, priority to debate in the first sitting week of 2021 will be given to the Abortion up to Birth Bill. Politicians are pushing this radical abortion reform, and it is possible it could be voted upon as early as February 3rd or 4th.
- Contact local MPs. Click here for more tips on speaking to your local MP, and to look up your member and electorate.
- Steps of Parliament Wednesday Feb 3rd 5.30 p.m. — 7.30 p.m. Please wear white tops and we will bring some of the Walk for Life signs. Our recommendations are the same as the Walk for Life, don’t engage in debates with anyone speaking aggressively, and remember we are the salt of the earth.
- WALK FOR LIFE Pennington Gardens, North Adelaide Saturday February 6th, Gates open 9.30 a.m. — 12 noon. Arrive early to check in (SA Health requirement).
Points for Prayer ~ pray for:
- South Australia’s Lower House politicians, that they be infused with truth and light for the sanctity of life – even of the unborn. Pray for a majority to vote no to this bill and take courage to defeat the Termination of Pregnancy Bill 2020 the week of Feb 3rd 2021.
- The Walk for Life, February 6th 2021 in Adelaide, South Australia.
- Rescue for all the unborn from death through abortion.
- For greater numbers of believers in Jesus all over Australia and the South Pacific region to awaken to the battle and stand for life — to rise up in wisdom and courage to take action needed and speak for the voiceless.
- For the church to restore the belief that every life is worthy of respect, protection, and care, and to lead the nation in extravagantly assisting those who find they have an unexpected pregnancy.
To send the intended influential message to our politicians
that South Australians DO NOT want legalised abortion up to birth,
we need thousands of people on the WALK for LIFE!
It will take each of us to SPREAD THE WORD through all our networks!
Go to our website & our Facebook page Love Adelaide — make sure you ‘like’ the page and share the event.
The team at the Canberra Declaration are partnering with Love Adelaide’s call for 37 Days of Prayer & Fasting in asking God for the defeat of this horrific SA abortion to birth legislation that will be voted on in February 2021. We are doing this by calling for 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting from 1 – 21 January 2021. (Feel free to join them for the full 37 Days should you so wish.)
We are also adding some very specific prayer requests over and above the defeat of this horrific anti-LIFE legislation in SA. Join with us as we believe for breakthrough for these key prayer points. Feel free to add your own prayer requests for friends and family, your church and your local community as you feel led.
- A revelation for Australians of Jesus Christ and Him crucified
- The defeat of South Australia’s Abortion Legalisation Bill
- The defeat of Victoria’s “Change or Suppression” Bill
- Integrity and justice in the U.S. election process
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