Tremendous Blessings from World Prayer Assembly 2022

6 June 2022

4.4 MINS

The World Prayer Assembly (WPA) 2022 in Indonesia was an immense source of grace, bringing the family of Christ together to worship and pray in unity. This wonderful event will be coming to Australian shores next year! Stay tuned.

The suddenness of God is amazing. Suddenly, we were asked to represent Oceania at the World Prayer Assembly 2022, 17-19 May, Sentul City, south of Jakarta, Indonesia. This was a joint effort with the International Prayer Council.

We prayed; Nel felt to stay and that I should go. Overseas travel is ok now, but you need paperwork, PCR tests, etc. and much patience.

I give my heartfelt thanks to Warwick Marsh and the Canberra Declaration for sending me to WPA 2022.

The following is a brief and personal reflection on WPA 2022 that I hope encourages people in prayer, mission, and generations.

Personal reflections

First, there was such a family connection with everyone whom I met. It was just like being at home. My first Dad in the Lord since I was sixteen, Graham Taylor who went home in 2021, had a significant ministry to Indonesians both here and in Indonesia. So many I connected with knew Graham or of his ministry. This was very significant personally. In one sense, I was walking in Graham’s footsteps.

Everyone was so willing to serve, receive, and give of themselves. This was one of the best events I have ever been involved with, not just for the sake of an event, but for its ongoing impact as well.

The joy of meeting so many now in the flesh was wonderful as previously, I had only connected with them via Zoom.

The relational rather than ‘ministry’ connection is essential for the body to function. This is truer post-pandemic than ever. (John 17)

Meeting and fellowshipping face to face with Jason Hubbard (IPC), Daniel Pandji (WPA), Tom Victor, Ann Low, Rick and Patricia Ridings, Werner Nachtigal and so many others was such a joy. All of the Indonesian family and so many from other nations were family together.

Secondly, I want to thank the administration, hospitality, technical, and ministry teams that supported the event with such loving hearts. You are all an immense blessing and I pray the Lord increases you all.

Thirdly, I want to thank the team that came from Ps Margaret Court’s Victory Life Church in Perth — they are a wonderful example of NextGen leaders (Levie, Linzi, Kane, and Steve).

I saw the Father’s heart manifest as we prayed for each other and the nations.

There are many wonderful fathers and mothers being raised up, releasing sons and daughters in the faith. We need fathers in the faith now more than ever before (1 Corinthians 4:15) and to see healing across the generations.

Werner Nachtigal (GO Movement) is such an inspiration for mission, as well as Lisa Pak — hearing about her work at Finishing the Task moved me greatly.

Relationships are being built and strengthened. This is the family of God.

I was so glad to be able to release a father’s blessing over the NextGen and the generations beyond. Even the children are recognised as being part of this, which is critical for the body of Christ.

Each session was powerful in its own way. These video sessions are well worth viewing. You can see the session recordings via this link.

Three Big Takeaways

Three keywords were released: Prayer, Mission, and Generations.

Prayer. My first sense is that the separation of prayer teams and worship teams will dissolve as they become one. (The Worship Connection has also been saying this.)

Secondly, the Lord is raising His houses of prayer in every congregation (local Ekklesia) that will hear His heartbeat. Prayer is becoming focal for many at this time, more than ever before. Maybe you need to raise the level of prayer in your small group, local congregation, and/or join a city-wide prayer group.

Mission. We are no longer dependent on big-name ministries or evangelist crusades, although these are wonderful and will continue; but this age is about every believer’s witness at its core.

All of us are ministers of the Gospel. The second part of Luther’s reformation message is the priesthood of all believers. We all must tell our story to those who will listen and minister the message of salvation; also healing and deliverance to those who need it.

We are the answer for a dying world, because of Christ in us the hope of glory.

Generations. I see the greatest need at this time as healing across the generations. Fatherlessness is a curse and a major root cause of the issues plaguing the world today. (Malachi 4:6)

The Ekklesia has not fathered well like 1 Corinthians 4:15 — we have many instructors, not many fathers. This is changing and there is a multi-generational shift happening. In 2 Timothy 2:2, we see Paul as a father to Timothy, who then is a father to faithful men, who are then fathers to others.

The Lord is raising fathers in the faith (men and women) who are not instructors, or even mentors, but fathers like Jesus showed in Luke 15 (the prodigal’s father). A true father walks with his children regardless of where they are on their journey. A good father seeks for his children to come to maturity and to see them released in all that the Lord has for them.

Where to Next?

I was approached by Daniel Pandji to see if this region would host WPA 2023. At the leaders’ meeting, we discussed the possibility of hosting the event.

A key thought was that the event itself was brilliant, but is not the end goal. The event serves the journey of faith! So for WPA 2023, we do not want another event, but a gathering that helps build family, faith, prayer, mission, and the generations.

All good — except that at the end of the last session on Thursday night, Jason announced, “See you next year in May in Australia.” WOW, mic drop, jaw on the floor for me.

Please pray for us here in Oceania, as we connect leaders of all the main prayer networks around the region so we can look at faithfully hosting the WPA 2023 and serving the work of the Lord.

My wife Nel gave me this quote as a word from the Lord: We are in the first stage in regard to WPA 2023.

‘There are three stages to every great work of God:
first it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done.’
— Hudson Taylor

This seems a huge task for this region, but God! One of the main outcomes of just doing the feasibility work is bringing prayer and other parts of God’s family closer together.

WPA Theme — My People

The following song from The Worship Movement Australia (Charlotte Jane & Janna Mercedes) is a real theme for what the Lord is doing. I leave you with this new song, My People. (2 Chronicles 7:14)

[Sheet music]


Photo by Luis Quintero.

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One Comment

  1. nel farnik 3 October 2022 at 8:42 pm - Reply

    Wonderful article Kym. Thank you for sharing this with us. We need to know more about WPA Australia 2023. Very exciting. It will happen. standing with you, Nelx

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