Helen Blanch
Helen Blanch is the Christian Education Executive with The Excellence Centre. She is an educator at heart and her teaching experience has been in public education and in Christian Education since 1987. Helen has been a School Principal and leader in various capacities and is currently the New Hope International Education and Leadership Director. She serves on the Morling College Board and is a member of a school Board. She has previously had eight years of experience in the registration and accreditation of NSW Christian schools.
Her calling is to equip Christian teachers to be effective teachers and leaders in the context of Christ-centred learning communities both in Australia and developing countries. Helen is passionate about inspiring and equipping teachers to be deeply immersed in the Biblical story so they may embrace and practice a Gospel-shaped education that meaningfully engages with young people in their cultural context.
Articles by Helen Blanch:
8 May 2024
3.8 MINS
The Cross demonstrates that love can take the worst that humans have done and can do, absorbs it and defeats it. Build a counter‑cultural community in your society, where each individual is set free to fulfil their God-given purpose to be agents of re-creation to bless others.