23 January 2025
5.7 MINS
I am using "and" in my title more as a type of contrast. So, I am not saying the recent Trump inauguration was a Christian revival, but some similarities can nonetheless be mentioned.
4 October 2023
13.7 MINS
As division is the poisoned fruit produced by deception and diversion, that is my focus here. The primary manifestation involves the breaking of fellowship.
3 October 2023
5.6 MINS
Now we have news of at least two secular universities, Auburn University and Texas A&M University, that are experiencing a spontaneous outpouring, with significant numbers of conversions and baptisms.
11 September 2023
8.7 MINS
There are seven major phases of every historical revival. Each phase is a gift from God. Each phase intensifies and accelerates the work of God in revival. Each phase, if it’s allowed to do so, will lead to a final experience of full-orbed revival for that particular generation.
28 August 2023
8.6 MINS
This is what underpins all the major revivals. When you read through the history of revival through the past few centuries, it’s prophetic revelation from God followed by deep, concerted intercessory prayer which is the catalyst.
28 February 2023
9.7 MINS
I’ve been following the proceedings at Asbury University over the past week or so. First, there was the excellent coverage by a few other writers here at the Daily Declaration. Then I discovered a number of videos posted by certain people who attended, as well [...]
22 February 2023
The activities taking place in Kentucky and elsewhere continue. As I said in earlier pieces, it is really easy to find polarisation here. Some Christians love what they see at Asbury and elsewhere, believing God is fully at work. Others are ready to dismiss it [...]
21 February 2023
4.6 MINS
Archbishop-Abbot Robert Jangro of the Evangelical Orthodox Catholic Church in America reflected on the current exciting developments at Asbury University. A religious service at a Christian college in Kentucky has captured the attention of social media users across the globe. During a scheduled chapel service [...]
21 February 2023
5.6 MINS
Theologian Jonathan Edwards has penned great wisdom on discerning the Holy Spirit's presence in a revival movement. With what appears to be some moves of God in some American campuses, plenty of talk about revival is again being heard. And well it should. We should [...]
20 February 2023
2.9 MINS
I commend these two articles about this revival, The Asbury Revival and Asbury: 200 Years of Revival by Kurt Mahlburg. As a recently retired faculty member from Alphacrucis University College, based in Parramatta, Sydney, New South Wales, I ask the question, ‘Why not here in [...]
20 February 2023
6.2 MINS
Some thoughts on what is occurring at Asbury University. What is happening right now at Asbury University in Kentucky is of course still ongoing -- now having lasted over a week. So it is hard to say anything definitive about this event. Like most believers, [...]
17 February 2023
3.6 MINS
Aaron Jackson, as shown in the video below, gave a POWERFUL testimony live from the grounds of Asbury University where this revival was officially ONE WEEK old at the time of his recording! Aaron shared his personal conviction of what made him come all the [...]
16 February 2023
3.7 MINS
The Holy Spirit has been moving at Asbury University for much longer than just the last week. Events taking place at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky are far from isolated. Several notable moves of the Holy Spirit have occurred on Asbury's campus, including a 6-day [...]
15 February 2023
5.8 MINS
A revival broke out last week at a chapel service at Asbury University, Kentucky. The Asbury Revival is now spreading to other American universities. A few dozen students lingered in worship after the end of chapel last Wednesday at Asbury University in Wilmore, central Kentucky. [...]