DAY 14: Prayer Works, So Pray Continually
by Ps Wayne Alcorn, ACC National President
That we would pray continually for the future of Australia as we near the election.
“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
—1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
A simple key that we can’t ignore as Christians comes from 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Consider the way that different translations phrase this one short verse:
NIV: “pray continually”
NKJV: “pray without ceasing”
CEV: “and never stop praying”
GNB: “pray at all times”
AMP “be unceasing and persistent in prayer”
Have you got the message? No matter how we look at it, we need to pray. Because the simple fact is, prayer works!
We are being called to pray for our nation right now. For Christians, there are definitely times for celebration and declaration, but there are also times to seek God from a place of desperation.
The psalmist had times where he felt the weight of issues that he faced. He prayed,
“Hear my cry, O God; Attend to my prayer. From the end of the earth I will cry to You, When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” (Psalm 61:1-2).
It’s quite easy to be overwhelmed by things we see in modern society. So some people act like an ostrich; pretending things will just go away. Others give up in despair. But we are called, as people of faith, to pray continually, believing that our God hears and is able to act on our behalf.
So, don’t stop praying until we see God‘s intervention—not only in the political space, but ultimately, so that we experience a mighty move of God’s Spirit that awakens this nation in Jesus’ name.
Our part is simple yet profound. That’s why we will ‘pray continually’.
Father, we believe Your Word when it says that “Righteousness exalts a nation” (Proverbs 14:34). As we near the election, we seek Your face and pray for the future of Australia. Hear our cry and attend to our prayers. Appoint the leaders that You want for this great nation. More than that, we pray for an almighty move of Your Spirit to awaken the hearts of every Australian to the good news of Jesus. Our nation desperately needs a spiritual awakening and our land needs healing. We fix our eyes on You, Jesus. We lean into You, Holy Spirit, as we press forward in faith, hope and prayer. Your kingdom will come and Your will be done here in our nation. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Listen to: Breathe – Michael W Smith
Election Prayer Points
1. Pray that God would rule over this election – that righteous leaders would be elected to govern this nation in truth and justice because, “When the righteous are in authority the people rejoice”. Proverbs 29:2
2. Pray God’s blessing upon all our current parliamentarians and leaders, including their families and all the candidates of all the parties standing for this federal election. 1 Timothy 2:1-3
3. Pray for a multiplication of prayer and unity across the Body of Christ in Australia that people will wake up to the dangers facing our nation and respond in prayer. Ephesians 5:14
4. Pray for a Spiritual Awakening for Australia, Revival and Transformation for our nation and the proclamation of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. John 3:16
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Election Prayer Daily Devotions are brought to you by the Canberra Declaration.
DEVOTIONAL 14 Author 11 May
Prayer Works, So Pray Continually
Ps Wayne Alcorn
Pastor Wayne Alcorn is passionate about championing the cause of Christ, empowering the local church, and continuing to raise the next generation of leaders.
Pastor of Hope Centre Brisbane, with over 35 years in ministry, Wayne is the current National President of the Australian Christian Churches and a sought-after speaker across the globe. He shares candidly through life-experience, humour and Biblical truth.
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As praying for Gods Divine intervention has set America back on the path leading back to Him I pray the same for Australia! We in America feel your struggle and pray along side of you. I have seen many miracles since my Great Awakening that led me to Jesus Christ and now I am seeing one with you my friends! Rejoice and behold the work of God… is now and everlasting.
This is speaking to me more & more each time I read it. I used to think that we only needed to pray for things once, but I was mislead. The devil will do anything to distract us. I realise now how important it is to Pray continually, Give thanks & Praise always in ALL circumstances.
Fantastic articlr
Great article
The key