James Macpherson
James Macpherson is a sought-after international speaker with a background in journalism at the Courier-Mail and Daily Telegraph. He previously pastored a significant church in Australia and South Africa. A well-recognised Australian journalist, James is a regular contributor to The Spectator and a host at Sky News. You can subscribe to receive all his articles on faith, culture and politics at his Substack.
Articles by James Macpherson:
10 February 2025
2.6 MINS
Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan recently rushed to address her state’s most pressing issue — ensuring the alphabet mafia feel sufficiently validated. The Labor Premier issued a stunning and brave statement reassuring Victoria’s LGBTQ+ community that she believed in them.
6 February 2025
2.7 MINS
A two-state solution will never work since the Palestinians, who remain committed to the destruction of Israel, have never wanted to share the land with Jews. Trump has promised to rebuild the area now known as Gaza after two million Palestinians have been removed to neighbouring countries.
30 January 2025
1.3 MINS
A lot of people are arguing that Trump’s victory exposes the stupidity of the Left. And it most certainly does. But I would argue that there is even more pressure on conservatives around the world who, for the past ten years or more, have played at being conservative lite.
24 January 2025
2.2 MINS
The first person to take issue with Donald Trump’s insistence that there are only two genders was an Episcopalian priest. Of course. Bishop Marianne Budde used her Washington pulpit, tilted to the left, to berate the President for — of all things — agreeing with Moses.
16 January 2025
0.9 MINS
Pro-Palestinian protestors in Melbourne spent the weekend chanting “All Zionists are Terrorists” under the watchful eye of Victoria Police.
15 January 2025
1.5 MINS
It was revealed that the incoming Trump Administration had invited Kevin Rudd and Penny Wong as official guests to the Presidential inauguration next week. That’s quite the hand of forgiveness.
13 January 2025
3.3 MINS
As wildfires ravage Los Angeles, forcing Hollywood stars to flee for their lives, there are two emerging theories as to how things got so bad. Inevitably, poor old climate change is blamed for all the world's ills.
9 January 2025
5.3 MINS
The crimes were only allowed to continue — and they continued for more than 20 years in the UK — because the identities of the perpetrators were unsayable. Everyone knew that the rapists were gangs of Muslim men from Pakistani and Bangladeshi backgrounds. But no-one dared say it.
9 January 2025
This is the thing you need to understand about all Western lefties. Those on the left have a giant soft spot for Islamists, because those on the left so readily identify with the Mohammedans’ love of ideological purity.
8 January 2025
1.9 MINS
Dylan Mulvaney’s hairdresser, Jonathan Van Ness, has “divided the internet” over the dress he wore to the recent Golden Globes. The ‘you-do-you’, easygoing, non-confrontational approach we have adopted in the West over the past 50 years to bearded ladies has done nothing but produce more bearded ladies.
2 January 2025
2.4 MINS
No arrests, questions over police resolve, and Julian Hill's controversial appointment spark concern over antisemitism
31 December 2024
2.6 MINS
Albo took five days to get to the synagogue fire, but was at the Grampians faster than you could say "Climate Change".
24 December 2024
3.6 MINS
The Victorian Liberal Leader, John Pesutto – and I use the word ‘leader’ in the loosest possible sense – used his casting vote last Friday to keep Moira Deeming out of the Liberal Partyroom.
23 December 2024
1.4 MINS
A car has driven itself at high speed through a German market, killing and injuring dozens of Christmas shoppers. Naughty car!
16 December 2024
2.6 MINS
Victorian Liberal Leader John Pesutto lost in court last Thursday — but the real losers were Victorians. How are voters supposed to choose between the completely inept Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan, and the now completely discredited Victorian Opposition leader John Pesutto?
11 December 2024
2.7 MINS
Are our authorities serious about cracking down on anti-Semitism in the wake of Friday morning’s terror attack? There’s an easy way to find out. Arrest those idiots chanting for violence against Jews in Sydney on Sunday.
5 December 2024
2.8 MINS
From social media bans to Australia Day boycotts, our world seems to be losing any sense.
28 November 2024
Are Australian Senators the least curious people on the planet? Our Senators this week said no — for the fifth time — to an inquiry into the use of puberty blockers on children.
28 November 2024
2.7 MINS
Kim Williams and his ilk hate Rogan and people like him because they are in panic mode. They are desperately upset that they no longer get to dictate and control the cultural narratives.
20 November 2024
3.9 MINS
I’m sure Sam Kerr and her girlfriend are wonderful people. And I genuinely wish them every happiness in life. None of that is invalidated because I don’t agree that two women can “have a baby”.