God’s Mighty Hand

6 June 2019

3.7 MINS

Long before the ‘miracle’ election, God was moving. He was putting things in place so subtly we would have to look back to see what His hand had done.

What did He do?

About the same time as Ps Margaret Court was being stirred to call the nation to prayer, I was being stirred in a different way.

The Scripture (above) from Acts would not leave me alone. Boldness in proclaiming the truth of Scripture so that God could do the rest was blazing in my heart, and I knew I had to get this Scripture out there… somehow.

As I was thinking about ‘how’, God reminded me of a young boy, David. I saw a clear picture. David stood before a huge and powerful, confident, heavily armed, seasoned warrior, Goliath. In contrast, the boy was small, powerless and virtually unarmed.

These were the facts. But facts didn’t win the day!

This was not David’s battle… it was God’s!

Before that battle, God had been working behind the scenes to subtly put things in place. But what He did could only be seen later.

While the battle lines were being drawn, David was removed from his regular job and sent as a servant to take food to his brothers serving on the front line. He arrived just in time…

The boy heard Goliath insulting God and God’s great army, but instead of being afraid of the threats, he found himself amazed at the fear being displayed by the mighty soldiers of God. Their eyes were on Goliath rather than God, and so he cried out,

“Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of God?” (1 Samuel 17:26)

His faith got the attention of King Saul, who then sent him into battle on Israel’s behalf. David refused to wear traditional armour or use unfamiliar weapons, but instead picked up his sling and carefully chose five, water-smoothed river stones to use as shots. We all know the rest of the story.

I could see the same scenario being played out in Australia.

The godless were raging, insulting our God, His word, His people and threatening to tear down everything we believed in; everything we had fought for and held dear for so long. The enemy seemed huge, that was a fact. But facts would not win this battle!

They were attacking God’s word — God Himself!

This was God’s battle!

And God was always at least ten steps ahead of His enemy.

I could see five prominent people in powerful positions, who had been raised up by God, “for such a time as this”, five river stones, washed smooth over many years by being immersed in the water of the word, ready to be powerfully used.

I needed to get the Scripture God had given me, to them, but how?

Writing an email would not be enough, it could be lost the next day. Just speaking it would not be enough, it could be forgotten. No, it needed to be more lasting…

In late March, I sat down and carefully created a poster (see above) which I had printed and block-mounted into a wall hanging. In early May, I sent it to:

These five were all well-known Christians in the public arena who were all working from different angles towards the same Judeo-Christian political goals.

Then Israel Folau’s boldly-proclaimed word hit the media!

After the election, Warwick Marsh asked me which stone I thought brought down Goliath. He said he thought it was the call to prayer by Ps Margaret Court, and I agreed with him.

But it was the sling that carried the stone which fascinated me the most.

In hindsight, it’s now easy to see that Israel Folau’s boldness was the sling which carried the winning shot to the noisy Philistines. It was the Folau furore which galvanised the nation, united Christians as one and catapulted our focus to prayer.

His boldness moved the hand of God!

God’s hand was evident in everything that happened with Israel Folau; the timing was perfect, the hatred of God and his people, hidden for so long, was suddenly exposed for all to see, and God’s people humbled themselves and prayed like never before.

God was in the battle!

As in the story of David, God was moving in the background putting things in place; the people, events and circumstances which would ultimately lead to victory.

But that was not the end…

Even with God in the background, Goliath was not killed by the stone, only knocked out. David had to take up the sword in order to kill him, which he did!

This is where our Australian story now stands.

The ‘miracle’ election was just the beginning. However, to win this battle completely, we now need to “take up the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God” (Eph:6:17).

Scripture tells us boldness in proclaiming God’s word is what is needed to enable God to do what He longs to do, “stretch out his hand to heal and perform signs and wonders”.

Our ‘miracle’ election was just one ‘wonder’. What will happen with Israel Folau in the coming days will be another. As we boldly proclaim His word, more wonders will follow.

When you stand in boldness, proclaiming the word of God, remember:

“No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which shall rise against you in judgment you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord.” (Isaiah 54:17)

How amazing and wonderful is our God!

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  1. Michelle Manavahe 6 June 2019 at 1:25 pm - Reply


  2. Bruce Lindley 6 June 2019 at 1:39 pm - Reply

    Sorry Monica it was more than one person or one thing.
    It was a watershed 2 Chronicles 7:14 moment when the call to prayer and fasting was heard by churches right across Australia. More than praying believers ever before rose up and still together as one. This caused a convergence of many events that resulted in God created a tipping point for our nation back to righteousness.
    We saw it 2004 and we have now seen it again in 2019…national united prayer and fasting shifts nations !

  3. Sue Peacock 7 June 2019 at 8:15 am - Reply

    Such a beautifully articulated description of our miracle story! How good is our God to awaken us through these two courageous people, both of whom have tweaked the nose of Mr Alan Joyce.
    It occurred to me that it was Israel Falou’s boldness that aggravated the tsunami of reaction. Praise God! I am sure that there has never been an Easter in our history where so many have actually tasted and handled the word of God!

  4. Edward Pitt. 7 June 2019 at 6:48 pm - Reply

    If we really want God to move in, the great southland of the Holy Spirit we should remember what Jesus said He is.
    I Am the way the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except through Me. Is Christmas and Easter and good? Friday the truth.

  5. Anne Wildermuth 7 June 2019 at 11:59 pm - Reply

    Thank you Monica for sharing this with us. Very powerful message.
    I agree with you that the Israel Folau issue was the the weapon that God used
    as the knock out blow – the timing of it all showed us God’s hand at work.
    Now for the final sword blow!

    Hallelujah! How amazing is our God!

  6. Monica Bennett-Ryan 8 June 2019 at 12:06 pm - Reply

    Exactly Bruce, and it will take more than one person to cut off the giant’s head…we all need to take up the sword of the Spirit

  7. John Derrington 8 June 2019 at 7:03 pm - Reply

    It is also interesting to note that freedom of speach, expresion, and religion has been brought front and center with the media and press been raided for breaching security laws.
    During the time before and after the election, the media and others were well and truely ready to trash their Christian heritage but are screeming for the very same freedoms they wanted to deny God fearing Christians like Israel Falou. I believe God did that also. He is not finihed yet. The timing of this AFP raid is spot on by the Lord and not clumsy as some suggest..

  8. Miriam Wentworth 16 June 2019 at 2:38 pm - Reply

    I agree with everything Monica has written, above, and now we as the body of Christ must go into action to support what God has already started concerning Australia’s future. God is so cleaver in how he did this and we as the body of Christ will need to be ready to act in what ever way God requires us to do. We must let Australia and our politicians know that Christians are a force to be reckoned with. This is only the beginning of things to come. My friend was shown by God, the day after the election. that we should continue to have communion and pray for our nation, in particular our Prime Minister and those who stand up for righteousness. We also, during our prayers, stand against the evil we see every day. We have joined in prayer daily since the election awaiting God’s lead. Christians will need to pray and support anyone who is standing up for God and his word. We can sign righteous petitions, write letters and encourage each other to pray and get behind groups such as the Canberra Declaration and Australian Christian Lobby. The greater the number of people that join in with some kind of action, the louder our voice will be heard.

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