‘By the River’ Virtual Prayer Room
By Jael Schlederer (and Lyndal Walker)
Sometimes I like to imagine the impossible. What if everything I was ever told was impossible, wasn’t really so impossible after all?
What if we could see a nation led in godliness, a broken arm healed, a broken heart mended, a generation free from suicide, addiction, and loneliness? What if we could see natural disasters turning into blessings for the country, the spread of pandemics being stopped, and the course of history being changed? What if we could see heaven touching earth?
It is so God’s heart for these things to become reality. What if we chose to partner with Him? What if we prayed and these things followed?
By the River is a virtual prayer room for those who are 25 or under, run by two ministries with a heart for the young people of this nation. As Youth for Christ Australia and Beth-Biri we are running weekly prayer times via Zoom, to seek God and pray together. These times are led by young people for young people.
We want to see a spiritual revival amongst the young people in Australia, and history tells us that unified, persistent and extraordinary prayer leads to this.
If you have a stirring in your heart to join a group of radical young Jesus people in worship and intercession, then please let us know or join the By the River Facebook group.
When? Wednesday nights, 7 p.m. AEST
Where? In your homes via Zoom (sign up via the YFC By the River webpage to receive the Zoom link)
In this season of us not being able to gather, and everything looking so different to what we had expected, let us behold Him more than ever. Let us enjoy His presence and friendship, and let us seek His heart for our communities, cities, and the season to come.
To take part in the online prayer meetings, register here.
Jael Schlederer
Jael (pronounced Yile) is twenty-two years old and a co-director of Beth-Biri, a ministry based in the West End of Brisbane. She moved to Australia 18 months ago from Austria to pioneer this ministry with two other young people.
She is passionate about words, beauty, and the depths of the human heart:
“My desire is to see young people follow their wildest dreams and discover who they were made to be. I want Beth-Biri to be a place where everyone who comes feels seen, heard and deeply loved; a place where hearts can heal and know that they belong.”
You can follow Beth-Biri on Instagram and Facebook.
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