Jesus, Black Lives Matter™ & the True Meaning of Christmas

22 December 2020

1.6 MINS

I came across a tweet recently which quite literally, made me gasp, and unfortunately would without question, cause many people to be really angry. In the midst of the incessant stream of inane — and often deeply offensive — social comment was this:

Wait, what?! The purported goal of the Black Lives Matter™ movement is to raise awareness of racial inequality and hence promote reconciliation. But ironically, the sad and tragic reality is that it has produced the exact opposite. With the international rise of BLM, we have only witnessed more violence and hostility.

At the end of 2020 people — especially in America where BLM originated — are more deeply divided than ever. Rather than producing greater harmony, it has instead produced only deeper and more significant divisions.

How different though, is the impact of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Like so many Christians throughout the world, and especially those living in metropolitan areas, I am part of a church which is culturally diverse. Indeed, some weeks I look around and find myself musing that we are kind of like the United Nations! Not that I really think about it that much to be honest, because it’s not the colour of our skin which unites or defines us. (Galatians 2:28)

No, what brings us — and keeps us — together is the message of Christmas. That God sent His Son into the world to reconcile us wayward sinners not only to Himself, but also to each other. Because the impact of His life, death, resurrection and ascension is not only vertical, but also horizontal (Eph. 2:14-15). As the angels declared at Jesus’ birth:

Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to men on
whom His favour rests.
(Luke 2:14)

One of my fellow leaders at the church in which I serve as a pastor sent me the link to a hymn that he has been teaching our congregation to sing recently. Not only is it a clever take on a Christian classic, but it’s a powerful example of how the Gospel brings people together who would by nature not be willing to have anything to do with each other.

May the LORD richly bless you this Christmas with the good news of lasting peace and true reconciliation, not only between individuals and Himself, but also between people from every nation under Heaven.

[Photo by Ben White on Unsplash]

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