Days of Holiness ~ Day 19: Our Holy Zeal
We are living in times where it is hard to have a holy zeal for the tragic issue of abortion, as many even in the church shun even speaking about such issues. We must be like Phineas, Aaron’s grandson, who whilst all of Israel were weeping because of the consequences of their idolatry to ‘Baal Peor’, rose with holy zeal.
As one of Israel’s leaders blatantly mocked God’s command and flaunted with a Midianite woman, right before them, Phineas full of impassioned zeal went into the tent and killed them both.
In Numbers 25:12-13 (NLT) it states:
“Now because of what he has done
— because of his zeal for his God,
and because he has made atonement
for the people of Israel by what he did
— I promise that he and his descendants
shall be priests forever.”
Some of God’s people are awakening to the truth that legalised abortion is one of the greatest tragedies of our time, and can identify with King David’s words in Psalm 69:9 ~
“My zeal for God and His work burns hot within me.
And because I advocate Your cause,
Your enemies insult me even as they insult You.”
It is counter-cultural to know God, to abide in His word and be instructed, equipped and trained by it, to have faith in His ways, being higher and more wonderful than worldly ways, and to walk in His ways of blessing. However, we also must guard our hearts and our lips lest we sin, as Paul teaches in Romans 10:2 ~
“I know what enthusiasm they have for the honour of God,
but it is misdirected zeal.”
Speaking about the Jews who were seeking atonement by their own ways. They had missed the truth: the Messiah had already come and atoned for all sin.
We will feel every emotion in this Holy War — anger, grief, fear, guilt, and much more.
When we feel these things, it is wise listen to what we are saying out of our mouths, even in our hearts — we do not want to operate in misdirected zeal, but rather Holy zeal, so the Lord can commend us, not oppose us. Let us, in our passion for the Lord’s ways, listen to the wisdom of Paul in Ephesians 4:26 ~
“Be angry, and yet do not sin;
do not let the sun go down on your anger…”
Let us bring all these emotions to the Lord, and ask for grace to help us have only Holy Zeal and not give any room for the enemy. Remember, vengeance is Mine says the Lord — we do not need to retaliate.
Let us Pray:
Holy Heavenly Father, Zeal for Your House has consumed us; You have placed Your passionate heart of righteousness in us to see justice for the unborn. Lord, awaken those who are sitting on the fence or in the enemies’ camp — agreeing with the death of the unborn by legalised abortion.
Lord, give us the courage at the time we need it, to move swiftly according to Your commands to see deliverance in our days. Lord, let the royal priests in Your Church rise with power to deal with the mocking spirits that flaunt death in the face of Your Holy Nation.
Lord, we thank You for mercy that triumphs over judgement, and we thank You that this is the year of the vengeance of our God — both are needed as You restore all things.
Lord, we ask that legislation be enacted in every state, bringing Australia into alignment with the original design You have, for the protection and provision of abundant life, for our future generations.
Lord, thank You for Holy Zeal sweeping over Your people as they awaken. We ask again for mercy for those with children in the womb right now, to be born healthy and strong to serve You all their days with holy zeal. We bless Your Holy Name Yeshua, Lord Jesus our King, Amen.
Abundant grace to you as we continue in prayer and fasting according to Mark 9:29 ~
He answered them, “This type of powerful spirit can only be cast out by fasting and prayer.”
Points for Prayer ~ pray for:
- South Australia’s Lower House politicians, that they be infused with truth and light for the sanctity of life – even of the unborn. Pray for a majority to vote no to this bill and take courage to defeat the Termination of Pregnancy Bill 2020 the week of Feb 3rd 2021.
- Those on the frontline preparing for the Walk for Life, February 6th 2021 in Adelaide, South Australia, for volunteers and marshalls, for no COVID before, during or after it.
- For our future generations to be rescued from the horror of death through abortion!
Let the spirit of adoption enter the hearts of those considering abortion,
to carry to full term and save their child’s life. - For greater numbers of believers in Jesus all over Australia and the South Pacific region to awaken to the battle and stand for life — to rise up in wisdom and courage to take action needed and speak for the voiceless.
- For the church to become a haven of hope and help for those with unplanned pregnancies.
To send the intended influential message to our politicians
that South Australians DO NOT want legalised abortion up to birth,
we need thousands of people on the WALK for LIFE!
It will take each of us to SPREAD THE WORD through all our networks!
Go to our website & our Facebook page Love Adelaide — make sure you ‘like’ the page and share the event.
The team at the Canberra Declaration are partnering with Love Adelaide’s call for 37 Days of Prayer & Fasting in asking God for the defeat of this horrific SA abortion to birth legislation that will be voted on in February 2021. We are doing this by calling for 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting from 1 – 21 January 2021. (Feel free to join them for the full 37 Days should you so wish.)
We are also adding some very specific prayer requests over and above the defeat of this horrific anti-LIFE legislation in SA. Join with us as we believe for breakthrough for these key prayer points. Feel free to add your own prayer requests for friends and family, your church and your local community as you feel led. Join us each night of the 21 days at 8pm (AEDT, NSW, Vic, Tas time) in Zoom Room 776881184.
- A revelation for Australians of Jesus Christ and Him crucified
- The defeat of South Australia’s Abortion Legalisation Bill
- The defeat of Victoria’s “Change or Suppression” Bill
- Integrity and justice in the U.S. election process
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