Proposed law protects ‘abortion’ babies born alive
Federal MP George Christensen is seeking to introduce a bill into Parliament which would require medical practitioners to provide a child born alive during a late-term abortion with the medical care they need to survive.
“I am asking my parliamentary colleagues, and in fact, our entire community to consider the painful question: ‘what happens to a child born alive during a late-term abortion?’
“The uncomfortable truth is that the child is left to die.
“As one state agency so brutally puts it: “the baby … is wrapped in a blanket and the mother is given the opportunity to hold the baby as it dies.” *
“This issue has been on my heart and mind for a long time.
“Now that I have more information on the number of children we are talking about, though those figures understate the problem, I must act.”
Mr Christensen has had a bill prepared pointing out that Australia is in breach of two international agreements to which it is a signatory: The Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
“I have provided the Human Rights (Children Born Alive Protection) Act 2021 bill to the Prime Minister and other key ministers, seeking their support on adopting this bill, or allowing a conscience vote on it,” Mr Christensen said.
“The bill makes it an offence not to provide life-saving treatment punishable with penalties of higher than $400,000 for health practitioners and higher for corporations.
“It also could see health practitioners who breach the law deregistered in Australia.
“I encourage others to lend their support for this action via my website
*South Australian Attorney General’s office.
[Photo by Laura Adai on Unsplash]5 Comments
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No way. Save every baby.
God help the people to stand up for the helpless and most vulnerable. .
Father in Heaven, in Jesus’ Name, wake up the peoples, especially Christians, to know that if they don’t speak up or stand for the defenceless, they stand guilty before You, the Judge of all.
I am endeavouring to email as many federal politicians as I can to support this Bill. I have also contacted Prime Minister Scott Morrison seeking his support. We have to get the ears of as many politicians as possible, we can’t allow these poor little soals to go without medical care.
To not save these babies is murder..
to not save these babies, is murder,