
Australia Prays – August 19: A Spirit of Repentance

19 August 2021

2.1 MINS


A prerequisite to receiving God’s mercy and forgiveness is a spirit of repentance on the part of His people.


“Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your unfailing love;
according to Your great compassion blot out my transgressions.”
—Psalm 51:1


This psalm is a cry for mercy after a great fall into sin—David’s adultery and murder. Such is the ability of the human heart to deceive and justify its own evil that it took the Word of the Lord, coming through the prophet Nathan, to convict David of his sin. This is when he uttered this cry for mercy. Read Psalm 51. May we too have this spirit of repentance.

Jesus Have Mercy
“But the tax collector stood at a distance,” we read in Luke 18:13. “He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Jesus tells the story of a Pharisee who went to the temple and boasted about his own righteousness and this tax collector. The Pharisee praised himself; the tax collector plead for mercy. Which one are you?

Have Mercy on Australia
Today we remember the Northern Territory. Thus far, the NT is the least affected of all the Australian states and territories—with only 200 cases, only 15 of which have been locally acquired, and no deaths. Pray that the Delta strain would not spread to this largely vulnerable population.

Have Mercy on the World
Today we pray for Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Indonesia is one of the most seriously affected countries in the world, with almost four million cases and 120,000 deaths. Some 82 million vaccines doses have been administered there, or 30 per 100 people. The healthcare system in Indonesia is struggling to cope. Papua New Guinea has had 18,000 cases and 192 deaths. There have only been 100,000 vaccine doses administered in PNG, or one per 100 people: one of the lowest vaccination rates in the world.


Have Mercy on Your Church
It has been a particular challenge for churches to continue their essential youth and children’s work. Pray especially for the pastoral care and outreach that volunteers and staff seek to do among our young people.

Have Mercy on Our Families
There are particular stresses and strains for those who have children at home, especially if they are in a strict lockdown. Children in Victoria are now even banned from going to a playground. Pray for Christian families to be strong, supportive and compassionate at this time.


From Ada Boland, Indigenous Christian Leader and member of the National Day of Prayer and Fasting Executive Team

Lord, we stand with the body of Christ around our nation to ask for Your love, mercy and grace to bring healing and restoration in our land. Lord, forgive us and let Your heart of mercy deliver us from this virus in the name of Your Son Jesus. Amen.

Australia Prays

These devotions are brought to you by Rev David Robertson and the National Day of Prayer and Fasting (NDOPF).

Join us for Australia Prays this coming Sunday via Zoom:

DATES: 22nd August 2021
TIME: 9am–9pm (AEST)
MEETING ID: 776881184
(Watch: Zoom tutorial)

Additionally, join us on our nightly one-hour Zoom prayer calls:

DATES: 16th–21st August 2021
TIME: 8pm–9pm (AEST)
ZOOM LINK: as above

Register here to receive these daily devotions by email.

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