Euthanasia Law QLD

Tragic Euthanasia Law Passes in QLD: Here’s How MPs Voted

17 September 2021

2.2 MINS

In a tragic development in the fight for life, the Queensland parliament has voted overwhelmingly to support new euthanasia laws. Nonetheless, while the results are hugely disappointing, Christians were at the forefront of the opposition to the bill.

On Thursday afternoon, sixty-one members of parliament voted for the anti-life euthanasia laws, while only thirty took a stand. Tragically, no amendments were passed to ensure that the legislation would not be abused.

As pro-life group Cherish Life QLD has shown, the so-called ‘voluntary assisted dying bill’ is completely out of step with the grassroots sentiment.

Recent research, jointly commissioned by Cherish Life QLD alongside the Australian Christian Lobby and Hope Australia, suggests that a clear majority of Queenslanders oppose legalising euthanasia as a government priority.

Perhaps more significantly, overwhelming majorities supported additional safeguards to the legislation, including protections for Christian hospitals and doctors who object to the laws.

Only three courageous Labor members voted against the bill. These were Hon. Bart Mellish, Hon. Joe Kelly and Hon. Linus Power.

On the other hand, twenty-three Liberal-National Party members opposed the bill while ten supported it. All members from Katter’s Australia Party and One Nation took a stand against Palaszczuk’s bill.

How Did Everyone Vote?

Here is the full list of members, and whether they voted for or against the bill to legalise euthanasia:




Bart Mellish
Joe Kelly
Linus Power



Curtis Pitt



Leeanne Enoch
Chris Whiting
Craig Crawford
Di Farmer
Tom Smith
Lance McCallum
Michael Healy
Jason Hunt
Don Brown
Cynthia Lui
Jonty Bush
Mark Furner
Meaghan Scanlon
Glenn Butcher
Adrian Tantari
Annastacia Palaszczuk
Jennifer Howard
Jim Madden
Charis Mullen
Brittany Lauga
Shane King
Joan Pease
Melissa McMahon
Julieanne Gilbert
Corrine McMillan
Bruce Saunders
Grace Grace
Mark Bailey
Mark Ryan
Jess Pugh
Les Walker
Steven Miles
Rob Skelton
Leanne Linard
Nikki Boyd
Ali King
Yvette D’Ath
Kim Richards
Barry O’Rourke
Stirling Hinchliffe
Mick de Brenni
Jimmy Sullivan
James Martin
Aaron Harper
Peter Russo
Scott Stewart
Shannon Fentiman
Cameron Dick

Liberal National Party:



David Crisafulli
Stephen Bennett
Colin Boyce
Pat Weir
Laura Gerber
Tim Mander
Andrew Powell
Lachlan Millar
Tony Perrett
Jarrod Bleijie
Jim McDonald
Fiona Simpson
Christian Rowan
Ros Bates
Deb Frecklington
Dan Purdie
Mark Robinson
Jon Krause
James Lister
Trevor Watts
David Janetzki
Ann Leahy
Amanda Camm



John-Paul Langbroek



Sam O’Connor
Brent Mickelberg
Dale Last
Michael Hart
Steve Minnikin
Tim Nicholls
Michael Crandon
Ray Stevens
Rob Molhoek
Mark Boothman












Katter’s Australia Party:



Shane Knuth
Nick Dametto
Robbie Katter









Michael Berkman
Amy MacMahon


One Nation:



Stephen Andrew









Sandy Bolton


Please share this list, and consider sending an email thanking the members who took a stand against this anti-life legislation.

A huge thanks goes to everyone who spoke out on this important issue. We must keep it up!


Image by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.

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  1. Warwick Marsh 18 September 2021 at 5:21 pm - Reply

    Needed but very sad artilce. Even sadder is the fact that Rob Molheck voted to kill the old people! We need to remember this list at the next election!

  2. Bob 4 October 2021 at 1:17 pm - Reply

    Mmmm left out a whole side of parliament there ????

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