born again

‘The Happiest I’ve Ever Felt’ – Lewis Begins a Brand New Life

3 November 2021

1.2 MINS

On a recent Youth for Christ mission trip, a young man named Lewis put his faith in Christ and was born again. Here is his story.

“We found our sports balls had been taken by a group of twenty youth and lit on fire, causing a lot of disruption,” Nathan recalls.

Nathan was on a mission trip with Youth for Christ, partnering with local Christians to reach the lost in their community with several night-time outreaches in a local park. They had come up against some particularly challenging behaviours (read the story here).

A Door for the Gospel

After the youth had swept through the park again, leaving chaos in their wake, Nathan was able to strike up a conversation with Lewis, a teenager who had lagged behind. This led to an opportunity to share the gospel.

Nathan asked Lewis if he would like to receive forgiveness and be born again into a new life with Jesus. Lewis responded with one word: “Sure”.

After praying with him, Nathan told this story:

Lewis held out his hands, which began to half shake. “What was that?” he asked.

With emotion welling up, Lewis said, “I feel different.” I gave him a Bible and shared the basics of starting a new life with God.

The next day, Lewis told me that he had been reading the Bible. He read the first chapter of Mark in his new Bible when he’d gotten home. He noted how after reading this, he had the “most peaceful sleep” he has ever had.

The Day Lewis Got Baptised

Around 15 young people wanted to be baptised by the local believers into a new life with Jesus, including Lewis.

When Lewis came out of the water, much like his experience with God the day before, he was wide-eyed with hands shaking. This time he remarked, “I feel happy. The happiest I’ve ever felt.”

Originally published at Youth for Christ.

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  1. Anna 3 November 2021 at 2:12 pm - Reply

    Joy wells up in me when i read these testimonies of new life and baptisms.
    Every one in Heaven rejoices when one sinner repents and is born again!

  2. Prat 4 November 2021 at 9:27 am - Reply

    What joy!

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