Our Leaders Now Echo the Covid ‘Conspiracy Theorists’
The vaccines don’t prevent transmission. Everyone will get covid. Hospital statistics are overblown. These were “conspiracy theories” yesterday. Yet today, everyone from Scott Morrison to Anthony Fauci to Brad Hazzard speaks of them as self-evident facts. What gives?
The covid dominoes are falling.
In recent weeks, political leaders in Australia and beyond have begun to admit obvious truths that so-called ‘conspiracy theorists’ have been harping on about for months.
The Vaccines Don’t Prevent Transmission
The classic example of this, which slowly came to light over the course of 2021, is the ubiquity of “breakthrough infections”.
Once dubbed “rare” by the corporate press, such cases are so common among the double- and triple-jabbed that we no longer bother using such an onerous phrase to describe them. Now we just shrug our shoulders and carry on when the supposedly-immune catch the virus.
Many argue that the covid injections were never designed to confer sterilising immunity as with other vaccines. But that is not what the world’s most trusted leaders told us.
President Joe Biden, White House Medical Advisor Anthony Fauci, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky and pharmaceutical investor Bill Gates clearly stated that by getting injected, you would neither contract nor transmit Covid-19:
— Wittgenstein (@backtolife_2023) February 4, 2022
It is now abundantly clear that, while the vaccines may prevent severe and deadly outcomes, they do little to slow the spread of the virus. This, of course, makes vaccine mandates and passports (which supposedly protect others) futile. I made this point in an article last year and was rebuked by many for being irresponsible. Where are my detractors now?
Everyone Will Eventually Get Covid
A more recent admission was made last week by NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard. “We would expect that pretty well everybody in New South Wales at some point will get Omicron,” he told reporters. “We’re all going to get Omicron.”
Brad Hazzard, NSW Health Minister: “We would expect that pretty well everybody in New South Wales at some point will get Omicron. We’re all gonna get Omicron” pic.twitter.com/4lL7l439FJ
— Viewspot (@viewspotnz) December 27, 2021
While Hazzard was addressing the new variant specifically, our leaders have known for a long time that covid would eventually reach us all.
How? For at least two reasons. The vaccines don’t prevent infection, as we have seen. Also, they have not reduced covid’s reproduction rate (the average number of additional cases caused by an infected person) to below the necessary target of 1.
“Covid-zero” was always going to be impossible. But that never stopped state premiers like Daniel Andrews and Mark McGowan pursuing it with reckless abandon. They truly believed it was possible to keep their state safe from covid until the threat simply disappeared into the ether. To question their radical commitment was verboten just months ago.
Now even our Prime Minister is saying that we must “live with this virus with common sense and responsibility” — ironically, while case numbers reach heights that would have made his eyes water last year. And now we’re all free to say in polite society what was taboo just weeks ago.
Hospitalisation Numbers Have Been Overstated
Brad Hazzard has again come to the rescue, admitting what the tinfoil hats among us have suggested from the start: covid hospitalisation figures are not what they seem. Last week he explained:
A reasonable proportion of cases being classified as Covid hospitalisations are actually people with other reasons for admission. Heart attacks, births, falls, none of that stops just because there is Covid.
They come into hospital, they have a swab taken and it confirms Covid. This shows us it’s out in the community, but we aren’t necessarily seeing that as the primary reason for all of the admissions.
According to the Daily Mail, “data shows as many as 50 per cent of ‘Covid patients’ in the state’s hospitals were actually admitted for other reasons”.
Coincidentally, just days earlier, Anthony Fauci acknowledge the same anomaly in US hospitalisation statistics for children:
If you look at the children who are hospitalised, many of them are hospitalised with covid as opposed to because of covid. And what we mean by that, if a child goes into the hospital they automatically get tested for covid and they get counted as a covid hospitalised individual, when in fact they may go in for a broken leg or appendicitis.
FAUCI: “If you look at the children that are hospitalized, many of them are hospitalized with COVID, as opposed to because of COVID…if a child goes into the hospital, they automatically get tested for COVID & they get counted as a COVID hospitalized individual.” pic.twitter.com/1aGXkix0be
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) December 31, 2021
It takes commendable blind faith in talking heads to believe this was a conspiracy theory last week and a perfectly acceptable viewpoint today.
Your Health is Your Responsibility
Millennials like me went through school learning that exercise, healthy eating and good self-care were hallmarks of responsible adulthood.
Then over the last two years we were abruptly told that the deaths of others were on our heads if we didn’t live like hermits, take a provisionally-approved medical treatment, and happily hand over a swathe of other human rights.
If you’ve followed the science, you would know that Covid-19 disproportionately affects those who are immunocompromised, chronically ill and overweight. It is ironic, then, that those insisting on healthy eating, vitamin supplements, exercise and sunlight these last two years have routinely been frowned upon as encouraging “vaccine hesitancy”.
“Protect your family and get vaccinated” and “stay home to save lives” have been far more popular slogans — perhaps because they require far less effort from us than the hard work of personal health.
While I remain dumbfounded and disconcerted that no public leaders anywhere (as far as I am aware) have promoted personal health, perhaps the tide is beginning to turn. El Salvador’s government recently released the following ad:
The government of El Salvador released an advert promoting healthy lifestyle choices in the fight against disease. pic.twitter.com/XvlAI8L2KE
— Apex World News (@apexworldnews) January 4, 2022
As omicron continues to spread, maybe Western governments will begin to see the wisdom in the “quackery” of personal health as well.
All of this to say: if your main source of news the last two years has been the corporate press, you may be shocked and even afraid of what our leaders are now telling us about covid. But if you have been consuming independent and conservative media and thinking critically, none of it will come as a surprise.
So be careful who you trust. And maybe take a moment to reach out and apologise to your “conspiracy theorist” friends and family?
Image by Boris Krupnik on Unsplash.
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Great article
Thanks Kurt! Fantastic article once again. Keep it up.
Another brilliant and needed expose of the lies and treachery of Big Tech, Big Government, Mainstream Media and Big Pharma!!! Just released today: https://dads4kids.org.au/12-ways-to-beat-covid-19/
This video of Dr Robert Malone really gets to the point of what is happening:
I love this article. Thank you. Truth it seems has never been so hard to find as it is now. Thank you for giving us some of that truth.
You write “If you’ve followed the science, you would know that Covid-19 disproportionately affects those who are immunocompromised, chronically ill and overweight. It is ironic, then, that those insisting on healthy eating, vitamin supplements, exercise and sunlight these last two years have routinely been frowned upon as encouraging “vaccine hesitancy”.”
I remember Dr Kerrie Chant, Hazzard and Premier during their press conferences expressing the need for us to exercise outdoors for physical and mental health reasons and encouraging this. I have heard similar expressed by Greg Hunt and the CMO. GP’s are always encouraging their patients to live proactively healthy lives, with good diet, daily exercise, supplements. I have not come across any Aussi health professionals or government minister or official frowning upon these as encouraging vaccine hesitancy. They have encouraged health lifestyles along with vaccinations.
Please feel free to prove me wrong.
Some sites from Vic, NSW, Federal governments:
Whilst there is no evidence from the current outbreak that specific foods have protected people from Coronavirus, research shows improving your nutrition helps your immune system to function well and fight infections.
Dietitian Professor Clare Collins discusses 5 ways nutrition could help your immune system fight off the coronavirus.
is linked from
Bring the truth to anyone who will listen and receive it.
It’s everything and all that we can do;
Much like sharing the Gospel, many people just can’t accept.
Love your work mate.
Leonie and Ivan.
Nice work, Kurt. Keep it up mate.
You’ve got a great talent for writing truth in a disarming manner.
Also, as many are observing now, the difference between conspiracy theory and accepted mainstream narrative is now only 30-60 days!