
The WHO Renames the Monkeypox

20 June 2022

2.4 MINS

Is the term “monkeypox” offensive? Does it cause discrimination against Africans? Monkeys are endemic to Asia too…

The World Health Organisation has decided to rebrand, er, rename the monkeypox.

WHO boss Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus said last week a new name was needed to avoid fuelling ‘discrimination and stigma’.

Discrimination against monkeys? Really?

What about chooks? Should we rename chickenpox, or do they fall afoul of government inaction because of where they sit in the pecking order?

Is smallpox offensive to people under 5’2? Won’t someone think of the midgets?

Clearly, I’m not taking this very seriously. And why should I?

What does it say about the age in which we live that an international group of 29 scientists from such distinguished institutions as Oxford University got together, not to come up with a monkeypox cure, but to call for a name change?

Could there be a better illustration of the lunacy of the age in which we have been doomed to live?

Can we cure the monkeypox? Absolutely not. But don’t worry, we can come up with a meaningless gesture to salve the hurt feelings of… monkeys.

The WHO will use funds to change the name of the disease rather than to stop it. I’m guessing a lot of first-class flights will be required to make the name change happen.

Trust the science, as they say!

You’d think that after the Covid fiasco, the WHO would be working hard to rebuild its credibility, not further diminish it.

Rather than cure the monkeypox, they’re going to cancel it! What could be more 2022?


According to the WHO, the name monkeypox suggests the virus now circulating in countries such as the UK and the US is African.

So the “anti-racists” want to change the name of the virus to stop Africans from coming to mind when they hear the word monkey. Tell me again who the racists are?

The WHO also want the media to use more photos of white people covered in lesions, caused by whatever they are going to call the disease whose name cannot be spoken for fear that the proles cannot hear it without their inner racist being aroused.

This would be the first time in years that I’ve heard elites demand people of colour not be represented.

monkeypox vaccine

When the WHO warns that the name monkeypox creates a certain stigma, I suspect it means too many people are making fun of the disease rather than being sufficiently frightened.

Cause for Concern?

A WHO committee will meet on June 23 to discuss whether the outbreak should be recognised as a global health emergency.

The Guardian ran an article on Wednesday headed: “Monkeypox Virus: What are the Symptoms and Should Australians Be Worried?

Cue scary music.

I immediately donned a mask and started to read, only to learn in the third paragraph that just three monkeypox cases have been reported in Australia.

Stop scary music.

You can see why a new rebranding is urgently needed.

Flying Monkeypox” could work. Or they could just go all out and call it the “Run-For-Your-Lives-Pox”.

MegaDeathPox” for short.

If it’s not so much fear they are trying to instil as action, the WHO could always rebrand it as Covidpox. All the Covidians would immediately double-mask and gleefully line up for never ending jabs, demonising anyone who didn’t.

Big Pharma could sell hastily prepared vaccines — that offer no protection against catching or spreading the virus — to all the countries of the world, where citizens would be forced to take them every three months.

Just drop the “k” and call it the “Moneypox”.


Originally published at The James Macpherson Report.
Subscribe to his Substack here for daily witty commentary.
Photo by Magda Ehlers.

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  1. John Rodda 20 June 2022 at 8:54 pm - Reply

    It is the misnamed WHO dictatorship that is not only offensive but also antagonistic to the human race. Kind

  2. John Rodda 20 June 2022 at 8:59 pm - Reply

    The WHO is misnamed. It has its own agenda which has nothing to do with the health or welfare of the human race.

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