Moravian revival

Moravian Miracle Review – A Book the Sons of Issachar Would Love

5 July 2022

4.5 MINS

May the retelling of the history of the Moravian prayer movement ignite hearts across the world, and especially in Australia, so that we may see a great revival across the nation and the globe, with souls on fire for Christ, the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world.

A great sense of excitement, awe and urgency gripped my heart as I read the book Moravian Miracle: The Hundred-Year Prayer Meeting that Changed the World by Dr Jason Hubbard.

When God releases a book on the earth for the Church, it is a Kingdom key of revelation to align, position and posture before the Spirit of God, Who is speaking a new word of action to the church of Jesus Christ on the earth. It is especially a wooing and a warning to hear and obey what the Spirit is saying.

It is a moment like the Sons of Issachar anointing released on the body of believers, for us to know the season and the timings of God.

Watch the Moravian Miracle Release Video, that I took part in, below. Order your own copy here.

God Calls Us

I sensed the Father’s invitation according to Isaiah 43:26: —

“Put Me in remembrance. Let us contend together;
state your case that you may be acquitted.”

There has been much prayer continuing for the prophesied revival, with the Smith Wigglesworth prophecy of the last move to begin from Australia.

This book by Dr Jason Hubbard captures the key that led to the Moravian Pentecost. The “Moravian Miracle” revelation and prophetic prayer, that it is time for the LAMB of God to become the centre of the throne on the Earth as it is in Heaven by God’s redemptive grace — the Isaiah 22:22 key of David that would open a door of Mercy by the Holy Spirit to enter into a fresh revelation of the cross of Jesus Christ and the Glory of the Lamb.

God will send revival, just as He did for the Moravians when there was a true confession of sin and reconciliation among brethren in the body. As we come to the covenant meal table and partake, we would receive a fresh baptism of Love as the Moravians did. May God’s love once again be shed abroad in our hearts.

God wants a church that is HOT. The passion that consumed Count Zinzendorf would come upon the Church, to behold the Lamb of God Who was slain.

Until: (I quote from the book)

  • Our hearts are wounded by the Wounded One
  • We see the LORD pierced and our hearts feel the piercing (quote by Charles Spurgeon)
  • We are gripped with a passion for the Lamb, from Whom glory flows
  • Until our hearts are scarred by the sacrifice of His Son as the Lamb
  • Until Jesus returns to keep the Fire on the altar, we engage in intercessory prayer day and night
  • To worship the LAMB of GOD at the throne with the heavenly hosts, seated with Christ in heavenly places
  • To be occupied in the harvest fields of the nations, discipling them in apostolic relational communities, living and sharing in the LOVE of God
  • Expecting a move of God among our children, as the Moravians did.


May we receive in this a fresh impartation and anointing for the five marks that distinguished the Moravian covenant with God.

  1. The strategic missions, which took the message of the cross and the Gospel to all nations, saw that the Lamb of God would receive every reward for His suffering.
  2. The unceasing prayer and worship around the throne, around the clock, around the globe.
  3. The posture of humility and hiddenness, with a humble and contrite heart.
  4. Love for one another, in obedience to Jesus’s new commandment in John 13:34-35 —
    A new commandment I give you, that you love one another even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this, all man will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.
  5. Beholding the LAMB — twenty-eight times in the book of Revelation, Jesus is revealed as the worthy Lamb. We need to bury our hearts in HIS wounds till our lives are transformed from Glory to Glory, for indeed every wound bleeds glory!

Some of these prayers are being answered: strategic missions to reach a billion-soul harvest have increased through the convergence of many evangelical and prayer movements across the earth.


This Passover in Jerusalem, there was a convergence of many prayer leaders, intercessors of many prayer movements and watchmen groups coming together in a fresh revelation and release of the Communion Revival of the Body and the Blood of Jesus. Just as the Moravians came around the communion table as in Act 2:46 —

“And continuing daily with one mind in the temple,
breaking bread from house to house,
they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart;
Praising God and having favour with all the people.
And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.”

I had a prophetic dream around this Passover Feast. I saw the Earth spinning slowly on its axis. On the centre of the globe was a white banner with letters in blue written, “Behold the LAMB OF GOD Who takes away the sins of the world.” (John 1:29) It impressed on my heart that the whole world will once again BEHOLD, look at the LAMB of GOD Who was slain for the sins of many like never before. There will be in these days a true revelation of the LAMB of God seated on the THRONE in Heaven and soon on the earth.

We the Ecclesia are to intercede and ask for the LAMB TO BE SEATED on the throne of every heart of believers, HIS Church, nations and governments, and above all in the temple in Jerusalem for which the antichrist contends.

Baptism in the Spirit

The last prayer as read and written by Dr Jason Hubbard is a prayer of the Holy Spirit carrying an impartation of the empowering anointing that was upon Count Zinzendorf. This being the Hebrew year of PEY — the Mouth, as Dr Jason decreed the prayer, there was an empowering anointing of Count Zinzendorf on him.

To as many who will by faith listen to the live interview of the prayer between Jason Hubbard and Warwick Marsh, will by faith receive an impartation to run with the Moravian zeal and fire for the revival that we are so desperately crying out for.


Let the communion of the covenant meal be restored on the altar of our hearts and our families. I prophesy we will see the communion revival of Jesus’ blood which alone is able to wash away the sins, remit the sins and propitiate the covenant of restoration individually and corporately.

May we truly behold the Lamb of God Who was slain both in the throne room of Heaven and on earth and be the people, the Ecclesia of Australia and the nations who are able to bring forth the rewards for all His sufferings. Lord Jesus, help us!


Photo by Luis Quintero.

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  1. Kaylene Emery 5 July 2022 at 8:39 am - Reply

    Absolutely wonderful article Molly thank you. I look forward to reading it many times as I strive toward a deeper understanding of His will for me our Nation and His word.
    May our Lord continue to bless you in your ministry protect you and nourish you and those you love.

    • Molly Joshi 13 July 2022 at 4:07 pm - Reply

      Thank you Kathleen for your heartfelt and kind words of encouragement. I am strengthened by them

  2. JOY 16 July 2022 at 1:18 pm - Reply

    Thanks for the share sister Molly, I am set out to continue further to look into this, read the book and prayer and learn more regarding.
    God bless you as you share and may this article be a blessing, a guide to finding new hope for many who are feeling lost and needing, may the Power and filling of the Holy Spirit fuel each one for complete reconciliation and shalom, for the joy of the Lord to be our strength and to fill every gap
    with worship! in The mighty name of Jesus our Yeshua amen

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