ACT Labor’s Hostile Takeover of Pro-Life Catholic Hospital Linked to Abortion

12 May 2023

2.5 MINS

A pro-life Catholic hospital in Canberra is being forced to hand its staff and building over to the Australian Capital Territory government.

In a statement posted May 10, ACT Chief Minister, Andrew Barr, said new laws were being fast-tracked to allow the ACT government to take “Calvary Public Hospital land” without question or concern for compensation.

Over AUD $1 billion in funding has been allocated to deliver, what Barr described as “healthcare that is more consistent with the evolving needs of the ACT community”.

In other words, ‘not Christian’.

The ACT government will destroy the current hospital, replacing it, and its landmark blue cross, with a government-run, Northside hospital to be operated by Canberra Health Services.

Calvary’s 1800 staff will be transitioned to the left-wing, Labor government’s ‘healthcare’ ethos, and helped to adjust to the tax-payer-funded hostile takeover.

Minister for Health, Rachel Stephen-Smith, delighted by the news, defended the ‘acquisition’ saying,

Consolidating our public hospitals to create a single network will allow us to better coordinate our health services, and improved health outcomes for all Canberrans.

Paying tribute, Smith added,

Calvary has played an important role in the delivery of public hospital care for generations of Canberrans over the last 44 years.

Canberra Health Services looks forward to welcoming current staff while recognising the need to respect the hospital’s distinct culture and values.

The hospital was established in 1885 by the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary.

They are a non-profit Catholic healthcare organisation, with a mission to “provide quality, compassionate healthcare to those in need”.

Julian Bajkowski, writing for The Mandarin, explained, “the church doesn’t own the land, making compulsorily acquisition of Crown Land a significantly simpler exercise.”

The ‘stealthy’ move to ‘nationalise’ the Christian hospital, he inferred, potentially proves just how hostile the ACT Labor Government is towards the Church.

Noting community sentiment, Bajkowski said,

There is a perception in many migrant communities that the ACT government wants the church out of the local healthcare system for political reasons.

The ABC described the plans as ‘controversial’.

They then reported the ACT Health Minister had refuted the notion the government was retaliating against the Christian hospital because of their notoriously ‘strained relationship’.

Backing the Government, the information report said ACT authorities had been negotiating “the hospital’s future [since] May last year, but were unable to reach an agreement”.

Catholic Weekly unpacked the shock decision, saying the takeover of Calvary’s Public sector came,

Less than a month after a government inquiry into abortion and reproductive choice described Calvary as “problematic… due to an overriding religious ethos.”

Christopher Prowse, Archbishop of Canberra-Goulburn, told DW he was “stunned” by the news, saying “there was no warning or discussion”.

Prowse said the government’s unilateral decision was setting a “worrying precedent”.

It’s a very sad day when governments can simply decide to mount a take-over of any enterprise they like without any justification.

Catholic Health Australia representative, John Watkins AM, was of the opinion that the overreach should be wake up call to all Australians, not just Catholics.

Watkins recalled,

Catholic hospitals account for around 10 per cent of the country’s total hospital services and treat more than 1.5 million patients annually.

If they are to continue to provide their vital role, they need to know their long-term arrangements will not be unilaterally terminated on a whim.

Calvary chief medical advisor Dr Tracey Tay reasserted the Hospital’s long commitment to quality healthcare.

This includes the Hospital’s ‘do no harm’ pro-life position regarding abortion and euthanasia.

Giving possible reasons for the bureaucratic belligerence, Catholic Weekly pointed to Calvary’s opposition to the ACT Government’s euthanasia (VAD) policy.

The Christian hospital refused “to implement the scheme if legalised”.

Responding to the news, the Australian Christian Lobby called for the protection of conscientious objection, rightly framing the Labor-Green acquisition, a ‘Soviet-style’ grab of a non-government asset.

Calvary’s government takeover starts on May 31, and is set to be completed by July.


Photo by Catholic Weekly/Calvary Hospital.

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  1. Kaylene Emery 12 May 2023 at 9:26 am - Reply

    ” the Hospital’s ‘do no harm’ pro-life position regarding abortion and euthanasia.” And indeed this is the reason that the Australian Government has implemented its communist style take over of this Christian Hospital .
    May God in His mercy embolden we the Australian people , to stand for truth , to speak His truth .

  2. judith sheehan 12 May 2023 at 3:24 pm - Reply

    More Marxist agenda wins. Where are the objectors to this blatant anti-Christian ‘take-over’?

    Where are the lawyers warning of Executive and State over-reach?

    Where are the lawyers evidencing the complete illegality of this enactment of Marxist agendas?

    Oh yes – giving up without a whimper – running and hiding from ‘conflict’ !! For Shame!!!

    What a tragic ‘comedy’ Ozzies have devolved into. WWII and subsequent vets will be turning in their graves.

  3. Anna Soh 12 May 2023 at 7:04 pm - Reply

    There are enough hospitals in the ACT to serve those who believe in abortions and euthanasia so this grab is totally unnecessary and definitely puts North Korea to shame. There is no consideration for those who might actually want medical staff that will not ask them to abort their child as a preference or kill themselves in a moment of weakness.
    I for one would prefer such care from those who believe I will go when it is my time to go and that is not a bad belief just a different belief. I guess with that sort of belief I am going to cost the health care more than just killing myself when I am unwell with no consideration that I might get past that season of incapacity and become a productive member of society.

  4. Simon Stewart 13 May 2023 at 1:48 pm - Reply

    Who’d have thought it would come to this in Australia? We owe Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot an apology. Who knew they were just ahead of their time?

  5. H Harrison 13 May 2023 at 8:10 pm - Reply

    Another example of ugly politics! Almost unbelievable. Where is the public outcry? Again there is little press while the stealthy programs increase.

  6. Rod 18 May 2023 at 12:46 pm - Reply

    Worth watching Dr. Joanna Howe’s info-vid. She also updates some of what I’ve covered.

  7. Kelly Hayduk 18 May 2023 at 9:48 pm - Reply

    The ACT Government is a law unto itself. They claim they consult the stakeholders but they never do, only those who agree with their perspectives. They silence the Christian voices, its their way or the highway. Their agenda is so obvious, they see themselves as progressive, all I can say is Woe to you ACT Government.

  8. dee snuts 27 May 2023 at 7:50 pm - Reply

    it sounds like the government just wants hospitals to provide the services they are legally required to offer. why are you surprised that religion is not exempt from the law?

    • Scumbear 17 June 2023 at 11:47 am - Reply

      Because it’s a Catholic hospital.

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