
Answers to Prayer for Israel in May

22 May 2023

2.1 MINS

During this month of May, we have been part of the global call for prayer for Israel. Over the month in excess of 100 million people have been part of this call according to the IPC. We have also been praying for revival and for the gospel of the kingdom to be preached.

When Mike Bickel called for prayer for Israel many asked why this did not happen over Passover, it turned out that the timing was divine due to the Iranian-sponsored Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) rocket attacks into Israel from Gaza.

Answers to Prayer

More than 1200 rockets were fired into Israel by the PIJ over six days this May. Gaza is 40km from the major city of Be’er Sheva and smaller towns like Sderot have as little as 30 seconds warning of attacks. Kindergarten children are able to get to bomb shelters in that time. Israel struck back via Operation Shield and Arrow (Hebrew: מבצע מגן וחץ).

  1. The ones targeted at civilians were intercepted by the Iron Dome, others fell into open ground, and around 15–20%, according to some sources, fell within Gaza.
  2. Minimal casualties in Israel – as far as I am aware only two Israels have been killed, and less than 30 injured.
  3. Minimal civilian casualties in Gaza. Reports indicated ordinary residents are more concerned about PIJ rockets falling in Gaza than Israeli counterstrikes because Israel pre-warms about strikes. The IDF has to deal with terrorists who site military facilities in schools, communities, and hospitals.
  4. The six-day mini war united the divided country – PM Bibi Netanyahu’s government has an increased approval rating.
  5. The annual flag parade for Israel’s Jerusalem Day passed without serious violence. Often attacks are made against Israelis as they celebrate the liberation of Jerusalem in 1967. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Our prayers for Israel are being answered!!! Soli Deo Gloria.

See this update video from Israel on May 15, 2023, that shows more information.


Other Prayer Points

  • Israel continues to bring security to Judea and Samaria. Contrary to some media, Israel wants peace but that is only possible with true security. Please pray for stability.
  • For the first time the United Nations officially commemorated the so called Nakba, which is fundamentally a lie due to the fact the most Arabs fled Israel in 1948 on the basis they expected the surrounding nations to wipe out all the Jews. Please pray for the truth be known.
  • Aliyah. During the first two months of 2023, the number of immigrants to Israel through the Jewish Agency was 12,658, an increase of 219% compared to last year. We pray for the return of the people to the land.
  • Antisemitism festers in the current Australian, US, and British political and social climate. Expressions of hatred against Jews have become “mainstreamed and normalized,” and incidents of violence, vandalism, and harassment of Jews have increased. We pray for protection of the Jewish people.

Prayer Guides and Opportunities to Pray

You can find a prayer guide for Israel here and a link to the Isaiah 62 prayer call here.

Please keep Israel and the Jewish people in your prayers. Join us on our regular Zoom prayer times at 8.00pm AEST this May using this link.

We are also having a special day of prayer for Israel 12.00noon to 9.00pm Sunday the 28th of May on the same Zoom number.


Photo by Wikimedia Commons.

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One Comment

  1. Julie 24 May 2023 at 1:42 am - Reply

    presumably a lot immigrants to Israel are not even religious Jews so what is it that draws them to Israel?

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