
The New York Times Goes Full-Tilt Anti-Vaxxer

9 May 2024

4.5 MINS

In 2021, the New York Times swore black and blue that anyone sharing testimonies of the vaccine injured was an anti-vaxxer. Now the Times claim thousands were maimed. What gives?

The New York Times has evidently joined the cause of the anti-vaxxers — at least, according to last week’s definition of an anti-vaxxer.

Until the publication of ‘Thousands Believe Covid Vaccines Harmed Them. Is Anyone Listening?’ by New York Times science and global health reporter Apoorva Mandavilli, a phrase like “even the best vaccines produce rare but serious side effects” meant shut up and take the shot.

Now, apparently, it means that we all should have been asking more questions about the COVID-19 jabs from the get go.

To reply to Mandavilli’s query: Yes, many of us were listening. However, for years we have been dismissed as quacks and conspiracy theorists until you shifted the goal posts last Friday.

To be fair, people like myself have been short on allies since 2020, so I want to be careful not to burn my bridges with newcomers to Team Sanity.

But I can’t help asking why all of the stories of the vaccine injured that Mandavilli includes in her article centre on Ivy League types from America’s coastal-urban enclaves.

Meet ‘Anti-Vaxxer’ Senator Ron Johnson

I recall watching highlights from a vaccine injury roundtable and media briefing hosted by Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin (from which humble state I currently write) all the way back in June 2021.

Present at that roundtable was wheelchair-bound teenager Maddie de Garay and her mother Stephanie. Maddie had taken part in the Pfizer trial over the winter, and soon afterwards, she developed severe abdominal and chest pain, brain fog, headaches, dizziness, seizures, and a loss of feeling from the waist down.

Four others, all from flyover country, also testified at Senator Johnson’s roundtable. Their vaccine side effects included paresthesia, heart palpitations, tremors, swollen lymph nodes, muscle weakness, convulsions—the list goes on.

Out of curiosity, I searched the New York Times website for mentions of dear Maddie de Garay. As you might have guessed, the results came up empty.

However, when I searched the Times website for mentions of Senator Ron Johnson and vaccines, I found plenty of impetuous propaganda like ‘Elevating Fringe Theories, Ron Johnson Questions Virus Science’, and ‘Assaulting the Truth, Ron Johnson Helps Erode Confidence in Government’.

And before I hear any protests about nuance, let it be known that Senator Johnson kicked off his June 2021 roundtable by acknowledging that more than 300 million doses of the vaccine had already been given in the U.S. at that time, and that, “for the vast majority of people the vaccine has been administered with little or no side effects.”

All this to say, Senator Ron Johnson and other voices in the wilderness like him have been listening to the vaccine-injured for years, even as the New York Times and other regime outlets have blocked their ears and shouted “LA LA LA” over the top of so many tragic testimonies.

Now that stories of severe vaccine injuries have begun bursting elite bubbles, we are allowed to notice them. See how it works?

Anti-Vaxxer NYT’s Tragic Tales

And yes, their stories are tragic, too. Consider Mandavilli’s opening paragraphs:

Within minutes of getting the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine, Michelle Zimmerman felt pain racing from her left arm up to her ear and down to her fingertips. Within days, she was unbearably sensitive to light and struggled to remember simple facts.

She was 37, with a Ph.D. in neuroscience, and until then could ride her bicycle 20 miles, teach a dance class and give a lecture on artificial intelligence, all in the same day. Now, more than three years later, she lives with her parents. Eventually diagnosed with brain damage, she cannot work, drive or even stand for long periods of time.

“When I let myself think about the devastation of what this has done to my life, and how much I’ve lost, sometimes it feels even too hard to comprehend,” said Dr. Zimmerman, who believes her injury is due to a contaminated vaccine batch.

Or the testimony of this New York medical worker:

Shaun Barcavage, 54, a nurse practitioner in New York City who has worked on clinical trials for H.I.V. and Covid, said that ever since his first Covid shot, merely standing up sent his heart racing — a symptom suggestive of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, a neurological disorder that some studies have linked to both Covid and, much less often, vaccination.

He also experienced stinging pain in his eyes, mouth and genitals, which has abated, and tinnitus, which has not.

“I can’t get the government to help me,” Mr. Barcavage said of his fruitless pleas to federal agencies and elected representatives. “I am told I’m not real. I’m told I’m rare. I’m told I’m coincidence.”

Or the case of this working professional from Washington State:

Renee France, 49, a physical therapist in Seattle, developed Bell’s palsy — a form of facial paralysis, usually temporary — and a dramatic rash that neatly bisected her face. Bell’s palsy is a known side effect of other vaccines, and it has been linked to Covid vaccination in some studies.

But Dr. France said doctors were dismissive of any connection to the Covid vaccines. The rash, a bout of shingles, debilitated her for three weeks, so Dr. France reported it to federal databases twice.

“I thought for sure someone would reach out, but no one ever did,” she said.

After reading their stories, former CNN host and vaccine evangelist Chris Cuomo told his own story of vaccine injury in his new gig on News Nation, even interviewing Shaun Barcavage, mentioned above.

One savvy Australian content creator has juxtaposed Cuomo’s original stance on COVID-19 vaccines with his most recent comments, and the results are jarring to say the least:

To be sure, I am happy that Chris Cuomo now feels permission to speak the truth about a deeply personal issue that, until lately, was samizdat.

Good for Michelle Zimmerman, Shaun Barcavage, Renee France, and the thousands of others who are now allowed to speak freely about what happened to them. And credit to Apoorva Mandavilli for shining the spotlight on this issue. Doubtless she will still receive some pushback for what she has written.

But let this be a cautionary tale about the media’s stranglehold on the Overton Window, and their control of narratives as consequential as deaths and injuries via mandated medical injections.

The New York Times isn’t just wrong in hindsight. They and countless other legacy outlets were wrong all along. And some of us, by contrast, were right.

Like Senator Ron Johnson, in 2021, I was warning about vaccine injuries and making an emphatic case for medical freedom in the face of government coercion. I too was mocked and harangued by majority voices for my measured words.

I have yet to hear a single apology. But the comments section is open if anyone feels obliged.


Republished with thanks to Mercator. Image courtesy of Pexels.

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  1. Cheryl Manley 9 May 2024 at 10:29 am - Reply

    Good on you and thank you Kurt. Your commentary has been a light in the darkness of the deceit, coverups, corruption and malice over the past four years. Thanks again and God bless you for your stand.

    • Kurt Mahlburg 9 May 2024 at 11:01 pm - Reply

      Thanks Cheryl. It’s been a lonely road but I have appreciated the voices of support, including yours. Fortunately that chorus of voices is building. God bless.

  2. Warwick Marsh 9 May 2024 at 12:21 pm - Reply

    Great work Kurt. Maybe the dam wall of deceit is about to break!!! It will then become a media feeding frenzy!

  3. Kathy Gasper 9 May 2024 at 2:59 pm - Reply

    I have one friend who has apologised to me after being convinced by an articulate medical professional of the dangers, which was very welcome, however I’m stilled considered an ‘anti vaxxer’ by people close to me. The feeling of not being listened to has lessened but it can still be stirred up and I relive the dismay and helplessness that swept over me at the time.
    Thanks for the infusion of hope that this article brings.

    • Kurt Mahlburg 9 May 2024 at 11:03 pm - Reply

      That’s great to hear about your friend’s apology Kathy. So sad that much of the gaslighting continues. Stay strong!

  4. Rosie Blyth 9 May 2024 at 9:31 pm - Reply

    So many of us who voiced concerns about the vaccine and government (and church) overreach have not been acknowledged as being right. Many of us lost jobs, had fractures in our families, and were discredited and treated like second class citizens…but God. God knows the hurt and sense of betrayal that we experienced, I believe that He is a God who heals and restores, a God who forgives us as we forgive others.

  5. Elizabeth McLean 10 May 2024 at 7:04 am - Reply

    I am glad to hear Kathy that one person has apologised to you, as no one has to either my husband or myself. We both have a medical background and tried to explain to people at our Lawn Bowls club in July 2021 how the injection works and that by taking it they were talking part in a world wide “vaccine trial”. Of course by November 21, we were banned from the club. The board decided to go completely overboard when the Queensland government banned the unvaccinated from pubs, clubs, restaurants, hospitals etc and we were not allowed on the premises. We explained to them that we could still play bowls but just not enter the clubhouse and meet government regulations, to no avail. We have seen members at the supermarket since, however no one has apologised and needless to say we have not returned to bowls. We have been praying that the word would get out into mainstream media about how dangerous these shots are and how they should be banned due to the high number of injuries. Let’s hope that the floodgates will open because it didn’t matter how many letters I wrote to politicians and health officials, no one was listening.

  6. Pearl Miller 10 May 2024 at 9:42 am - Reply

    Maybe I am way head of my time but I am convinced that the VAX , intubation, remdesivere and other “cures” have KILLED way more people than C 19….which turned out to have the same stats as I understand as the annual flu around the world…

  7. Michael Small 12 May 2024 at 5:13 am - Reply

    The evidence of injury and death as a consequence of the “vaccines” has been overwhelming, compelling, undeniable yet repressed by “authorities” since 2020. They can no longer plead ignorance. They have not shown “due diligence” and have been complicent in genocide. Their motivation has been power, control and money. The expert research of brilliant medical, scientific and legal people around the world will eventually make the truth known so long as judicial systems are not also corrupt. Can share much to support truth, justice and compensation. 12th May 2024.

  8. Joshua M 13 May 2024 at 11:24 pm - Reply

    Thanks for your courage from the start Kurt. Your blog helped me see reason and then later keep sanity.

    I’m with you and Elizabeth — it still irks me that no one is ready to apologise a couple of long years later.

    My workplace at the time had a mandate, no apology before Jan ‘24 (although I’ve dropped off the mailing list. Regrettably I know of people who were pressured into it at their churches (and I was forced to dispose my personal medical info to church worker).

    It’s never too late to apologise.

  9. Warwick Marsh 14 May 2024 at 11:29 am - Reply

    THe comments are fantastic but incredibly sad!!!!!

  10. Gail Petherick 14 May 2024 at 12:40 pm - Reply

    Thank you Kurt for this brilliant article and research. My heart goes out to Michaelle, Shaun and Renee who were all damaged by the vaccine and all in medical professions trying to help others. The incredible cognitive loss, heart issues, pain, fatigue and Gillan Barr syndrome have taken such a massive toll on their lives -and they present so many others who have had to try to prove the damage was linked to the vaccine.
    may God continue to keep us in prayer till the full truth comes out about the contaminated batches.
    I read of Dr Peter McCullough’s findings on this (an entomologist and cardiac expert from Texas) who spoke to the Senate July 2023 after Sweden found there was a world wide pattern of contaminated batches amongst the vaccines sent out. This fact was covered up till the Swedish scientists found a pattern. Since then countries have been able to start gathered statistical evidence to prove there was evidence of harm resulting from certain batches, whilst others escaped harm in some batches and others had minor to moderate harm in the middle batch and then the contaminated batched caused major illness and at time sudden death. Dr McCullough said this discovery suddenly made sense of the fact some escaped harm from the vaccine whilst others suffered moderately or severely.
    May God bless those doing this research and have their findings heard and followed up and may God protect adults and children from harm. may he continue to over rule and heal many also who have been harmed and Governments listen. May the DNA and immune systems of all people be protected also..
    Thankfully, nothing escapes the eyes of our Sovereign God and Creator.

  11. Gail Petherick 5 June 2024 at 11:18 am - Reply

    There have been recent reports on Dr Fauci (June 4pm ) showing that Dr Fauci was asked how he decided what protocols were needed for COVID protection. There was evidence in his emails that he ‘made up’ the protocols like social distancing and mask wearing . No doubt he looked to China’s example of mask wearing and social distancing, lock down and quarantine as well.
    The main point being revealed was that he didn’t consult scientific experts at all and so wrote his own policy ‘on the go’. I was surprised that interview was shown on the mainstream media news with Dr Fauci being cross examined but I saw it and the emails they had found to reveal Dr Fauci’s admission of how he came to these conclusions.
    May these things be examined under God’s light and justice, so the population of the USA (and the West) know what really took place during the early COVID days. Surely there needs to be a thorough review and accountability and lessons learnt.

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