climate change crock

Climate Diplomacy: Rising Sea Levels, or Sinking Credibility?

13 November 2024


Elites do as they please while our energy bills go through the roof.

Most of us realised a long time ago that climate change activism was a circus. What we didn’t realise was just how many clowns were involved.

I learned today that not only do we have a Minister for Climate Change, we also have a Climate Change Ambassador.

Who knew?

Kristen Tilley was appointed by the Albanese Government to conduct “international climate diplomacy” — whatever that means.

It turns out that fighting to lower emissions requires the Climate Change Ambassador to fly all over the world, thereby becoming one of the primary causes of rising emissions.

In order to advocate for lower emissions, Tilley has made 20 international trips in the past two years, racking up a $275,000 travel bill.

I know it’s easy to sit here and judge. But you have to realise that changing the climate doesn’t happen all on its own!

Climate Action

To save the planet, our Climate Change Ambassador has had to spend $27,323 on a 9-day trip to the United States for “New York Climate Week”.

Then there were trips to Malta, Switzerland, Denmark, Belgium, Fiji, the Maldives (of course), Vanuatu, and the United Kingdom, where “London Climate Week” was a must-attend event.

As an aside, why do they never have Bangladesh Climate Week, or Addis Ababa Climate Week?


The Albanese Government has defended Ms Tilley’s role and her jet-setting, saying it would,

“Demonstrate to the world Australia’s resolve to urgently step up the pace of action, and work alongside global partners, particularly in the Pacific, to tackle the climate crisis.”

Judging by the number of stamps on her passport, she has certainly stepped up the pace of action.

Have these people never heard of Zoom? Or a rowboat?

Ah, but it’s about raising awareness, you see. And you can’t put a price on that!

But the government does put a price on carbon.

I fully expect Labor to soon shut down 100 mines and 1000 farms in order to offset their Climate Ambassador’s luxury travel emissions.

Seaside Luxuries

Meanwhile, back at the Climate Activism Circus, other clowns are buying up waterfront property while shouting, “Rising sea levels, rising sea levels”.

A News Limited investigation has found that some of those screeching the loudest about climate change have been so worried by it, that they have bought beachfront property.

Teal Allegra Spender has at least three homes in at-risk waterfront areas of New South Wales.

Western Sydney MP and senior Labor figure Tony Burke has two – in Tasmania.

And Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen also has a property near the ocean, as does Teal Zoe Daniel.

While the PM recently bought a $4m beachfront home, it is on a cliff (his polling has just fallen off one).

Needless to say, I’m not sure any of their waterfront properties are “going under” any time soon.

Their credibility, however…

As usual, the “elites” do as they please, whilst driving up electricity costs for everything and everyone else. And they’re still scratching their heads over the Trump landslide!


Republished with thanks to The James Macpherson Report.

Subscribe to his Substack here for daily witty commentary.
Image courtesy of Pexels.


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  1. James 13 November 2024 at 2:52 pm - Reply

    Doesn’t look like our erstwhile Climate Ambassador will be returning to the USA for the next four years at least!
    Perhaps she could spend the time saved trying to reassure the people of various coastal communities round Australia that the giant sea based windmills given the go-ahead by her political masters won’t be the absolute eyesore they promise to be.
    Will the Liberal Party have the courage to officially come out against them and will they announce that her position will be ended along with that of the Minister for Climate Change, should they win a majority at the next election?

  2. Countess Antonia Maria Violetta Scrivanich 13 November 2024 at 10:54 pm - Reply

    Many historians and scientists who have studied ice cores and ancient historical records from around the World have concluded that the Western Roman Empire fell in the time of Justinian in the 6th century just as he had re-conquered North Africa, etc because of Climate Change caused by volcanic explosions in Iceland which caused darkness over Europe for 100 years. During this period the sun was as pale as the moon. Crops failed and people died of sickness. In the late19th century a similar thing happened when Krakatoa volcano exploded in Indonesia—there was darkness over much of the World. There are many volcanoes exploding in many parts of the World just as I write this . This inevitably leads to Climate Change . Another fact is that in the Pacific Ocean there are the remains of a civilisation which disappeared under the sea long before the Industrial Revolution. I agree with Trump that Climate Change is the biggest Scam, but, I would go further , that it is the biggest in the history of the World , an invention of business leaders and elites to make money by trading in Climate Change Futures (or whatever they are called !) and to tax us to line their pockets. The recent electricity failure in Broken Hill illustrates what is in store for us —an Australia in darkness, which cannot manufacture anything because electricity is too dear , and whose Defence Forces ‘ tanks, planes and ships stop dead because the electricty generated by solar and /or wind which is powering them is insufficient and stops ! As far as we know, the World has never had a population of nearly 9 billion, ie people now living in flood plains , near rivers , or on Pacific atolls which are practically at sea level ! Meanwhile China, India , Russia (which do not believe in Climate Change ) are laughing at us and getting richer while we become aThird World country . China owns Energy Australia and Alinta. The time will come when China will be able to turn off all our power if they choose to do so . Be warned !

  3. Countess Antonia Maria Violetta Scrivanich 14 November 2024 at 8:20 am - Reply

    Latest news is “developing “nation China demands developed countries ( including Australia ) contribute ANNUALLY $ 1.4 trillion to “combat Climate Change “. When will Australian idiots realise “Climate Change “is nothing but a UN Woke Scam to impoverish the West ? Get ready for more taxes like Inheritance tax to pay for this and for the extra 26, 000 plus Public Service jobs in the Climate Change , Environment , Water and similar Departments Labor has created since it came to power. More parasites whose big salaries we must pay for by our taxes who will vote Labor/ Greens at next election. Censorship coming to prevent us knowing how our taxes are being misspent !Love your articles, James . We need a Trump and Elon Musk to Make Australia Great Again !

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