John Vucko

John Vucko (JV) is a Christian, husband, father and grandfather. In 2014, JV became interested in apologetics, Christian doctrine, popular culture and politics, becoming a voracious reader. The madness of the COVID years caused JV to delve more deeply into the causes of things. He has now written over 120 blog articles on many topics that were once considered conspiracy theories and are now simply conspiracies. A decade of researching and writing, coupled with a passion to expose lies and proclaim truth has led JV to this point. JV is unashamed to acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus Christ as he works to expose "deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons." (1 Tim 4:1)

Articles by John Vucko:

  • 18 December 2024

    4.7 MINS

    Consider a future where economic, totalitarian, and religious kingdoms could unite under a King-Maker, steering humanity towards an apocalyptic scenario.

  • 11 December 2024

    8.6 MINS

    There is no doubt that Trump won the White House, the Senate, the House and the Popular Vote. However, the longer counting continues, the smaller the gap in each. What should we make of the King-maker; the Election Industrial Complex?

  • 10 December 2024

    7.6 MINS

    In the ancient Americas, cultures now considered to be highly influential and civilised saw human sacrifice as a necessary part of everyday life. Today, we are told that society is progressive and civilised because women’s "reproductive rights" and bodily autonomy are both supported.

  • 22 November 2024

    5.5 MINS

    Although many oppose unchecked immigration or economic refugees, most would agree that if someone’s life was genuinely in danger, they should be offered asylum. Don’t you agree? I’d like to offer this fact-based depiction of an asylum-seeker’s journey.

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